GO 302.01 Calls for Service Flashcards
A supervisor shall respond to all
priority one assignments
If a member discovers a non-functioning MDT, who shall be notified?
When operating department vehicles as an emergency vehicle, members shall operate at a speed that is…
no greater than 10 miles per hour in excess of the posted or prima facie speed limit (except in vehicle pursuits)
Primary units shall respond directly to..
the reported location of the call
Secondary units shall respond to..
the area of the assignment.
Secondary units shall notify the dispatcher if..
more units are needed and to establish a perimeter
How shall members ensure that on-scene notification is reported to the dispatcher?
By using the MDT, mobile app or by radio
If a call type needs to be changed (i.e. disorderly to theft), the OUC should be notified by what means?
Over the air
Before the check-off sergeant is relieved, he or she must…
contact the dispatcher, by phone over the air, to ensure that all units have properly checked off
How many units are initially dispatched to a 10-33?
Three-two primary units and a supervisor.
Who assigns secondary units for a 10-33?
OUC dispatch.
If a call for service involves a sworn member of MPD or any other law enforcement agency that alleges criminal conduct, the member shall immediately
notify an official who will respond to the scene.
When may a member engage in a foot pursuit?
When there is reasonable suspicion to believe that a subject has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime.
T or F: members may engage in a foot pursuit for “unprovoked flight”
False. Unprovoked flight is just ONE factor to establish reasonable suspicion, but members must be able to articulate other additional factors.
Plain clothes or undercover members engaged in a foot pursuit shall…
notify OUC as soon as practicable that they are in plain clothes and provide their clothing description. They shall also terminate participation in the foot pursuit when uniformed members are joined the pursuit.
When shall a foot pursuit be terminated?
-Danger to the public or member outweighs immediate apprehension
-member loses possession of their firearm or ability to communicate with OUC
-member is unsure of the subject’s location or direction of travel
-subject flees into a building, confined space or wooded/isolated area and the member does not have sufficient backup or containment
-a member or third party is injured and requires immediate assistance and there are no other police or medical personnel available
At the scene of a fire, MPD members are responsible for
traffic control, evacuation of premises, maintaining points of egress, preservation of life and safety
When directing or controlling traffic, members are required to wear
reflective clothing, regardless of the weather or time of day
In cases of arson, suspicious fires, injuries, or death, members shall
request an official and DFS to respond
When shall members complete a report for fire incidents?
-Arson (determined by fire investigator)
-Suspicious fire (determined by fire investigator)
-Fires resulting in injuries or death
-Fires that yield found property
-When directed by an official
If a member observes what he or she believes is a fire code violation, they shall notify
DCFEMS fire liaison officer through OUC. A Fire battalion chief will be assigned to respond to the scene.
If the fire battalion chief in unable to respond to the scene of a potential fire code violation within 30 minutes of notification, the member shall email
CIC, DCRA and DCFEMS prior to the end of their shift and include the address, description of violation and CCN.
If a medical transport escort terminates at hospital outside DC, the MPD escort shall notifty
OUC and an official.
If a medical escort is required beyond DC, who is responsible for contacting the appropriate jurisdiction for assistance?
The OUC dispatcher
When delivering blood or organs outside of DC, members shall…
deliver them to the state line where they will be transferred to a designated Maryland or Virginia authority
If narcan is deployed by MPD or DCFEMS, what classification should be used for the incident report?
If the subject is deceased due to an overdose, the member shall email the CCN of the overdose incident report to the
TIC (Tactical Information Center)
Three or more overdoses in close geographic proximity that could be related is considered a…
mass overdose
In incidents of a fatality or mass overdose, it is important that members…
identify the source of the drugs
In incidents of a fatality or mass overdose, member shall
identify all persons on the scene and their relationship to the subject.
-secure the crime scene and canvas the area for evidence
-Attempt to locate a cellular device, which will be seized as evidence
If an official suspects a mass overdose, he or she shall notify
VCSD Commanding official to determine whether the cases should be classified as a mass overdose
If a mass overdose classification is made, who shall respond to the scene?
The watch commander, who shall document all CCNs and personnel on scene and email it to the TIC
For Noise at Night, during which times must the noise occur?
Between 10pm and 7am
Prior to making a custodial arrest for disorderly conduct (noise at night), the member must..
call an official (LT or above) to the scene.
Prior to making a custodial or non-custodial arrest for noise at night, the member shall
give a warning and provide a reasonable amount of time to comply
Members may assist in the service of barring notices by
acting as a witness and maintaining the peace