GO 301.03 Vehicle Pursuits Flashcards
In order to engage in a vehicle pursuit, a member must actually and reasonably believe..
-the fleeing suspect has committed or attempted to commit a crime of violence or poses an immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury to another person
-the pursuit is immediately necessary to protect another person (other than the fleeing suspect) from the threat of serious bodily injury or death AND not likely to cause death or serious bodily injury to any person
-AND all other options have been exhausted or do not reasonable lend themselves to the circumstances
Monitoring officials, during a vehicle pursuit, shall..
continually evaluate and assess the actual conditions of the pursuit in deciding whether to continue
What are some circumstances that may be taken into consideration in a grand jury, criminal, delinquency, or civil proceeding for a vehicle pursuit?
-Whether the identity of the suspect was known
-Whether the suspect could have been apprehended at a later time
-likelihood of a person (including fleeing vehicle’s occupants) of being endangered by the pursuit (type of area, time of day, amount of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, speed of pursuit, etc)
-Availability of other means to apprehend or track the fleeing suspect (i.e. helicopters)
-Circumstances that may have arisen during the pursuit that rendered the pursuit futile (i.e. lost sight of vehicle)or would have prolonged the pursuit for an unreasonable time or distance.
-Whether the member’s vehicle sustained damage or mechanical failure rendering it unsafe
-whether the member was directed to terminate the pursuit
-the member’s training and experience
-whether anyone in the fleeing vehicle appeared to be possess a dangerous weapon and was afforded an opportunity to comply with an order to surrender the weapon(s)
-whether the member engaged in de-escalation measures
-whether conduct by the member PRIOR to the pursuit unreasonably increased the risk of a confrontation resulting in the pursuit
-whether the member made all reasonable efforts to prevent harm, including abandoning efforts to apprehend the suspect
T or F: Member can ram during a pursuit
False. Ramming is prohibited
Any pursuit involving ramming will be investigated as…
a deadly use of force by IAD
Any vehicle pursuit involving roadblocks will be investigated as…
serious use of force by IAD
T or F: A roadblock may be used in cases involving imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury when no other options are feasible
Boxing-in, caravanning, use of a tire deflation device and/or paralleling will be investigated as
serious uses of force by IAD.
T or F: members may participate in vehicle pursuits initiated by other law enforcement agencies operating within DC
T or F: members may participate in vehicle pursuits initiated by officers of outside jurisdictions that enter or terminates in DC
T or F: If a vehicle pursuit is not authorized, members may still pursue on foot or mountain bike
If a member is engaged in a vehicle pursuit, they must…
advise the dispatcher where the pursuit was initiated and articulate the reason for the pursuit
A monitoring official for a vehicle pursuit must be of what rank (or above)?
How many units are authorized to be in a vehicle pursuit?
3-primary, secondary and supervisor
Who can authorize additional units in a vehicle pursuit?
The Watch Commander
members engaged in a vehicle pursuit shall operate their department vehicles as
emergency vehicles
During a vehicle pursuit, members are required to…
-activate their emergency equipment and turn on their headlights, ensure seatbelts are fastened
-open both front windows
only travel at a speed that is justifiable based on the specific circumstances and conditions
-maintain a safe distance between their vehicle and fleeing vehicle
-comply with traffic regulations for emergency vehicles (stop before entering intersections with red signals or stop signs, slow to max speed limit in an intersection)
If an unmarked unit is involved in a pursuit, once a marked unit joins, shall…
discontinue their participation, continue to monitor the pursuit, and proceed to the termination point if needed.
The primary unit in a pursuit shall use which siren position?
The secondary unit in a pursuit shall use which siren position?
Who can approve or disapprove pursuits that enter into another jurisdiction?
The watch commander (or monitoring official)
If a traffic crash occurs during a vehicle pursuit, who will handle the report?
The secondary unit shall disengage and provide assistance and handle any reports.
T or F: The Watch Commander or monitoring official shall respond to all scenes where injury and property damage occur as a result of a vehicle prusuit
Who has primary responsibility for investigating vehicle pursuits involving a fatality within DC?
Major Crash and IAD