Muscles of the Face Flashcards
What is the forehead region called?
Epicranius Occipitofrontalis
Characteristics of the muscles of facial expression
- All paired muscles in the superficial fascia of the face
- Origin/insertion bones to superficial fascia
- Action: Various combinations vary appearance of face
Embryonic development of muscles of facial expression
Second brachial/ Pharyngeal Arch/ Hyoid Arch
Innervation of muscles of facial expression
Facial Nerve- VII cranial nerve
Action of Epicranius Occipitofrontalis
Surprise expression, raising eyebrows and scalp
Origin of epicranius occipitofrontalis
Frontal belly: epicranial aponeurosis (scalp tendon)
Insertion of Epicranius occipitofrontalis
Skin tissue of eyebrows and root of nose
Action of Orbicularis Occuli (eye region)
Palpebral- gently closes eyelid
Orbital- forcefully closes eyelid
Origin of orbicularis occuli
Orbital rim, nasal process of frontal bone & frontal process of maxillary bone
Insertion of orbicularis occuli
Skin tissue: lateral region of eye and some fibers encircle the eye
Action of Corrugator subercilii
Between eyebrows
Eyebrows pulled together and down
Origin of corrugator supercilii
Frontal bone, supraorbital region
Insertion of corrugator supercilii
Superolateral into skin of eyebrow
Action of Orbicularis Oris (around mouth)
Closes the lips, pursing lips, pucker, kiss
Origin of orbicularis oris
encircle the mouth
Insertion of Orbicularis Oris
Angle of the mouth, upper lip into ridge of philtrum
Action of buccinator
Compresses cheek, pushes food on teeth during chewing
Origin of buccinator
Alveolar process of the maxilla, mandible and pterygomandibular fold (raphe)
Action of risorius
Retracts angle of mouth, grimace or wide smile
Origin of risorius
Fascia superficial to masseter muscle
Insertion of risorius
Skin tissue at angle of mouth
Action of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Elevates upper lip and dilates nostrils
Origin of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Frontal process of maxilla
Insertion of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Skin tissue of nasal alae and upper lip
Action of levator labii superioris
Elevates upper lip
Origin of levator labii superioris
Infraorbital rim of maxilla
Insertion of levator labii superioris
Skin tissue of upper lip
Acton of zygomaticus minor
Raising upper lip
Origin of zygomaticus minor
zygomatic bone
Insertion of zygomaticus minor
skin tissue of upper lip
Action of levator anguli oris
Elevates angle of mouth
Origin of levator anguli oris
canine fossa of maxilla
Insertion of levator anguli oris
Skin at angle of the mouth
Action fo zygomaticus major
Elevates angle of upper lip
Origin of zygomaticus major
Zygomatic bone
Insertion of zygomaticus major
skin tissue at angle of the mouth
Action of depressor labii inferioris
Draws lower lip down, exposes lower incisors
Origin of depressor labii inferioris
Lower border of mandible
Insertion of depressor labii inferioris
Skin tissue of lower lip
Action of depressor anguli oris
Depresses angle of mouth
Origin of depressor anguli oris
Lower border of mandible
Insertion of depressor anguli oris
skin tissue at angle of mouth
Action of the mentalis
Raises skin of chin, protrudes lower lip
Origin of mentalis
Mandible near midline
Insertion of mentalis
skin tissue of chin
Action of platysma
Raises skin of the neck, pulls corners of mouth down, grimace
Origin of platysma
skin tissue superficial to clavicle and shoulder
Insertion of platysma
lower border of mandible and muscles surrounding the mouth