Muscles Flashcards
Review: What are the three types of skeletal muscle?
- Smooth 2. Cardiac 3. Skeletal
What is the primary function of smooth muscle?
Move substances through by pulsations
Name a few characteristics of smooth muscle. [3]
unstriated, involuntary, visceral(makes up hollow organs)
What is the primary function of cardiac muscle?
Pump blood
What are a few characteristics of cardiac muscle?
Pseudostriated, involuntary, visceral (makes up hollow organs)
What are some characteristics of skeletal muscle?
Striated, voluntary, somatic (located in body walls/limbs)
What is the function of skeletal muscle?
Movement/Stabilization of bones and structures(eyeball)
What are the five characteristics that go into naming a muscle?
- shape 2. location 3. Fiber direction 4. Action 5. Attachment Sites
What are the seven shapes of muscles?
- Flat 2. Pennate 3. Fusiform 4. Convergent 5. Quadrate 6. Circular/Sphincteral 7. Multiheaded/Multibellied
What does a flat muscle indicate about its shape?
Muscles fibers are parallel to its tendons
What muscle shape is feather-like in arrangement of fascicles?
What characteristic indicates the muscle fibers only on one side of the tendon?
What characteristic indicates the muscle fibers are on two sides of the tendon?
What characteristic indicates the muscle fibers are on multiple sides of the tendon?
Name a unipennate muscle.
Extensor digitorum longus
Name a bipennate muscle.
rectus femoris
Name a multipennate muscle.
What does a fusiform shaped muscle indicate?
Spindle shaped w. round thick belly(s) and tapered ends
Give an example of a fusiform muscle.
Biceps Brachii
Give an example of a flat muscle.
External Oblique
What muscle shape arises from a broad area and joins to form a single tendon?
Name a type of convergent muscle.
Pectoralis Major
A Quadrate muscle indicates what about its shape?
Has 4 equal sides
Name an example of a quadrate muscle.
Rectus Abdominus
What type of muscle surrounds a body opening/orifice?
Name a type of circular/sphincteral muscle.
Orbicularis Occuli
What type of muscle indicates it has more than one head/belly.
Name a type of multiheaded/multibellied muscle.
Triceps Brachii
What is the functional unit of a muscle?
Motor Unit
What two things make up the motor unit?
Motor Neuron and Muscle Fibers
What are the two types of contraction?
Isotonic and Isometric
What is an isometric contraction?
Muscle length remains unchanged but force is increased to maintain gravity/antagonistic force
What is an isotonic contraction?
A muscle changes length in relationship to movement production
What are the two movements that make up a isotonic movement?
Concentric and Eccentric
What is a concentric movement?
Muscle shortens as it contracts
What is an eccentric movement?
A muscle lengthens as it releases its contraction
What is a synergist?
A muscle the complements the action of the prime mover.
What are some variations that can occur with muscles?
Atrophy, Hypertrophy, Paralysis, Soreness, Pull, hyperplasia of Smooth Muscle, Hypertrophy of CM - MI
What are three ways to test muscle strength?
- EMG 2. Pt resist clinician movement 3. Clinician resist pt movement