muscle charts (head/neck/thorax) COPY COPY Flashcards
rectus capitis posterior major
- attachments: spinous process C2 > lateral aspect inferior nuchal line
- function: extension, ipsilateral rotation
- innervation: suboccipital n.

rectus capitis posterior minor
- attachments: tubercle on posterior arch C1 > medial aspect inferior nuchal line
- function: extension
- innervation: suboccipital n.

obliquus capitis inferior (inferior oblique)
- attachments: spinous process C2 > transverse process C1
- function: ipsilateral rotation
- innervation: suboccipital n.

obliquus capitis superior (superior oblique)
- attachments: transverse process C1 > area between superior and inferior nuchal lines on occipital bone
- function: extension, lateral flexion
- innervation: suboccipital n.

anterior digastric
- attachments: digastric foss of mandible > intermediate tendon
- greater cornu of hyoid, inferior border of mandible near sumphysis > intermediate tendon and body and cornu of hyoid
- action: depression of mandible, elevation of hyoid
- innervation: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (from CN V3)
- suprahyoid

posterior digastric
- attachments: temporal mastoid notch > intermediate tendon
- greater cornu of hyoid, mastoid process > intermediate tenon and body and cornu of hyoid
- action: depression of mandible, elevation of hyoid
- innervation: facial n. (CN VII)
- suprahyoid

- attachments: inferior genial tubercle of mandible > anterior aspect of body of hyoid
- median ridge of mandible > body of hyoid
- action: elevation of tongue and hyoid, depression of mandible
- innervatoin: ventral ramus of C1 via CN XII
- suprahyoid

longus capitis
- attachments: anterior tubercle of transverse processes of cervical vertebrae > basilar occipital bone
- action: flexion of head and neck (bilateral), ipsilateral rotation (unilateral)
- innervation: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C1-3)

longus colli (L. neck)
- attachments: cervical vertebral bodies > cervical vertebral bodies and transverse processes
- actoin: flexion/lateral flexion of neck, ipsilateral rotation
- innervation: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C2-7)

- attachments: mylohyoid line of mandible > midline rache and anterior aspect of hyoid
- function: elevation of floor of oral cavity
- innervation: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n. (from CN V3)
- suprahyoid

omohyoid (G. omos, shoulder)
- attachments: superior border of scapula medial to scapular notch > lateral aspect of hyoid, passing through intermediate tendon sling loosely associated with clavicle and first rib
- actions: depression of hyoid
- innervation: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
- infrahyoid

anterior scalene
- attachments: anterior tubercles of middle cervical vertebrae > scalene tubercle of 1st rib
- action: elevation of first rib in forced inspiration, flexion/lateral flexion/contralateral rotation of neck
- innervation: lower ventral rami of cervical spinal n.

middle scalene
- attachments: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae > first rib
- action: elevation of first rib in forced inspiration, lateral flexion/contralateral rotation of neck
- innervation: lower ventral rami of cervical spinal n.

posterior scalene
- attachments: lower cervical transverse processes > 2nd rib
- action: elevation of rib in forced inspiration, lateral flexion/contralateral rotation of neck
- innervation: ventral rami of cervical spinal n. (C6-8)

- attachments: lateral aspect of mastoid process, superior nuchal line > manubrium, medial 2/3 of clavicle
- action: flexion/ipsilateral lateral flexion/extension of head and neck, contralateral rotation of head
- innervation: accessory n. (CN XI), C1-2

- attachments: posterior side of proximal clavicle, adjacent manubrium > inferior border of body of hyoid
- action: depresses hyoid
- innervation: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
- infrahyoid

- attachments: posterior aspect of manubrium, costal cartilage of first rib > thyroid lamina
- action: depression of elevated larynx
- innervation: ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
- infrahyoid

- attachments: styloid process of temporal bone > greater cornu of hyoid bone
- action: elevation/retraction of hyoid
- innervation: facial n. (CN VII)
- suprahyoid

- attachments: thyroid lamina > greater horn of hyoid bone
- actions: depresses hyoid, elevation of thyroid cartilage
- innervation: ventral ramus of C1 via XII
- infrahyoid

buccinator (L. bucca, cheek)
- attachments: alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygoid hamulus and pterygomandibular raphe > angle of mouth
- action: compresses cheek
- innervation: buccal branch of facial n.

depressor anguli oris
- attachments: mandible > angle of mouth
- action: depresses buccal angle laterally
- innervation: buccal and mandibular branch of facial n.

- attachments: superficial fascia of eyebrows > epicranial aponeurosis
- actions: protracts scalps, elevates eyebrows and nose
- innervation: temporal branch of facial n.

levator labii superioris
- attachments: inferior orbital margin > lateral aspect of upper lip
- action: raises and everts upper lip
- innervation: buccal and zygomatic branches of facial n.

- attachments: maxilla (lateral and inferior to nasal notch) > bridge and ala of nose
- action: transverse fibers compress, alar fibers wide nasal aperature
- innervation: buccal branch of facial n.

orbicularis oculi
- attachments: orbital margin and medial palpebral ligament > superficial fascia of eyelid
- action: palpebral sphincter (closes eyes)
- innervation: temporal and zygomatic branches of facial n.

orbicularis oris
- attachments: angle of mouth > superficial fascia of upper lip
- action: oral sphincter (closes mouth)
- innervation: buccal and mandibular branches of facial n.

platysma (G. platys, flat, broad)
- attachments: lower border of mandible > superficial fascia of skin of neck overlying clavicle
- action: wrinkles anterior nuchal skin
- innervation: cervical branch of facial n.

zygomaticus major (G. zygon, yoke, joining or pair)
- attachments: zygomatic bone > angle of mouth
- action: raises angle of mouth
- innvervation: buccal and zygomatic branches of facial n.

inferior oblique
- innervation: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.

inferior rectus
- innervation: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.

levator palpebrae superioris
- superior ramus of oculomotor n.

medial rectus
- innervation: inferior ramus of oculomotor n.

superior rectus
- innervation: suprior ramus of oculomotor n.

lateral rectus
- innervation: abducens n.

superior oblique
- innervation: trochlear n.

- attachments: zygomatic arch > angle of mandible, lateral aspect of ramus
- action: elevation, protraction, retraction (deep fibers) of mandible
- innervatoin: mandibular nerve (from trigeminal n.)

- attachments: temporal fossa > coronoid process, anterior border of ramus of mandible
- action: elevation and retraction (posterior aspect of muscle) of mandible
- innervation: mandibular nerve (from trigeminal n.)

lateral pterygoid
- attachments: infratemporal surface of spheroid, lateral surface of terygoid plate > neck of mandible, TMJ disc
- action: depresses mandible, protracts and acts with ipsilateral medial pterygoid to rotate mandible to roduce side-to-side movements in chewing
- innervation: mandibular nerve (V3)

medial pterygoid
- attachments: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate, adjacent maxilla > medial aspect of angle of mandible
- action: elevation of mandible, acts with ipsilateral pterygoid to rotate mandible for side-to-side movements of food
- innervation: mandibular nerve (from trigeminal n.)

splenius capitis (G. splenion, bandage)
- attachments: ligamentum nuchae, lower cervical and upper thoracic spinous processes > lateral third of superior nuchal line
- action: extension, lateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation of head
- innervation: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.

longissimus capitis
- attachments: upper thoracic transverse processes > posterior margin of mastoid process
- action: extension, lateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation of head
- innervation: dorsal rami of spinal n.

semispinalis capitis
- attachments: upper thoracic and cervical spinous processes > occipital bone between inferior and superior nuchal lines
- actions: extension, contralateral rotation of head
- innervation: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.

external intercostal
- attachments: rib > rib
- oriented from superior-lateral to inferior-medial (down and in)
- action: elevation of ribs
- innervation: intercostal nerve
- segmental

internal/innermost intercostal
- attachments: rib > rib
- oriented from superior-medial to inferior-lateral (down and out)
- action: depression of ribs
- innervation: intercostal n.
- segmental

transversus thoracis
- attachments: posterior sternum > costal cartilages
- action: depression of ribs
- innervation: intercostal nn.
- segmental

- attachments: xiphoid process, inner surface of lower ribs, costal cartilages, lumbar vertebrae (crura) > central tendon
- action: inspiration
- negative thoracic pressure by inferior displacement
- innervation: phrenic nerve
- C3-5