anatomy final LOs Flashcards
anatomical snuffbox
- boundaries
- dorsal: extensor pollicis longus (EPL)
- 3rd extensor compartment
- volar: abductor pollicis longus (APL) and extensor pollicis brevis (EPB)
- 1st extensor compartment
- dorsal: extensor pollicis longus (EPL)
- contens
- scaphoid bone of wrist is floor of anatomical snuff box: most commonly fractured bone in wrist

cerebral arterial circle
- vertebral arteries
- anterior spinal artery
- posterior inferior cerebellar arteries (PICA)
- basilar artery
- anterior inferior cerebellar arteries (AICA)
- pontine arteries
- superior cerebellar arteries
components of CAC
- posterior cerebral arteries (PCA)
- posterior communicating arteries
- internal carotid arteries
- middle cerebral arteries (MCA)
- anterior cerebral arteries (ACA)
- anterior communicating arteries

blood flow through chambers and valves of heart
- right atrium
- tricuspid/right atrioventricular valve
- right ventricle
- pulmonary semilunar valve
- pulmonary trunk
- pulmonary arteries
- lungs
- pulmonary veins
- left atrium
- left atrioventricular/mitral valve
- left ventricle
- ascending aorta/aortic arch

branching of coronary arteries on heart surface
- right coronary artery
- SA nodal
- atrial rami
- right marginal branch
- posterior interventricular branch
- left coronary artery
- anterior interventricular branch
- atrial rami
- left marginal branch (left anterior descending)
- circumflex branch

dural venous sinus drainage
- superior and inferior sagittal sinuses connected by straight sinus
- great cerebral vein
- transverse sinus to sigmoid sinus through jugular foramen to internal jugular vein
- pterygoid plexus through emmissaries to cavernous sinus
- opthalmics to cavnerous sinus through jugular foramen through superior and inferior petrosal sinuses

clinically relevant sites on dermatome maps
- C5: deltoid tuberosity
- C6: thumb
- C8: pinky
- T1: median aspect forearm
- T4: nipple
- T6: skin over xiphoid
- T10: umbilicus
- L4: big toe
- S1: pinky toe
lower extremity cutaneous nerve fields
- perforating cutaenous: middle butt
- lateral femoral cutaneous: lateral thigh
- posterior cutaneous of thigh: posterior thigh
- obturator: distal medial thigh
- saphenous: medial leg
- sural/klateral sural: lateral leg
- sural/superficial fibular: lateral foot
- deep fibular: flipflop area between big and second toes

cutaneous nerve fields of face
- apex of skull to lower eyelid, top of nose: trigeminal, ophthalmic
- supra-orbital, supratrochlear, infratrochlear, lacrimal, external nasal
- temporal region, cheek bones, sides of nose, upper lip: trigeminal, maxillary
- zygomatico-temporal, zygomaticofacial, infra-orbital
- front of ear, sides of face, jaw line: trigeminal, mandibular
- auriculotemporal, buccal, mental
- sides of neck, psoterior ear: anterior rami great auricular (C2, C3)
- back of head: greater occipital (C3)

meningeal coverings of the central nervous system
- dura mater: infolding creates falx cerebri
- periosteal: against the skull
- meningeal: divides cerebellum
- arachnoid mater
- pia mater: bonded to CNS

genu valgum
- “coxa vara”
- knock-knee
- decreased level angle of inclination (<125)

genu varum
- coxa valga
- increased angle of inclination (>125)
- bow-legged

- increased angle of torsion
- pigion toed

- decreased angle of torsion
- duck feet

autonomic ganglion
- oculomotor: ciliary ganglion
- facial: pterygopalatine, submandibular
- glossopharyngeal: otic
- vagus: neurons in/near viscera
oculomotor autonomic innervation
- ciliary ganglion
- ciliary bodies/muscle (lens accomodation)
- sphincter pupillae of iris (constriction)

facial autonomic innervation
- pterygopalatine, submandibular (cry, snot, spit)
- lacrimal mucosa glands of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses
- roof of mouth, soft palate, nasopharynx
- submandibular and sublingual glands

glossopharyngeal autonomic innervation
- otic
- parotid gland

vagus autonomic innervation
- neurons in/near viscera
- smooth muscle viscera up to splenic flexure

thoracolumbar fascia
- psoas major, iliacus, transverse abdominus, internal/external oblique, latissimus dorsi
- anterior layer
- quadratus lumborum
- middle layer
- erector spinae
- posterior layer

glenohumeral joint dislocation
- anterior (95%)
- inferior joint capsule not reinforced by rotator cuff or ligaments
- vulnerable when arm is in abduction
radial head dislocation
- Nurse Maid’s Elbow
- pediatric
- radial head subluxation from annular ligament
hip and femoral head dislocation
- posterior dislocation outnumbers anterior dislocation 9:1
- most often in motor vehicle accidents from pressure on distal femur
- injures posterior acetabulum/labrum and (most critically) sciatic nerves
intervertebral disc herniation
- nucleus pulposus leaks from anulus fibrosus posterolaterally
- generally affects nerve below the herniation
- can cause Trendelenburg gait if affecting superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
surface anatomy of right lung
- 3 lobes
- superior, middle, inferior
- 2 fissures
- horizontal, oblique
- pulmonary arteries anterior to primary bronchus
surface anatomy of left lung
- 2 lobes
- superior, inferior
- 1 fissure
- oblique
- lingula
- pulmonary arteries superior to primary bronchus
layers of the heart
- fibrous pericardium, parietal pericardium, visceral pericardium (epicardium), myocardium, endocardium
- parietal + visceral = serous pericardium
- epicardium + myocardium + endocardium = heart
surface features of heart
- right auricle on right atrium
- coronary sulcus running under right atrium
- right ventricle
- left auricle on left atrium
- coronary sinus in coronary sulcus under left atrium
- left ventricle
- anterior interventricular sulcus
- cardiac apex
- pulmonary arteries (2) and veins (4) on posterior inferior to aortic arch

right atrium internal features
- interatrial septum
- fossa ovalis
- valved orifice of IVC and coronary sinus (drains heart surface)
- crista terminalis (wherepectinate meets interatrial septum)
- pectinate muscle (rough)

right ventricle internal features
- right AV valve/tricuspid
- chordae tendineae
- anterior papillary muscles
- 3: anterior, posterior, septal
- septomarginal trabeculae
- trabeculae carneae (rugated)
- supraventricular crest
- conus arteriosus
- pulmonary trunk

left atrium and ventricle internal features
- left atrium
- valve of foramen ovale
- interatrial septum
- pectinate septum
- left ventricle
- mitral valve (left AV)
- papillary muscles
- 2: anterior, posterior
- trabeculae carneae

remnants of fetal circulation
- ligamentum arteriosum: ductus arteriosus in fetal circulation
- shunts blood from pulmonary trunk to arch of aorta
- fossa ovalis: foramen ovale in fetal circulation
- blood from right to left atrium