Murcia Flashcards
Murcia is bordered by?
E: Valencia
NW: Castilla-La Mancha
SW: Andalucía
S: Mediterranean 170km
How many provinces in Murcia?
(one of seven uniprovincial autonomous communities in Spain)
Capital, largest city in Murcia?
Murcia (441k 30%)
Climate of Murcia?
At the coast: Mediterranean
Becoming more continental inland
What are summer and winter temperatures like in Murcia?
hot summer inland (max 40ºC)
mild winter at coast (>10ºC) while cold inland (<6ºC)
Murcia rainfall? When?
Low (300-350 mm) mostly spring/autumn
Weather hazards in Murcia?
Summer drought
Autumn hailstorms
Torrential downpours
Which mountain range bisects Murcia?
Cordillera Prebética
30% of Murcia has elevation higher than…?
Highest peak in Murcia?
In which range?
Bonus: in which sector?
Pico del Obispo 2,014m
Cordillera Prebética
Macizo de Revolcadores
Name the high plateau in Murcia containing some of the best vineyards. How high?
Altiplano de Jumilla-Yecla
reaching 800m
Name the two main rivers in Murcia. Which mountain range do they flow from, into which sea?
Sistema Bético to Mediterranean
Murcia’s soils are mostly what? Why can it be difficult to work with?
Some has a topsoil of clay and sand that has to be broken mechanically
Are Murcia’s wines mostly red or white? Main grape?
Where is Monastrell thought to be native to?
Valencia in Spain
thin or thick skinned?
early or late ripening?
frost prone or resistant?
drought prone or resistant?
thick skin
late ripening
frost resistant
drought resistant
In areas of continental climate in Murcia, Monastrell is often blended with…?
Garnacha Tintorera
Name some grapes used in Murcia, in small quantities, to add complexity and/or tame Monastrell’s aggressive character.
Garnacha Tinta
Garnacha Tintorera
Cabernet Sauvignon
Is much white wine made in Murcia? Which grapes?
Only a small amount.