Fundamentals: mountains and rivers Flashcards
What is either side of the Cordillera Cantábrica?
Bay of Biscay
La Meseta
Which mountain range contains the source of the Ebro river?
Cordillera Cantábrica
Which mountain range contains the source of the Duero river?
Sierra de la Demanda
(in Sistema Ibérico)
Which mountain range separates the northern and southern Meseta?
Sistema Central
Which mountain ranges are either side of the Tajo river?
N: Sierra de Gredos, Sierra de Guadarrama (in Sistema Central)
S: Sierra de Guadalupe, Montes de Toledo
Which rivers are either side of the Sierra de Guadalupe and Montes de Toledo?
N: Tajo
S: Guadiana
Which mountain ranges are either side of the Guadiana river?
N: Sierra de Guadalupe, Montes de Toledo
S: Sierra Morena
Which rivers are either side of the Sierra Morena?
N: Guadiana
S: Guadalquivir
Which mountain ranges are either side of the Guadalquivir river?
N: Sierra Morena
S: Sistema Bético
Which mountain range is the source of both the Tajo river (which flows into the Atlantic), and the Júcar river (which flows into the Mediterranean Sea)?
Sistema Ibérico
Which major mountain ranges are either side of the Júcar river?
NE: Sistema Ibérico
SW: Sistema Bético
Which rivers flowing into the Mediterranean Sea are either side of the Sistema Ibérico?
NE: Ebro
SW: Júcar
Which mountain ranges are either side of the Ebro River Basin?
N: Pirineos
S: Sistema Ibérico
Which mountains does the Miño river flow through?
Macizo Galaico
In which mountain range is the highest peak in mainland Spain? Name it.
Cordillera Penibética
Pico de Mulhacén (3,479m)
Name the highest peak in the Pirineos
Pico de Aneto (3,404m)
Where is the highest peak in Spain, and what is it called?
Pico del Teide (3,718m)
In which major mountain range are the Picos de Europa?
Cordillera Cantábrica
Which mountain range separates the Meseta from El Valle de Ebro?
Sistema Ibérico
Which two mountain ranges are in the Sistema Central? Which has the highest peak, and what is it called?
Sierra de Gredos
contains Pico Almanzor (2,591m)
Sierra de Guadarrama
Which mountain range runs down the Catalan coast?
Cordilleras Costero-Catalanas
Name the three ranges within the Sistema Bético, and the fourth range within one
Cordillera Prebética
Cordillera Subbética
Cordillera Penibética
contains Sierra Nevada
Which mountain ranges are either side of the fertile Andalusian Plain, and which river it at its heart?
N: Sierra Morena
S: Sistema Bético
Guadalquivir river
The Macizo Galaico comprises which three mountain ranges?
Serra do Eixe
Serra da Enciña da Lastra
Serra do Courel
Name the bodies of water next to these Rías Baixas subzones:
Val do Salnés
Condado do Tea
O Rosal
Ribeira do Ulla
Umia river
Miño river
Miño river
Ría de Vigo
Ulla river
Which DO in Rías Baixas contains both the Miño and Sil rivers?
DO Ribeira Sacra
Name the three rivers in DO Ribeiro in Rías Baixas
Which DO in Rías Baixas is on the Sil river only?
DO Valdeorras
What are the mountains in País Vasco called, and which larger mountain range are they part of?
Montes Vascos
E section of Cordillera Cantábrica
Which autonomous community contains most of the Duero river?
Castilla y León
Name the mountain ranges that surround the Duero River Basin - the largest on the Iberian Peninsula.
NW: Montes de León
N: Cordillera Cantábrica
E: Sistema Ibérico
S: Sistema Central
Which river flows through DO Cigales, and where does it go?
Pisuerga river
Second largest tributary to the Duero
Which mountain ranges border Rioja?
N: Montes Obarenes, Sierra de Toloño (part of Sierra de Cantabria)
S: Sierra de la Demanda (W end of Sistema Ibérico), Sierra de Cameros
Rioja is known as the ‘Zone of the Seven Valleys’. Name the seven tributaries to the Ebro there.
Name the two mountain ranges that border Navarra to the north, and the highest peak
Montes Vascos
Mesa de los Tres Reyes
Name the three main tributaries to the Ebro in Navarra. Which subzone contains all three?
subzone Ribera Alta
In which autonomous community and province is the highest peak in the Pirineos? What is the peak called?
Aragón, Huesca province
Pico de Aneto (3,404m)
Name five tributaries to the Ebro in Aragón. Which flow through:
DO Calatayud?
DO Cariñena?
Jalón (DO Calatayud)
Huerva (DO Cariñena)
Name the highest peak in Cataluña
Pica d’Estats (3,143m)
Subdivide the Cordilleras Costero-Catalanas. Which is nearer the coast? Which is higher?
Cordillera Litoral (nearer coast, 763m)
Cordillera Prelitoral (1,712m)
Name two rivers that drain from the Pirineos into the Mediterranean. Which is longer? Which is navigable?
Ter (208 km)
Llobregat (170 km)
Both navigable (as is the Ebro)
Which 3 mountain ranges and 2 rivers fall within DO Montsant in Cataluña?
Which are in DOQ Priorat?
N: Serra de Montsant (part of Cordillera Prelitoral, also DOQ Priorat)
W: Serra de La Figuera
SE: Serra de Llaberia
Siurana river (also DOQ Priorat)
Montsant river
Which two mountain ranges terminate in the Comunidad Valenciana?
Sistema Ibérico
Sistema Bético
Name the two main rivers flowing through the Comunidad Valenciana to the Mediterranean Sea. In which region is their source, and which province do they flow through?
Júcar, Castilla-La Mancha, Valencia
Segura, Andalucía, Alicante
Which mountain range runs through Murcia?
Highest peak?
In which sector?
Cordillera Prebética
Pico del Obispo (2,014m)
Macizo de Revolcadores
What is the name of the high plain in Murcia? What does it lie between? Elevation?
Altiplano de Jumilla-Yecla
Meseta and Mediterranean Sea
Up to 800m
What are the two principal rivers of Murcia?
Which DOs do they touch?
DO Bullas
DO Jumilla (in Castilla-La Mancha)
Which mountain ranges surround Castilla-La Mancha?
N: Sistema Central, Sistema Ibérico
S: Sierra Morena, Sistema Bético
W: Montes de Toledo (bisects part of Castilla-La Mancha)
E: flatter land bordering Valencia
Which four main rivers flow through Castilla-La Mancha, and where do they eventually empty?
Tajo (Atlantic)
Guadiana (Atlantic)
Júcar (Mediterranean)
Segura (Mediterranean)
Which two rivers frame DO Manchuela in Castilla-La Mancha?
DO Valdepeñas:
Which river flows through?
Which mountain range blocks any moderating influence from the Mediterranean?
Sierra Morena
Comunidad de Madrid: which topographical features run along its northern and southern borders?
N: Sierra de Guadarrama (E part of Sistema Central), part of Sierra de Gredos
S: Tajo river
Which six tributaries flow from the Sistema Central to feed the Tajo river, in Comunidad de Madrid?
Are they navigable?
Guadarrama (bisects Navalcarnero subzone)
Not navigable (gorges, waterfalls)
Which mountains border and enter Extremadura? Highest peak?
Bordering Extremadura:
N: Sistema Central (Calvitero, 2,404m)
S: Sierra Morena
In Extremadura:
EC: Sierras Centrales Extremeñas
The Sierras Centrales Extremeñas range in east-central Extremadura has a named range within it. What are its two alternative names?
What is it a western extension of?
Sierra de Villuercas
Sierra de Guadalupe
W end of Montes de Toledo
Two main rivers flow through which provinces of Extremadura?
Tajo (Cáceres)
Guadiana (Badajoz)
Which major mountain ranges border or enter Andalucía?
N border: Sierra Morena
In S: Sistema Bético
Name 5 rivers crossing Andalucía to empty into the Atlantic
Name 5 shorter rivers flowing from the Sistema Bético to the Mediterranean Sea in Andalucía
Which major rivers flow through sherry country?
Which two rivers delineate DO Montilla-Moriles?
NE: Guadajoz
SW: Genil
Las Islas Baleares are an extension of which mountain range of mainland Spain? What are they called on Mallorca? Highest peak?
Sistems Bético
Serra de Tramuntana
Puig Major (1,445m)
Name the only river on Las Islas Baleares. Which island?
Santa Eulalia River
Most islands in Las Islas Canarias ascend directly from the ocean floor. Which main ones don’t, and what do they rise from?
They sit on an undersea plateau called the Canary Ridge
Which islands in Las Islas Canarias have volcanoes that have been active since 15C? Which eruption created a unique soil type?
Lanzarote (lapilli, 1730-36)
La Palma
El Hierro