Motor Learning Chapter 6 Flashcards
Fits law states that:
- As speed increases: accuracy declines
- as movement time increases, so does movement difficulty
Errors increase with:
- increase in movement distance
- increase in movement time
fitts law states that movement time (MT) is constant whenever:
the ratio of the movement amplitude (A) to target width (W) remains constant.
Speed accuracy trade off states that:
- characteristics of motor skill in which the speed of the movement is influenced by accuracy demands
- essentially individuals substitute accuracy for speed or speed for accuracy
Linear speed-accuracy trade-off states that:
-Increases in movement distance and decreases in mt can be traded off with each other to maintain movement accuracy
closed loop control is more ______ and has more time for correction
open loop control is faster and less _____
What then are the sources of error in quick movements?
system noise
The characteristics of noise are:
- System noise (inconsistency/ variability) -> processing of CNS
- When signals are not perfect, they’re often times a source of noise.
- CNS -> nerve impulse into motor activation
- more muscle contraction -generates more noise (up to 50-70%)
- increase in number of muscles generates more movement noise
- if too many or too few motor units are recruited= error
- unintended reflexes can also be a source of error
what are the two speed accuracy trade-off expectations?
- Timing accuracy
- Spatial accuracy
Timing accuracy:
accuracy required of rapid movements in which accuracy of the movement time is important to the performance
Spatial accuracy:
accuracy of aiming movements in which spatial position of the movement’s end point is important to performance
rapid striking tasks speed up:
movement errors
speeding movement errors results in :
time timing errors and spatial errors
Bimanual Fitts tasks:
both limbs could be assigned identical movements or incongruent movements
Bimanual aiming tasks
- the explanatory power of fitts law is reduced when separate and incongruent tasks demand are required of two limbs
- the finding could be a result of an attempt be the executive to deal with an overloaded attentional demand by issuing a single motor program that control both limbs
- these findings support a view that on which the mt and kinematics for both limbs are not determined independently built rather by a joint command