Motor Control - Voluntary Control Flashcards
name the several areas associates with the production of voluntary movement
primary motor cortex supplementary motor cortex premotor cortez prefrontal crotex parietal cortex
reaching and grasping are
two different movements that require two different inds of visual information, which the brain handles differently
reaching - relation to visual inputs
higher processing of visual inputs
dorsal pathway from occipital cortex to the parietal?frontal cortex allows us to complete motor acts based on visual input
you need information about an object;s location in relation to your body in order to
reach effectively
from the visual cortex, information is relayed to what motor areas
parietaly cortex, specifically V6A, PEC MIP and VIP
The end result of sending visual information to the parietal cortex
the VIP creates a rough map of the pace around you, including the object you’re reaching for
from the VIP information is sent where
f4 within the premotor cortex
the end result of sending visual information to f4 premotor
F4 creates a detailed map of the space around you,
neurons here are particularly excited by proximity
second pathway to use visual information and convert to motor - relies on the
superior parietal cortex
the superior parietal cortex receives
visual information about where your arm is in space, since that;s what;s moving
information about where your arm is in space is sent to
superior parietal cortex to F2 in the premotor cortex
end result of sending visual information to F2
F2 constructs a related map but it is of where your arm is in relationship to your body and the things around you
visual cues for grasping
dependant on the purpose of your action
anterior intraparietal area and PFG contain neurons that respond to seeing an object to grasp
visually dominant
anterior intraparietal area and PFG are parts of the
inferior parietal cortex
the anterior intraparietal area dn PFG also contains a set of neurons that are actie when grasping the object =
motor dominant
the anterior intraparietal area dn PFG also contains a set of neurons that are active that respond to seeing the object to grasp AND when grasping
visuomotor neurons
anterior intraparietal area and pfg relay enformation to
F5 neurons fire with the ____ not the ___
goal (purpose)
motor act
so the f5 neurons are likely active in two setting where the goal is the same, even if the motor action is very different.
Neural components for reaching for an object - summary
need visual map of object in relation to you
primary visual cortex (via dorsal pathway)–>VIP creates map–> relays to F4, which creates a detailed map
parallel pathway creates a map of where your ARM is in relation to you, using superior parietal cortex–> F2
Neural components for grasp - summary
areas of the inferior parietal cortex realty information to F5–> f5 condos the GOAL of the action
Grasping inputs and reching inputs are then sent on to be turned into
receives the sensory information required to move (particularly f4 and f5 - the ventral parts)
premotor cortex
dorsal part applies the rules that determine whether it is appropriate to move
premotor cortex
identifies the intent of motion and decides what motion to produce
premotor cortex
supplementary cortex divisions (2)
supplementary motor area=SMA= postural control
presupplementary area =preSMA=plans the motor program, required to make the action occur
organizes motor sequences
supplementary motor cortex
acquire motor skills
supplementary motor cortex
executive control (particularly the decision to switch actions /strategies)
supplementary cortex
primary motor cortex - description
precentral gyrus
controls specific movements
regions of the body that do fine motions have proportionally high representation
arranged in columns
primary motor cortex stimulation of neurons
stimulation of any gien column produces a specific movement
if we are in an area that controls a more general motion, simulation may produce contraction of a GROUP of muscles
primary motor cortex - layer 4 receives
sensory input (mm and joint proprioceptors, among others)
primary motor cortex - layer 5
output for corticospinal (pyramidal ) pathway
primary motor cortex - two sets of neurons in each column
one to start the motion
one to maintain it as long as necessary
primary motor cortex - neighboring columns control
related motions, not neighboring muscles
primary motor cortex - two KINDS of columns
on/off for agonist m
off/on for antagonist muscle
each individual motion required to grab and object war coded for by
a column in the primary motor cortex
premotor cortex
determine whether it is okay to move
identifies the goal and the motion required to meet that goal
supplementary motor cortex
postural controls
identifies specific motor sequins required
changes tactics if necessary
primary motor cortex
codes the individual motions required to reach goal
in addition to the cerebral cortex, what brain structure is also important for reaching for an object
Role of the cerebellem
sequence complex actions
correct force/direction
balance and eye movements
learning complex actions
spinocerebellum - central
postural control
spinocerebellum - either side of the vermis
force and direction
cerebrocerebellem (lateral regions)
plan complex motions
future not current
outputs from the cerebellum are via the
deep cerebellar nuclei
the deep cerebellar nuclei include
dentate nucleus
fastigial nucleus
interpositus (globose, emoliformis)
cells leaving the deep nuclei are generally
excitatory to contration
vermis (spinocerebellum) inputs
visual and auditory
efferent copy (what brain sends to muscle)
vermis (spinocerebellum) outputs
interpositius n
fstigial n
to rubrospinal tract
spinocerebellum (lateral parts) inputs
muscle afferent efferent copy (what brain sends to muscle)
spinocerebellum (lateral parts) outputs
interpositis nucleus
rubrospinal tract
cerebrocerebellum inputs
cerebral cortex (all)
cerebrocerebellum outputs
back to cortex
vestibulocerebellum - inputs
vestibular apparatus (direct or indirect)
vestibulocerebellum - output
fastcial nucleus
vestibular nuclei
ascend or descend