Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
The main sympathetic innervation to the head comes from ____ in the spinal cord
Autonomic information is regulated by the______ at the presynaptic neurons
hypothalamus. information comes down from hypothalamus to regulate the presynaptic neurons
Describe how sympathetics get into the head
from intermedolateral cell column T1
ascend sympathetic chain to the cervical ganglion.
all preganglionic sympathetic fibers are in the chain
all postganglionic sympathetic fibers will distribute from the chain
What do we mean when we say that the cervical sympathetic ganglia are distribution cneters of postganglionic sympathetic fibers
whaever that ganglion is, that’s where post sympathetic gets distributed,
that ganglion takes care of tis “territory”
Cervical ganglion that is always present
superior cervical ganglion
The cervical sympathetic trunk or chain is ______ to the common carotid and _______ to prevertebral fascia
embedded in or deep to
The superior cervical ganglion’s distribution is
sympathetics to the head.
Superior cervical ganglion sends off _____ nerve and _____plexus
internal carotid N
internal carotid plexus
all ganglia give off
perivascular plexuses
Branches from the internal carotid plexus (4)
perivascular plexuses
sympathetic branch to the ciliary ganglion
deep petrosal nerve
carotico-tymmpanic nerve
postganglionic fibers that continue to course along tunica adventitia of verebral bloodvessels
perivascular plexuses
Deep petrosal nerve joins_________ nerve to form_______nerve
greater petrosal nerve
vidian nerve
Vidian nerve innervates
sympathetics to the palate, nasal cavity, pharynx, orbit and lacrimal gland
When you disturb an artery in the cervical area, what are you concerned about
you might mess up postganglionic sympathetic fibers associated with that artery
can result in dryness of glands.
Horner’s SYndrome
damage to the cervical sympathetic trunk
SLIGHT ptosis of the upper lid, due to paralysis of tarsal muscle
pupillary constriction
anhidrosis and blushing
Slight ptosis vs complete ptosis
horner’s syndrome vs CN III lesion
Dorsal motor nucleus of X sens out what kind of fibers to where
preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
to scattered ganglia in pharynx, larynx, thorax, and abdomen
=the parasympathetic nucleus for thorax and abdomen=BIG TERRITORY