MotionSicknessFC Flashcards
Motion Sickness (Kinetosis) other names
Also known as seasickness or airsickness
sx of moitionsickness
Symptoms: nausea, dizziness, and fatigue
cause of motion sickness
Causes: moving boat, train, airplane, car, or amusement park rides
NonPharmacological Treatment
Wrist band that presses on acupuncture points
Pharmacological Treatment for motion sikness 3 main types
Scopolamine ,antihistimaines and promethazine
antihistamiens used for motionsickness
Antihistamines: cyclizine (Marezine), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), and meclizine (Bonine) and phenergan
Promethazine (Phenergan)
Applied topically behind the ear
when to apply scopalamine patch
Apply 4-6 hours prior to need
how long does the scopalamne patch last
Last three days
Scopolamine Se
SE: dry mouth, dizziness, stinging eyes, pupil dilation, confusion, rarely: hallucinations, tachycardia
Meclizine (Antivert) dosing
12.5 to 25 mg 30 to 60 minutes before need
which patients should take cuation with meclizine
Will worsen BPH Symptoms and can elevate IOP
antihistamines include
cyclizine (marezine) diphhenhydramine (bendadryl) dimenhydrinate (dramamine) or meclizine (bonine)
promethazine do not use in
In products w/ cough syrup do not use in children less than 6 yrs of age due to risk of respiratory depression
antihistmaine will worsen bph, glaucoma,and cognition.
all antihistmaines
have anticholinergic effects