Motion, Extremities, Cross, etc Flashcards
describe carpal bone adjusting posterior or anterior
posterior displacement - distract and extend wrist
anterior displacement - distract and flex wrist
what is glide and what does it mean if its decreased
decreased PA glide - posterior subluxation
what is line of drive for decreased AP glide of the hip
AP and posterior inward
who came up with the hypo mobility theory
what is hard end feel in all directions
what is hard end feel in ONE direction
what is spongy or springy end feel
decreased extension at T6 indicates what on motion palpation
shoulder has diminished anterior glide. what is the LOD
anterior ward
P to A
explain motion
physiological ROM
elastic barrier
paraphysiological ROM
anatomical integrity
what’s most commonly asked
physiological ROM - active, muscle, tendon, exercise
MC - elastic barrier - (end of physiological ROM, start of paraphysiological ROM, end of passive range of motion, entrance to joint space, passive, ligament, mobilizations)
paraphysiological ROM - manipulation
anatomical integrity - joint dysfunction
coupled motion of cervicals, thoracic, and lumbars
rotation involved with couple motion is a BODY rule!!
cervicals - LF R, SP L, Body R, ipsilateral rotation*
thoracic - T1-6 (cervicals) and T7-12 (lumbars)
lumbars - LF R, SP R, Body L, contralateral rotation*
lumbars have body rotation towards convexity in coupled motion
T or F
cervicals and T8 rotate similar in lateral bending in coupled motion
T or F
cervicals and lumbars rotate opposite during lateral bending in coupled motion
T or F
right lateral flexion has ipsilateral cervical rotation
T or F
T4 rotates contra laterally during lateral flexion
T or F
cervicals and lumbars both have ipsilateral rotation during lateral bending
T or F
what is the most damaging action of unilateral facets
what is the most aggravating for bilateral facets
what is the most relieving for bilateral facets
ADI instability occurs when the cervical spine is in what position
most compression on the cervical cord occurs in what position
corrugated appearance of the cervical cord occurs in what position
what puts the most tension on a unilateral nerve root
lateral flexion away from side of nerve root
what puts the most compression on a unilateral nerve root
lateral flexion toward side of nerve root
what increases the size of the unilateral IVF
lateral flexion away
what increases the side of bilateral IVF
explain lower cross syndrome
causes of hyperlordosis and anterior pelvic tilt
what causes this
hyperlordosis caused by
- weak abs
- tight paraspinals and psoas
anterior pelvic tilt caused by
- weak hamstrings and glutei
- tight quads
high heels and boots
explain lower cross syndrome
causes of by-lordosis and posterior pelvic tilt
what causes this
hypolordosis caused by
- tight abs
- weak paraspinals and psoas
posterior pelvic tilt caused by
- tight hamstrings and glutei
- weak quads
what are psoas muscles actions or motions
increase lumbar lordosis
flex hip and trunk
synergist to abs during trunk flexion
synergist to paraspinals with lordosis
lateral recess stenosis occurs how
shit in the lateral part of the spinal canal or medial part of the IVF
trefoil canal occurs how
short pedicle
coronal facets
increased sacral base angle is caused by what
anterior pelvic tilt
primary muscles that contribute to anterior pelvic tilt
weak glutei max or hamstrings
or tight quads if that’s an answer
pendulous abdomen is due to what
anterior pelvic tilt
weak abdominals
explain upper cross syndrome
what motion is created
weak and tight muscles
protraction - fix it with retraction
tight - SCM, masters, sub occipitals, trapezius, levator, pectoralis
weak - supra hyoid, deep neck flexors, subscapularis, lower trap, serratus anterior, diaphragm
what is the meric chart
explain some segments C1 2-3 T1-4 T5-9 T6-10 T10-12 L1-2 sacrum
segments associated with organs and conditions
C1 - everything - vagus C2-3 - tonsils or sore throat T1-4 - heart and lung T5-9 - stomach or abdomen T6-10 - gall bladder, pancreas, liver T10-T12 - kidney L1-2 - colon and ovaries sacrum - colon, uterus, dysmenorrhea
where is the atlas tp found
anterior and inferior to mastoid
where is the styloid found
anterior to atlas TP
where is the axis found
first palpable bifid sp
where is the hyoid bone found
where is the thyroid found
where is the carotid tubercle or cricoid cartilage found
what is the last moveable segment on extension of the cervical spine
what is the vertebral prominent in the cervical and thoracic spine
C7 - 70%
T1 - 30%
where is the jugular notch found
where is the spine of scapula found
where is the sternal angle found
where is the inferior angle of the scapula when prone found
where is the inferior angle of the scapula when seated or standing found
where is the xiphoid found
where is the umbilicus found
L3 disc
where is the iliac crest found
where is the PSIS found
where is the PIIS found
what are the spots of the body that correlate with the lateral plum line
greater tuberosity shoulder
greater trochanter
anterior to malleolus
what is the 3 points that are used to check for tibial torsion
mid thigh
mid patella
web of the foot (1st/2nd)
how do you determine internal and external tibial torsion
congenital - foot rotates with tibia
internal - mid thigh not aligned with mid patella and foot
external - foot not aligned with mid patella and mid thigh
who developed the basic distortion theory talking about the pelvis and how that causes a short leg
who said cervicals cause the short leg
right PI ilium quiz (high low left right)
right PSIS right femur head short leg prone right leg ASIS high iliac crest body rotation
right PI ilium quiz (high low left right)
right PSIS - low right femur head - low short leg prone - right right leg ASIS - high high iliac crest - left body rotation - right
heel lift quiz (yes or no)
sacral inferiority opposite PI scoliosis on high side ilium on xray ischial tube low on PI side ASIS elevated opposite AI sacrum concavity is opposite of short leg ipsilateral SP rotation toward PI
sacral inferiority opposite PI - no scoliosis on high side ilium on xray - no ischial tube low on PI side - yes ASIS elevated opposite AS sacrum - no concavity is opposite of short leg - yes ipsilateral SP rotation toward PI - no
what are absolute and relative contraindications to adjusting
CVA brain infarct thrombus aneurysm advanced DM VBI atherosclerosis DM anticoagulants disc prolapse fusion synovitis spondy 4 spondyloptosis joint instability advanced OA inflammatory arthritis spondy 3 hypermobility severe strain sprain 3 acute fracture acute dislocation strain sprain 2 infections pagets mets osteoporosis CVA or TIA wandering fragment nerve root avulsion vertigo severe pain and intolerance Space occupying lesion malingering pain hypochondriac hysteria
CVA A brain infarct A thrombus A aneurysm A advanced DM A VBI R atherosclerosis R DM R anticoagulants R disc prolapse A fusion A synovitis A spondy 4 A spondyloptosis A joint instability A advanced OA R inflammatory arthritis R spondy 3 R hypermobility R severe strain sprain 3 A acute fracture A acute dislocation A strain sprain 2 R infections A pagets R mets R osteoporosis R CVA or TIA A wandering fragment A nerve root avulsion A vertigo R severe pain and intolerance R Space occupying lesion R malingering pain A hypochondriac R hysteria R
what is the post adjustment dizziness protocol
don’t administer another adjusment
don’t allow patient to ambulate
note vital signs
check pupils
what is the preferred adjustment
short lever
controlled thrust - HVLA
what is a cavitation
rapid collapse of nitrogen
20 minute refraction period
synovial gas release
not necessary for proper adjustment
what is the treatment of myofascial trigger points
ICE**cryotherapy, deep pressure, ultrasound
- taut and tender bands of muscle fibers
- displaced reference zone of pain
- allodynia- decreased pain threshold
are there increased risk of adjusting when you have the following
smoker osteophytosis diabetes mellitus young cerebral palsy vertigo meds herbs
smoker - y osteophytosis - y diabetes mellitus - y young - n cerebral palsy - n vertigo - y meds - y herbs - y
what is treatment for acute therapy pneumonic
protect rest ice compress elevate support
what are breathing exercises
what causes arterial compromise in lower extremities
buergers dz
what is Williams exercise
who is it used for
used for hyperlordosis, facet syndrome, spondylolisthesis, acute disc
what are mckenzie exercises
who is it used for
used for hypolordosis, centralizes pain of sciatic, and chronic disc lesion
what are modified mckenzie exercises
who is it used for
used for hypolordosis, acute disc, stenosis
what are jacobsens exercise
relaxation exercises
what are codmans exercises
pendular motion with the shoulder
what are wall walking exercises
what are kegel exercises used for
unsaturated fats contain what
double bonds
DISH aka
cor pulmonale aka
heart failure
nephrosis aka
azotemia and uremia
eclampsia aka
toxemia of pregnancy
emphysema aka
MVP aka
leukocytosis aka
neurogenic claudication aka
intermittent claudication
neurofibromatosis aka
von Recklinghausen disease
limb girdle aka
muscular dystrophy
obstipation aka