Mosquitoes, Midges, & Flies (25 & 26) Flashcards
What order are flies in?
What is the lifecycle for flies?
obligate intermediate hosts
mechanical vectors for infectious agents
What are the parasitic stages of flies?
almost never both
What are the major groups of flies?
house flies
bot flies
What are characteristics of sand flies, mosquitoes, and midges?
small, delicate flies, weak fliers
aquatic habitats
Who sucks blood for sandflies, mosquitoes, and midges?
females only
Lutzomyia/Phlebotomus is the intermediate host for ______ and are in ________
Leishmania sp.
moist, dark habitats
Where do Cullicoides flies thrive?
stagnate “nasty water”
What diseases do cullicoides flies cause?
equine onchocerciasis
bluetongue virus / epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus
Queensland Itch - hypersensitivity reaction
What are black flies called?
What do simulium flies cause? Where are they found?
painful bites, big swarms
depression, dysorexia, Sub Q edema
fresh/clean, fast-flowing water
What is the most common backyard mosquito?
aedes albopictus
T/F: Female mosquito larvae are parasitic
FALSE - only ADULT females are parasitic
larvae are not
What kind of host are mosquitoes?
obligate intermediate host
- canine heartworm
- malaria (plasmodium spp.)
Mosquitoes are biologic vectors for a variety of ______
- encephalitis, hemorrhagic fevers —> Zika, Dengue, etc
What is the horse fly called?
What is the deer fly called?
[Male/Female] horse flies only feed
Horse flies are mechanical vectors for what diseases?
Equine Infectious Anemia - tabanus
Bovine Leukosis Virus
What are the characteristics of house flies and relatives?
medium to smallish flies
oviposit in moist organic material
attracted to excrements, rotting flesh, and filth
non-biting & biting flies
How do you differentiate between biting and non-biting house flies?
biting flies: longer palpus
non-biting flies: shorter palpus
What is the common house fly called?
musca domestica
As a mechanical vector, what does musca domestica carry?
1 to 6 million bacteria and over 100 different pathogens
- Salmonella
Musca domestica is an intermediate host for _______
draschia/habronema (equine stomach worm - swamp cancer)
What is the face fly?
musca autumalis
Musca autumalis is the obligate IH and vector for what diseases?
pink eye
Where on an animal is musca autumalis found?
face, feeds on ocular/nasal discharges
What is required for musca autumalis to reach sexual reproduction?
host protein
What does musca autumalis feed on?
chases biting flies off host to feed on oozing blood
A cow is annoyed by swarms of flies covering his face, and he is unable to graze as a result. What fly is this most likely?
musca autumalis
How does musca autumalis lay their eggs?
obligate oviposition in fresh feces
How do you control obligate oviposition in fresh feces?
control through “feed through” insecticides
organophosphate additives “pass through” the alimentary tract
What are the two biting fly species (those we are focusing on)
hematobia irritans
stomoxys calcitrans
Hematobia irritans is also called the _______
horn fly