Moray Flashcards
What is the background to the Moray study?
Cherry (1953) used the method of ‘shadowing’ to test divided attention. Found that in binaural presentation it was difficult to separate the messages. In the dichotic Ps were almost entirely unaware of the content in the rejected message.
What was the aim of Moray’s study?
Test Cherry’s dichotic listening findings in relation to the amount of info recognised in the rejected message, the effect of hearing ones name in the unattended message and the affect of instructions.
What is the method Moray used?
Three lab experiments.
What is the sample in Moray’s study?
male and female undergraduate students and researchers. Study 2- 12ps, study 3- Had two groups of 14
What design was used in all three studies of Moray’s study?
Study 1-RMD
Study 2- RMD
Study 3-IMD
What was the procedure in experiment 1 of Moray’s study?
A short list of words was presented 35 times (repeated) to one ear of the ps while he or she shadowed a prose message presented to the other ear. After 30 seconds ps were asked to recall words in the non-attended message.
What was the procedure in experiment 2 of Moray’s study?
Ps were asked to shadow ten short passages of fiction making as few mistakes as possible. Instructions such as ‘listen to your right ear’ etc were given at the start of the passages. In three of the passages instructions were prefaced with the ps name.
What was the procedure in experiment 3 of Moray’s study?
Two groups of 14 ps shadowed one or two simultaneous dichotic listening messages. In some towards the end of the message digits were included. One group of ps were told they would be asked about the content of the message, the other group was asked to remember as many digits as they could.
Results of experiment 1 in Moray’s study.
When the short list of simple words was presented as the non-attended message there was no trace of the words being remembered even when being presented many times.
4.9/7 words from shadowed
1.9/7 words from rejected
Results of experiment 2 in Moray’s study.
When instructions were given in the non-attended message ps heard 20/39 when this was preceded by their name but 4/36 when not preceded by the name.
Results of experiment 3 in Moray’s study.
There was no significant difference in the number of digits recalled in either condition.
What conclusions did Moray give?
Moray observes that an ‘identification paradox’ exits: although the concept of the rejected message is not attended to and is blocked out from conscious perception this block does not prevent a response to one’s own name.
From the study by Moray into dichotic listening, explain what a shadowing task is (2)
The shadowing task is when one message is fed into one ear and a different message into the other messages are repeated as they are heard. For example in expt 1 ps heard a short list of simple words repeated 35 times in the unattended ear whilst they shadowed a prose (repeated) in the attended ear.
Outline one control that was used in the study into dichotic listening by Moray
One control was the loudness spoken to ps. the ps had the loudness of the tape individually matched to ensure differences in volume and the messages recorded were spoken at a constant speed and without expression. This increased the ecological validity making the results more reliable.
Outline 2 conclusions that can be drawn from the study into dichotic listening by Moray
1) When the ps direct directs attention to the message in one ear, rejecting the message in the other ear, almost all verbal content of the rejected message is blocked.
2) This rejection is apparent even when the message is repeated many times there is no trace of a short list of simple words presented many times being remembered.