Module 6: Body Structures and Organ Systems Flashcards
smallest living unit in the body
order of body structures
cell - tissue - organ - organ system
anatomical position
- standing erect
- facing forward
- arms at side
- palms forward
- legs parallel
- toes forward
- cranial
- above, closer to head
- caudal
- below, closer to feet
- ventral
- toward front of body
- dorsal
- toward back of body
- closer to midline of body
- further from midline of body
- close to trunk of body
- further from trunk of body
- closer to surface of body
- further from surface of body
when are body planes frequently used
radiographic studies
sagittal plane
- divides body into left and right sides
- midsagittal: equal division along midline
transverse plane
- divided body into upper and lower sections
frontal plane
- coronal plane
- divided body into anterior and posterior sections
cranial cavity
- within cranium
- meninges (brain)
spinal cavity
- continuation of cranial cavity as it travels down midline of the back
thoracic cavity
- within chest
- lungs, heart, major vessels
abdominal cavity
- within abdomen
- several major organs
pelvic cavity
- inferior to abdominal cavity
- bladder
body quadrants
nine body regions
- right hypochondriac
- epigastric
- left hypochondriac
- right lumbar
- umbilical
- left lumbar
- right iliac
- hypogastric
- left iliac
- integumentary system
- protection, temperature regulation, sensation, excretion, vitamin D production
largest organ
hair follicles
- integumentary system
- generate hair
sebaceous (oil) glands
- integumentary system
- produce sebum to keep hair/skin soft
- prevent bacteria from growing on skin
fingernails and toenails
- integumentary system
- protect ends of fingers and toes
sudoriferous (sweat) glands
- integumentary system
- produce sweat to cool body
epidermis layer
- integumentary system
- outermost epithelial tissue
- covers external surface of body
dermis layer
- integumentary system
- thick
- beneath dermis
- contains arteries, veins, nerves
subcutaneous layer
- integumentary system
- loose connective tissue
- adipose tissue and lipocytes
axial skeleton
- 80 bones
- skull, vertebrae, ribs
appendicular skeleton
- 126 bones
- arms, legs, pelvic girdle
- attaches bone to bone
- joint stability
purpose of the skeletal system
- give body structure and posture
- protect soft internal organs
- attachment points for muscles
- producing new blood cells in red bone marrow
- store calcium
- producing new blood cells
- takes place in red bone marrow within bones
long bones
- have epiphysis, diaphysis, medullary cavity
- covered by articular cartilage to allow for frictionless joint movement
- femur, humerus, tibia, fibula, ulna, radius
where is yellow bone marrow
- medullary cavity in long bones
short bones
- wrists and ankles
- small and round
- carpals, tarsals
flat bones
- flat or slightly curved surface area
- skull, ribs
irregular bones
- unusual shape related to function
- vertebrae, pelvis
sesamoid bones
- small and round
- in joints
- held by tendons
- patella
skeletal muscle
- body movement
- aka: voluntary muscle or striated muscle
smooth muscle
- walls of hollow organs, blood vessels, the iris of the eye
- involuntary muscle
cardiac muscle
- only in the heart
- cross-fibered to allow the heart to contract from top and bottom to pump blood
- ends of skeletal muscles
- attach muscle to bone
lymph nodes
- lymphatic system
- small glandular structures
- concentrated in neck, axilla, groin
- produce and store lymphocytes
- home to macrophages that filter lymph
lymph nodules
- lymphatic system
- masses of lymphoid tissue
- macrophages and lymphocytes
- not encapsulated like lymph nodes
- lymphatic system
- posterior to sternum
- large in children and shrinks after adolescence
- production and maturation of T-cells
- lymphatic system
- largest lymphoid organ
- upper left abdominal quadrant
- home to macrophages that filter blood
interstitial fluid
- lymphatic system
- tissue fluid between cells
- called lymph after collected and filtered
which body system begins activating the body’s defenses when a pathogen is detected
lymphatic system
- immune system
- protein body creates in response to specific antigens
- immune system
- antibodies
- immune system
- type of lymphocyte
- recognizes antigens and responds by turning into plasma cells
- create antibodies
- immune system
- type of lymphocyte
- recognize antigens and attach to them to attack invading cells directly
- immune system
- engulf and destroy pathogens that have been coagulated with antibodies
naturally acquired active immunity
- has disease and develops antibodies against pathogen
- antibodies with memory that prevent further infections by the same pathogen
artificially acquired active immunity
- vaccine
- antibodies activated and develop memory
naturally acquired passive immunity
- short-lasting
- mother to child through placenta and breast milk
artificially acquired passive immunity
- short-lasting
- giving exposed person antibodies from a person who has had the disease
- cardiovascular system
- within mediastinum
- pump to move blood through body
- cardiovascular system
- thick-walled vessels
- carry blood away from heart
- associated with various pulse points on body
- cardiovascular
- carry blood toward heart
- thinner-walled than arteries
- valves to prevent backflow
- cardiovascular system
- smallest blood vessels
- connect arterioles to venules
- aid in oxygen and nutrient exchange between blood and body cells
- innermost layer of heart
- lines atria, ventricles, heart valves
- muscular layer of heart
- outermost layer of heart
- membrane surrounds heart and secretes pericardial fluid
blood flow through heart
- superior/inferior vena cava supply deoxygenated blood
- right atrium
- tricuspid valve
- right ventricle
- pulmonary valve
- pulmonary artery to lungs where gas exchange occurs
- pulmonary veins supply oxygenated blood
- left atrium
- bicuspid (mitral) valve
- left ventricle
- aortic valve
- aorta branches off and carries blood to body
systemic circulation
- vessels in the body as a whole
pulmonary circulation
- vessels going to, within, and coming from the lungs
where the electrical impulse is generated in the heart
- sinoatrial (SA) node
- aka pacemaker of the heart
electrical flow in heart, cardiac cycle
- SA node (pacemaker)
- AV node (gatekeeper)
- bundle of His
- Purkinje fibers
- urinary system
- either side of vertebral column at top lumbar vertebrae
- remove waste from blood
- produce urine
- urinary system
- long tubes
- carry urine from kidneys to bladder
urinary bladder
- urinary system
- small muscular sac within pelvic cavity
- stores urine
- urinary system
- carries urine from bladder to outside of body
mouth (oral cavity)
- gastrointestinal system
- initiates digestion
- mechanical (chewing)
- chemical (saliva)
pharynx (gastrointestinal)
- gastrointestinal system
- throat
- between oral cavity and esophagus
- gastrointestinal system
- muscular tube
- connects mouth to stomach
- wave-like contraction (peristalsis)
- gastrointestinal system
- receives and breaks down food
- rugae
small intestine
- gastrointestinal system
- absorption of nutrients
- sections: duodenum, jejunum, ileum
large intestine
- gastrointestinal system
- aka colon
- absorption completed
- feces formed
- sections: cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon
- gastrointestinal system
- end of colon
- stores feces until defecation
- gastrointestinal system
- end of rectum
- opens to outside
- gastrointestinal system
- produces bile to break down fats
- gastrointestinal system
- inferior to liver
- stores bile
- connects to duodenum
- gastrointestinal system
- posterior to stomach
- connects to duodenum
- produces enzymes that aid with digestion
- breathing
- moving air in and out of lungs
external respiration
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within lungs
internal respiration
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within hemoglobin of RBC
- respiratory system
- made of bones, cartilage, skin
- small hairs (cilia) prevent large particles from entering
pharynx (respiratory)
- respiratory system
- where air moves after nose
- respiratory system
- superior to trachea
- produces person’s voice
- respiratory system
- aka windpipe
- extends from larynx and branches into bronchi
- lined with cilia
- respiratory system
- contain bronchi, alveoli, and blood vessels
- surrounded by pleural membrane
which lung is larger
- right: three lobes
- left: two lobes
- nervous system
- coordinates most body activities
- thought, emotion, judgment
- four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
spinal cord
- nervous system
- pathway for nerve impulses
- through vertebral column
peripheral nerves
- nervous system
- 12 pairs of cranial nerves
- 31 pairs of spinal nerves
- carries nerve signals between body and brain
- nervous system
- functional unit of nervous system
- nervous system
- have multiple branching structures
- nervous system
- direct cellular activities
- nervous system
- produce neurotransmitters and energy for neuron
- nervous system
- stores neurotransmitters
central nervous system (CNS)
- brain, spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
- peripheral nerves
branches of PNS
- somatic nervous system: controls voluntary muscles
- automatic nervous system: controls automatic functions like breathing and digestion
afferent neurons
- carry info about body’s environment to CNS
efferent neurons
- carry responses from CNS to body to initiate action
branches of automatic nervous system
- sympathetic: “fight or flight”
- parasympathetic: returns body to rest after stress is resolved, maintains homeostasis
chemicals used by the body to increase or decrease activity of the hormone’s target cells
exocrine glands
release hormones into duct for delivery to target cells
endocrine glands
release hormones directly into bloodstream
hormones of adrenal glands and their functions
- aldosterone: regulates electrolytes and fluid volume
- cortisol: regulates carbs
- epinephrine: fight or flight response
- norepinephrine: vasoconstrictor
hormones of hypothalamus and their functions
- antidiuretic hormone: reabsorption of water in kidneys
- oxytocin: uterine contractions during labor, release of breast milk
hormones of ovaries and their functions
- estrogen: development of secondary sex characteristics in females, regulates menses
- progesterone: prepares body for pregnancy
hormones of pancreas and their functions
- glucagon (alpha cells): increase blood sugar
- insulin (beta cells): decrease blood sugar
hormone of parathyroid gland and its function
- parathyroid hormone: regulates calcium
hormone of pineal gland and its function
- melatonin: regulates onset of puberty, biological clock
hormones of anterior pituitary gland and their functions
- growth hormone: body growth
- melanocyte-stimulating hormone: skin pigment
- adrenocorticotropic hormones: regulate adrenal cortex
- thyroid-stimulating hormone: regulates thyroid gland
- follicle-stimulating hormone: growth of ova and sperm
- luteinizing hormone: ovulation and testosterone production
- prolactin: ovulation and testosterone production
function of posterior pituitary gland
release hormones produced by hypothalamus: antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin
hormone of testes and its function
- testosterone: sperm production, secondary sex characteristics in males
hormone of thymus and its function
- thymosin: development of cells in immune system
hormones of thyroid gland and their functions
- T3 and T4: cellular metabolism
- Calcitonin: increase bone calcium
- male reproductive system
- produce sperm and testosterone
- within scrotum
- male reproductive system
- moves urine and semen out of body
- male reproductive system
- superior to each teste
- maturation of sperm cells
vas deferens
- male reproductive system
- connects epididymis to urethra
seminal vesicles
- male reproductive system
- secrete seminal fluid that stimulates muscle contractions in female reproductive organs to propel sperm forward
prostate gland
- male reproductive system
- surrounds proximal urethra
- contracts during ejaculation to aid in moving sperm forward
- secrets fluid that protects sperm within vagina
bulbourethral glands (cowper’s glands)
- male reproductive system
- inferior to prostate gland
- secrete fluid to lubricate end of penis
- male reproductive system
- group of male sex hormones
- male reproductive system
- most abundant and biologically active of male sex hormones
- female reproductive system
- produce ova, estrogen, and progesterone
fallopian tubes
- female reproductive system
- muscular tubes connects ovaries and uterus
- receives egg during ovulation
- female reproductive system
- hollow muscular organ
- receives fertilized egg that implants in uterine wall for fetal development
- if nonpregnant, uterine lining sloughs off monthly
- female reproductive system
- lower portion of uterus
- barrier between uterus and vagina
- dilates during childbirth
- female reproductive system
- uterus to outside of body
- expands during intercourse and childbirth
labia majora
- female reproductive system
- folds of skin and adipose tissue that protect other external female genitalia
labia minora
- female reproductive system
- folds of skin within labia major
- high blood concentration
- forms hood over clitoris
- female reproductive system
- highly sensitive female erectile tissue
- female reproductive system
- area between vagina and anus
- female reproductive system
- group of female sex hormones
- female reproductive system
- hormone secreted by ovaries
- female reproductive system
- most abundant and biologically active female hormone
- body system and biological processes maintain stability
- primarily nervous system and endocrine system are responsible