Module 13: neorulogic Emergencies Flashcards
Name the three main parts of the brain
cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem
What are the four processes the brain stem is responsible?
BP, Breathing, Pupil constriction, Swallowing
What are the functions the cerebellum is responsible for?
coordination, muscular movement, balance, posture
What are the functions the cerebrum is responsible for?
emotion and thought
touch and movement
At each vertebra there are __ of spinal nerves sending and receiving __ and ___signals
pairs, motor and sensory
What sort of headache should concern an EMT?
Sudden, severe. Includes a fever, AMS, or head trauma
Compare hemorrhagic to ischemic
Hemorrhagic: Blood vessel tears open
ischemic: Blockage of blood flow due to a clot. Often due to atherosclerosis
What is a TIA? How should they be treated?
Pt has stroke symptoms but they go away. Often due to a small clot. Treat like any other stroke
What is the process of the CPSS? What if the pt does not have these symptoms? How should it be documented?
First have pt smile
Have pt extend arms out to assess arm drift for ten seconds
Assess whether speech is slurred”you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”
Document as pertinent negatives
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)? What is a normal GCS? What is the lowest possible?
Eye opening, verbal response, and motor response.
Normal is 15, lowest is 3
What is the most common mimic of every stroke?
Hypoglycemia, which is a BGL <80
Why is it important to record the last known well time?
Determines future treatment for physicians
What is a seizure?
A temporary alteration in consciousness
What are the three types of seizures?
unknown onset
Name the four parts of a seizure and what occurs during?
Aura, feeling it will happen
Tonic, stiffening of body
Clonic , convulsions
Postictal, seizure has stopped and pt will be lethargic
What is diastat?
Rectal medication that EMTs can assist with. Often used for status epilecticus (multiple seizurs back-to-back or one long seizure)
What are febrile seizures?
Caused by rapid acceleration in body temperature. No child has ever died from febrile seizure.
In patients with diabetes, their BGL may __ during seizures
What is the most common injury for pts with seizures?
Biting on tongue
How should a seizure pt be positioned if vomiting?
On their side
What sorts of modes of transport should be used for patients in postictal phase?
stokes basket or scoop stretcher. Never a stair chair
Should patients be transported while seizing?
No, unless they have stat-ep.
What are AEIOU TIPS?
AMS possibilites
acidosis, alcohol
trauma, tumor
The spinal cord exits the cranium through the:
-vertebral foramen
-cauda equina
-foramen magnum
-foramen lamina
-foramen magnum
An area of swelling or enlargement in a weakened arterial wall is called?
-an aneurysm
-an embolism
-an aneurysm
Which of the following MOST accurately describes the cause of an ischemic stroke?
-narrowing of a carotid artery
-acute atherosclerotic disease
-blockage of a cerebral artery
-rupture of a cererbral artery
-blockage of a cerebral artery