Module 1, Objective 3, The Regulated Airport Flashcards
What does the FAA formally define a Sponsor as?
any public agency or private owner of a public-use airport
What is the airport sponsors purpose?
to act as policy makers who are charged with establishing broad goals and objectives for management to accomplish
What is airport managements purpose?
to implement programs to achieve the goals and objectives set by the sponsors
Part 1542
Airport Security
Part 139
Certification of commercial service airports
Part 77
Part 150
Noise abatement
Under a municipal structure what are airports categorized as?
and enterprise fund
What is an Enterprise fund?
a government branch that operates as a business
think waste collection, landfill operations, or the post office
Self-sustainability at airports
it is encouraged by the FAA, but it is not required. Only that the sponsor must try to meet such a goal
What is the responsibility of the FAA Airport District Offices (ADOs)?
to provide guidance to airport sponsors to be as self-sustaining as possible and the ensure that the airport maintains a rate and fee schedule that conforms to the grant assurances and is consistent with the FAA’s policy regarding rates and charges
Where can revenue generated on airport property through assets be used?
Only for the airports operation
What is a critical component of an airport executives job?
to promote and communication the benefits of aviation to the respective community
What are FAA grant assurances in place to do?
Attempt to protect the airport from political influences to the extent possible
Stand-alone Enterprises
operators can charge user fees for services rendered
this is different from traditional enterprise because it is not centered on a tax collection
What are the nine basic types of airport sponsored structures?
Municipality, Airport Authority, State Operated, Port Authority, Federal, Commission or Districts, Joint-City or Joint-State Agreement, Private/Public-Use, Private/Private-Use
Municipality Airport
The city or county owns and operates the entire facility as a department or division of the municipality. The municipality pay appoint an advisory board to help with decision-making and provide expert guidance to the municipal leaders
Airport Authority
created through enabling legislation from one or more municipalities that makes the authority the legal sponsor of the airport and, in effect, creates another branch of local government
State Operated Airport
where the sate maintains control of the airport as a department or division, or in conjunction with an authority or commission appointed board
Port Authority
where the board overseas other agencies, including aviation, such as rail, maritime ports, subways and other forms of public transportation or services
a legally chartered institution that generally has the same status as a public corporation
they can take advantage of efficient operations and economics of scale
Commission or District Airport
where the airport retains its connection to the municipality but has an independent board that oversees operation and management
Federal Airport
owned by the federal government, or appointed by a branch or agency of the federal government
Joint-City or Joint-State Agreement
where two or more cities agree to operate the airport, often through an appointed authority board or commission
Private/Public-Use Airport
privately operated airport but open to the public