Module 08: Principles of Growth and Development (Part 02) Flashcards
He is a Swiss psychologist who introduced concepts of cognitive development or the way children learn and think.
Jean Piaget
This theory consists of age related changes that occur in mental activity. It enables individuals adaptation to environment and it also aims to show the increase of probability in behavior.
Theory of Cognitive Development
According to the Theory of Cognitive Development, it is through behavior where we can what?
Establish equilibrium with their environment
This is known as the first stage of a child’s mental development which mainly involves sensation and motor skills, such as hear, sight, feel, taste, movement, manipulation, biting, chewing and so on.
Sensorimotor stage (Birth to Two Years of Age)
This is known as the stage of children where they use their mental ability to represent events and objects in various ways like using symbols, gestures, and even communication and so on thus their logical reasoning are not yet organized or developed.
Pre-operational Stage (Two to Seven Years of Age)
This is known as the stage where the child becomes more stable, think operationally and uses logical reasoning rather than intuitive thought.
Concrete-Operational Stage (7 to 11 Years of Age)
This stage is characterized where children become more systematic and reasonable and they can not only reason of tangible objects and events but also they possess capability of reasoning and thinking in more abstract, hypothetical and idealistic way.
Formal Operational Stage (11 Years of Age Through Adulthood)
Under the Theory of Cognitive Development, this stage is also characterized as practical intelligence. This is the stage where word symbols, thinking and problem solving are not yet developed.
Sensorimotor Stage
When does the sensorimotor stage of the child develop?
0 to Two Years of Age
Under the Sensorimotor Stage of Theory of Cognitive Development, when does the neonatal reflex of a child develop?
Birth to 1 Month
Under the Sensorimotor Stage of Theory of Cognitive Development, when does the primary circular reaction of a child develop?
1 to 4 Months
Under the Sensorimotor Stage of Theory of Cognitive Development, when does the secondary circular reaction of a child develop?
4 to 8 Months
Under the Sensorimotor Stage of Theory of Cognitive Development, when does the coordination of secondary reactions of a child develop?
8 to 12 Months
Under the Sensorimotor Stage of Theory of Cognitive Development, when does the tertiary circular reaction of a child develop?
12 to 18 Months
Under the Sensorimotor Stage of Theory of Cognitive Development, when does the child invent new means through mental combinations?
18 to 24 Months
This phenomenon occurs when babies relate to the world through their senses, using only reflex behavior (sense of hearing and vision).
Neonatal Reflex
What are the different types of neonatal reflex?
Behavior of a neonate is entirely reflexive. Examples include:
(A) Sucking Reflex
(B) Plantar Reflex
(C) Startle Reflex
(D) Grasp Reflex
This phenomenon among neonates occur when activities are related only to his own body (sucking). The baby is still unaware of what action he can cause in his environment.
Primary Circular Reaction
Characterize the behavior of a baby during Primary Circular Reaction.
(A) Occurs 1 to 4 months, related to body only, unaware his action.
(B) Tends to look things, like crib, focusing on one behavior (Thumb sucking).
This phenomenon among neonates occurs when the baby’s activities are separate from his body he knows what action he can cause in his environment (examples of this is crying and playing peek-a-boo). The child can already learn, recognize and repeat.
Secondary Circular Reaction
This phenomenon among children occurs when the child already discovers the concept of permanence which is necessary in development of trust.
Coordination of Secondary Reaction
Explain the child’s behavior during the development of Coordination of Secondary Reaction.
Objects or parent who is out of sight still exist and will return increased sense of separateness causes the eight-month separation anxiety.
(A) 8 to 12 months, recognize object permanence.
(B) Increase separateness leads to separation anxiety.
This phenomenon among children occurs when the child already knows how to use trial and error to discover new things child is able to experiment to discover new properties of objects and events.
Coordination of Tertiary Reaction (Explores the characteristic of toys)
This phenomenon among children occurs during the transitional phase to the pre-operational thought period. The child can already use memory and imitation to act and solve basic problems.
Invention of New Means through Mental Combination
Under the Theory of Cognitive Development, the thinking of the child is basically concrete and literal.
Pre-operational Thought
When does the stage of pre-operational thought among children occur?
Two to Seven Years of Age
Explain the child’s behavior during the stage of Pre-Operational Thought.
(A) Child is egocentric (unable to see the viewpoint of another).
(B) Concept of time is now and concept of distance is only as far as the child can see.
Under the Theory of Cognitive Development, this stage occurs when the child using only systematic reasoning. The child can already discover solutions to every problem.
Concrete Operational Thought
When does the stage of Concrete Operational Thought occur among children?
7 to 11 Years of Age
Characterize the child’s behavior during the Concrete Operational Thought stage.
(A) Recognizes cause and effect relationships.
(B) Uses memory to learn broad concepts (fruit) and subgroups of concepts (apples, oranges).
Under the Theory of Cognitive Development, this stage occurs when the child can already solve hypothetical problems with scientific reasoning. During this, the child can also understand causality and can deal with the past present and future.
Formal Operational Thought
When does the stage of Formal Operational Thought occur among children?
11 Years of Age through Adulthood
Characterize the child’s behavior during the stage of Formal Operational Thought.
(A) Thinking is mature like an adult.
(B) The child is capable of concrete as well as abstract thinking.
(C) The child can think of possibilities not only what already is.
He is a psychologist that developed theory on the way children gain knowledge of high and wrong or moral reasoning. His theory is somehow related to the theory of cognitive development.
Lawrence Kohlberg
Enumerate Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development.
(A) Stage 1: I do it so I don’t get in trouble.
(B) Stage 2: I do it so I get something out of it.
(C) Stage 3: I do it so you like me.
(D) Stage 4: I do it because it is the law, and I respect the law.
(E) Stage 5: I do it because of a social contract we have with each other.
(F) Stage 6: I do it because it is the right thing to do.
Under Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, during this state, the child can learn that when they do certain actions, parents can give them approval and affection and for other actions, they call them bad.
Pre-religious State
What are the important actions that parents need to take note of during the child’s pre-religious state?
(A) Important to praise the individual for doing what they have been asked to do.
(B) If the individual fails to do thing, it’s because of their immature development.
(C) Sense of trust is important as they are bound to moral conscience.
Under Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, this state occurs when the child does the right thing because a parent tells him to and to also avoid punishment.
Pre-conventional Stage (Punishment or Obedience Orientation)
Stage 1: I do it so I don’t get in trouble
When does the pre-conventional stage (stage 01) occur among children?
2 to 3 Years of Age
Characterize the child’s behavior during the Pre-conventional Stage (Stage 01).
(A) The child adheres to Heteronomous morality.
(B) The child begins to formulate sense of right and sense of wrong, they are doing because of they mom says (I do it because i don’t want troubles).
What are the different nursing implications that we need to take note of during the child’s Pre-conventional Stage (Stage 01)?
(A) Child needs help to determine what are the right actions.
(B) Give clear instructions to avoid confusion.
Under Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, this stage occurs when the child carries out actions to satisfy his own needs rather than society’s. The child will do something for another if that person does something for that child.
Pre-conventional Stage
Stage 2: I do it so I get something out of it
Characterize the child’s behavior during the Pre-conventional Stage (Stage 02).
(A) Instrumental purpose of exchange.
(B) Egocentric.
(C) Tend to do good because of self interest rather than the intent to do good (In return of people doing something for them).
What are the different nursing implications that we need to take note of during the child’s Pre-conventional Stage (Stage 02)?
(A) Child is unable to recognize that like situations require like actions.
(B) Unable to take responsibility for self-care because meeting own needs interferes.
When does the pre-conventional stage (stage 02) occur among children?
4 to 7 Years of Age
Under Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, this stage occurs when the child has orientation to personal relations of mutuality. During this, the child follows rules because of a need to be a good person in their own eyes and the eyes of others.
Conventional Stage (Stage 03)
When does the conventional stage (stage 03) occur among children?
7 to 10 Years of Age
Characterize the child’s behavior during the Conventional Stage (Stage 03).
(A) I do it so you will like me (School aged nice boy and nice girl concept).
(B) They engage action that are nice and fair.
What are the different nursing implications that we need to take note of during the child’s conventional Stage (Stage 03)?
(A) Children enjoy helping others because this is “nice” behavior.
(B) Allow children to help with bed making and other activities.
(C) Praise for desired behavior such as sharing.
Under Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, this stage occurs when there is a maintenance of social order, fixed rules, and authority. During this, the child finds following rules satisfying and follows rules of authority figures as well as parent in an effort to keep the system working.
Conventional Stage
Stage 4: I do it because it is the law, and I respect the law
When does the conventional stage (stage 04) occur among children?
10 to 12 Years of Age
What are the different nursing implications that we need to take note of during the child’s conventional Stage (Stage 04)?
(A) Child often asks what are the rules and is something “right.”
(B) May have difficulty modifying a procedure because one method may not be “right.”
(C) Follows self-care measures only if someone is there to enforce them
Under Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, this stage occurs when there is social contract and utilitarian law-making perspectives. During this, the child follows standards of society for the good of all people.
Post conventional Stage
Stage 5: I do it because of a social contract we have with each other
Characterize the child’s behavior during the Post -Conventional Stage (Stage 05).
They do it because of the social contract with abstract thinking.
What are the different nursing implications that we need to take note of during the child’s post-conventional Stage (Stage 05)?
Adolescents can be responsible for self care because they view this as a standard of adult behavior.
Under Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, this stage occurs when there is universal ethical principle orientation. This occurs when the child already knows how to follow internalized standards of conduct.
Post Conventional Stage
Stage 6: I do it because it is the right thing to do
When does the post conventional stage (stage 05 and stage 06) occur among children?
Older than 12 Years of Age
What are the different nursing implications that we need to take note of during the child’s post-conventional Stage (Stage 06)?
Many adults do not reach this level of moral development.
According to him, children need to have meaning, purpose, and hope in their lives. Moreover, he believes that spiritual beliefs are closely related to moral and ethical portion of child concept.
James Fowler (Theory of Faith Development)
Under the Theory of Faith Development, this is known as the stage of infancy. During this, the children have no concept of right or wrong.
Stage 0 (Undifferentiated)
Characterize the child’s behavior during Stage 0 - Undifferentiated.
No beliefs and no convictions to guide their behavior.
(The beginning of faith in infant is established with the development of basic trust thru relationship tho primary caregiver).
Under the Theory of Faith Development, during this stage, young children tend to follow the belief of their parents.
Stage 01 (Intuitive-Projective)
Characterize the child’s behavior during Stage 01 (Intuitive-Projective).
They tend to imagine or fantasize angels or other religious figures in stories as character in fairy tales.
(The toddlers are imitating behaviors of other without comprehending any meaning or significance of this activity).
Under the Theory of Faith Development, during this stage, children tend to respond to religious stories and rituals literally, rather than symbolically.
Stage 02 (Mythical-Literal)
According to the Stage 02 (Mythical-Literal) under the Theory of Faith Development, how do beliefs evolve?
As individuals move through adolescence to young adulthood, their beliefs continue to be based on authority focused outside themselves
(A) Spiritual is parallel to cognitive development; closely related to children experience and interaction.
(B) Have strong interest in religion.
(C) Do thing because they will be rewarded.
Under the Theory of Faith Development, during this stage, individuals tend to have conformist acceptance of a belief with little self-reflection on examination of these beliefs.
Stage 03 (Synthetic-Convention)
Under the Stage 03 (Synthetic-Convention) of the Theory of Faith Development, why do people remain at this level.
(A) Increasingly aware to disappointment like prayers are not always answered.
(B) Abandon or modify religion practice.
(C) Question the parental religious standards.
Under the Theory of Faith Development, during this stage, individuals begin a radical shift from dependence on others’ spiritual beliefs to development of their own.
Stage 04 (Individuating-Reflexive)
Characterize the behavior of individuals under Stage 04 (Individuating-Reflexive).
(A) They are no longer defined by the groups to which they belong.
(B) They choose beliefs, values, and relationships important to their self fulfillment.
Under the Theory of Faith Development, during this stage, individuals still rely on their own views but move from self preoccupation to acceptance of others’ points of view.
Stage 05 (Conjunctive)
Characterize the behavior of individuals under Stage 05 (Conjunctive).
They tend to be more tolerant and begin to consider serving others.
Under the Theory of Faith Development, during this stage, individuals begin to search for universal values such as unconditional love & justice.
Stage 06 (Universalizing)
Individuals who move to the last stage of faith are rare (Examples: Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa).