Module 01: Introduction to Maternal and Child Health Nursing Flashcards
This can be visualized within the framework in which nurses, using the nursing process, nursing theories, and evidence-based practice care for families during childbearing and childbearing years through.
Maternal and child health nursing
What are the phases of healthcare?
(1) Health Promotion
(2) Health Maintenance
(3) Health Restoration
(4) Health Rehabilitation
This phase of healthcare pertains to the act of educating the patients to be aware of good health through teaching and role modeling.
Health promotion
How is health promotion procured?
The prevention of illness is executed through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle that can be manifested by teach proper hygiene, safe sex, etc.
This phase of healthcare pertains to the act of intervening to maintain health when health illness is present.
Health maintenance (characterized as not yet at a hospital setting; mostly home setting)
How is illness characterized?
Illness can also be a state of mental health and not strictly physical health alone.
This phase of healthcare is the act of diagnosing and treating illness that will return the patient to a wellness level.
Health Restoration (characterized to be in the hospital setting with objective findings based on diagnosis)
When is health restoration executed by the nurse?
When the patient is already seeking help
This phase of healthcare pertains to the act of preventing further complications from an illness and bringing the patient back to an optimal state of wellness.
Health Rehabilitation
This phase of healthcare is often found in palliative care because it intends to help the patient accept inevitable death.
Health Rehabilitation.
What is the nurse’s role based on maternal and child health nursing care?
This focuses on promoting healthy growth and development of the child and the family in both health and illness (Nearns, 2009).
What is the range of practice of the nurse in maternal and child health nursing care?
(1) Pre conceptual healthcare
(2) Care of women during three trimesters of pregnancy and the puerperium (the 6 weeks after childbirth, sometimes termed the fourth trimester of pregnancy)
This is defined as the phase of 6 weeks after childbirth, sometimes termed the fourth trimester of pregnancy.
This study pertains to the care of women during childbirth and is derived from the Greek word obstare, which means “to keep watch.”
The word obstetrics is derived from what?
The Greek word obstare, which means “to keep watch.”
The word pediatrics is derived from what?
The Greek word pais, which means “child.”
This goal and philosophy of nursing under maternal and child health nursing care pertains to the stages of pregnancy, birth and the early nursing period.
Child Bearing
This goal and philosophy of nursing under maternal and child health nursing care pertains to the stages of bringing up and taking care of children.
Child Rearing
What is the goal of child bearing and child rearing?
The care of childbearing and childrearing families is a major focus of nursing practice, because to have healthy adults you must have healthy children.
This philosophy pertains that the assessment is holistic in the family.
Family Centered
This philosophy of nursing pertains that the health of the family is influenced by the health of the community.
Community Centered
This philosophy in nursing pertains that the critical knowledge increases through research and development. And that practice is dynamic as new evidences occur.
Evidence Based
A maternal and child health nurse serves as a what?
Advocate (to protect the rights of all family members including the fetus)
Maternal and child health nursing includes what?
This includes a high degree of independent nursing functions, because teaching & counselling are major interventions along with promoting health and disease prevention.
Why is maternal and child health nursing important?
Maternal and child health nurse serve as important resources for families during childbearing and childrearing; although maternal and child health nursing is a challenging role for nurses and a major factor in keeping families well and optimally functioning.
What factors are delineated to influence the meaning and the impact of childbearing and childrearing on families?
(1) Personal attitudes
(2) Cultural attitudes
(3) Religious attitude
(4) Beliefs
What circumstances are characterized to be meaningful only in the context of total life?
Illness and pregnancy
This is the proportion of illness in a population and characterized as the amount of people who are sick.
Morbidity (Incidence per population)
This is known to be the incidence of deaths in a population and is characterizes as the amount of people who died.
Mortality (deaths per population (100 to 100,000)
Under measuring child health, this age is considered to be in the range of 0 to 28 days old.
Under measuring child health, this age is considered to be within the range of 0 to 1 year old.
This pertains to the a woman of child bearing age.
Maternal (Pertains to a woman who is already experiencing menstruation)
This pertains to the death of a woman while pregnant, (or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy). It can either be characterized as indirect or direct.
Maternal Death (irrespective of the duration and the site of pregnancy)
This type of maternal death pertains to those deaths resulting from previous existing diseases or from a disease that developed during pregnancy.
Indirect Obstetric Deaths
This type of maternal death pertains to those deaths aggravated by the physiologic effects of pregnancy.
Direct Obstetric Deaths
This type of death are not characterized as maternal deaths.
Accidental or Incidental Deaths
These rates of death pertains to the deaths due to childbearing number of maternal deaths per 1,000 live births during a given period.
Maternal Mortality Rate
These rates of death pertains to the number of deaths of infants per 1,000 live births.
Infant Mortality Rate (Number of infants who died before reaching 1 year old)
How do you calculate the neonatal mortality rate?
Number of infant deaths under 28 days of age/number of live births x 1000 live births (during a year)
What are the goals of the health system?
(1) Financial Protection
(2) Better Health Outcomes
(3) Responsiveness
This goal of the health system pertains to Filipinos especially the poor and the marginalized and vulnerable from the high cost of health care.
Financial Protection
This goal of the health system pertains to Filipinos attaining the best possible health outcomes with no disparity.
Better Health Outcomes
This goal of the health system pertains to Filipinos feeling respected values and empowered in all of their interaction within the health system.
Why do women die?
(1) Severe bleeding (mostly bleeding after childbirth)
(2) Infections (usually after childbirth)
(3) High blood pressure during pregnancy
(4) Complications from delivery
(5) Unsafe abortion
What are the factors that prevent women from seeking care during pregnancy and childbirth?
(1) Poverty
(2) Distance to facilities (GIDA or geographically displaced area)
(3) Lack of information
(4) Inadequate & poor quality services
(5) Cultural beliefs & practices
According to WHO April 2020, every infant and child has the right to good nutrition according to what?
Convention on the Rights of the Child
According to WHO April 2020, this is associated with 45% of child deaths.
According to WHO April 2020, in 2019, this estimated amount of children under 5 years old were approximated to be stunted, wasted, and overweight or obese.
(1) 144 million: were stunted (too short for age)
(2) 47 million: were wasted (too thin for height)
(3) 38.3 million: were overweight or obese
This is known to improve IQ, school attendance, and is associated with higher income in adult life.
How is breastfeeding associated with improving child development?
Improving child development and reducing health costs through breastfeeding results in economic gains for individual families as well as at the national level.
What are some of the unfinished business of MDGs?
(1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
(4) Reduce child mortality
(5) Improve maternal health and access to RH services
What are some of the unfinished business of SDGs?
(2) End hunger, achieve food and security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
(3) Ensure health lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
This global initiative was launched in 1991 by the World Health Organization and the UNICEF.
Mother Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (M) BFHI
What was the goal intended by the global initiative Mother Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (M) BFHI?
It aims to give every baby the best start in life by creating a healthcare environment that supports breast feedings as the norm.
What was the impact of the global initiative Mother Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (M) BFHI?
By the end of 2007 more than 20,000 health facilities worldwide have been officially designated baby-friendly.
What were the practice guidelines on the intrapartum and immediate postpartum care?
(1) Updated, evidence based national guideline on intrapartum and immediate postpartum care
(2) Intended for use by health professionals (OB Specialists, OB Practitioners, Nurses, Midwives) in all government & private health facilities
What are the four (4) core steps in immediate newborn care that will save lives?
(1) Immediate and thorough drying
(2) Early skin-to-skin contact
(3) Properly timed cord clamping
(4) Non-separation of newborn from mother for early breastfeeding
This is defined as an integrated system of caring for premature and low birth weight newborns in health facilities and communities. This is a package of evidence-based interventions that saves and improves newborn lives.
DOH-Care for Small Babies (Essential Care for Mothers, Premature & Low Birth Weight Newborns)
What does the DOH-Care for Small Babies (Essential Care for Mothers, Premature & Low Birth Weight Newborns) include?
(1) Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care
(2) Kangaroo Mother Care
(3) Community Support
What does the Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care include?
(1) Prevention and Management of premature birth and low birth weight
(2) The 4 Core Steps of Immediate Newborn Care
(3) Postnatal Care of Mother & Newborn
(4) Basic Newborn Resuscitation
What does the Kangaroo Mother Care include?
(1) Continuous skin-to-skin contact
(2) Exclusive breastfeeding
(3) Early discharge from the hospital
(4) Close follow-up in the clinic
This movement intends to building on past and continuing achievements in the overall context of national policies and programs on child health and nutrition, and consistent with the World Declaration and Plan of Action for Nutrition.
WHO and UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
What is the aim of the WHO and UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)?
To improve –through optimal feeding –the nutritional status, growth and development, health, and thus the survival of infants and young children.
The goal of the WHO and UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) can be manifested through what movements?
(1) Supporting exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, followed by timely, adequate, safe and appropriate complementary feeding, while continuing breastfeeding for two years and beyond.
(2) Supporting maternal nutrition and social and community support.
What are the key intervention settings and services of the WHO and UNICEF Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)?
(A) Health Facilities
(1) Enforcement of the Milk Code and RA 10028
(2) IYCF Standards and Guidelines
(3) IYCF in Malnutrition, Special Medical Conditions and Infant Feeding in Emergencies
(B) Family/Community
(1) Peer Counseling/Support Groups in Barangays
(2) Enforcement of the Milk Code and RA 10028
(3) IYCF in Malnutrition, Special Medical Conditions and Infant Feeding in Emergencies
(C) Working Places
(1) Enforcement of RA 10028 (Lactation Rooms/ Breastfeeding Breaks)
(2) Enforcement of the Milk Code
(3) Maternity Leave
(D) Industry
(1) Compliance with the Milk Code and Consumer’s Act
(2) Compliance to the Codex Code of Hygienic Practice for Foods for Infants and Children
(3) Food Fortification
(E) Schools
(1) Enforcement of RA 10028 (IYCF Integrated into the curriculum)
(2) Good IYCF practice integrated into the curriculum
(3) MBF Schools
(4) Enforcement of the Milk Code
This legal mandate is also delineated as responsible parenthood and reproductive law RPRH Act of 2012.
Republic Act 10354 (National Safe Motherhood Program)
This legal mandate pertains to the act of implementing health reforms for rapid reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality.
Administrative Order of 2008 - 2009
This legal mandate is where the adolescent health and development program is under.
Administrative Order 34-A s 2000, the Adolescent and Youth Health (AYH) Policy
Under this legal mandate, the child has the right to the highest attainable standard of healthcare, with emphasis in primary healthcare, the development of preventative health care.
Article 24 of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
This legal mandate is also known as the “National Code of Marketing of Breastmilk, Substitute , Breastmilk Supplements and Related Products.”
Executive Order No 51 (Oct. 20, 1986)
This legal mandate is also known as the “Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992.”
Republic Act 7600
She is known as the “Lady with the Lamp,” who provided care to wounded and ill soldiers during the Crimean War. She is considered to be the founder of educated and scientific nursing.
Florence Nightingale (Environmental Theory)
This theory is known to be incorporated in the restoration of the usual health status of the nurse’s clients into the delivery of healthcare which is still practiced.
Environmental Theory
What was the motivation for developing the Self Care Theory?
What if every individual adult has the capacity for self- care; however, when a health problem arises it is possible that this capacity is insufficient to confront the situation, making it then necessary to receive help from other persons who compensate for this deficit.
According to her theory, the nurse should show patients respect for their culture by asking them about it, their beliefs, and related health care practices.
Madeleine Leininger
This theory pertains to the nurse being sensitive to the cultural differences as you focus on individual patients, their needs, and their preferences.
Transcultural Nursing
This book of Florence Nightingale became the basis of nursing practice and research.
Notes on Nursing: What it is, what is not (1860)
What does the self care deficit theory of Dorothea Orem state?
(1) People should be self- reliant and responsible for their own care.
(2) People are distinct individuals
(3) Nursing is a form of action
(4) A person’s knowledge of potential health problems is necessary for promoting self- care behaviors.
According to Banfield 2002, this theory underlines that the existence of a self-care deficit that indicates the need for nursing.
Self Care Deficit Theory
These are commonly held standards of what is acceptable, important, or unimportant, right or wrong.
Cultural Values
This is known as the learned patterns of perception, values and behaviors, shared by a group of people that are dynamic and heterogenous.
This involves language, medical cure, religion, child-rearing methods, food, folk art, celebrations, jokes, manners, clothes and dressing,
and working schedules
This is defined as the classification of humans according to physical characteristics.
These are characterized as social groups with a shared social history, sense of identity, geography, religion, language and culture despite racial difference.
This is delineated as the social expectation of what guides behavior.
These are characterized as behaviors, language etc. that society holds so strongly that violating it results in extreme disgust
This is known as the act of understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing individual differences.
What are the different myths and beliefs related to pregnancy?
(A) Don’t look at ‘ugly’ people while pregnant.
(B) Pregnant women should eat for “two”.
(1) There is a specific computation done to know the right and sufficient calorie intake of a pregnant woman. It varies depending on the woman’s condition, occupation, and daily activities. The sufficient calorie intake must be followed to prevent the occurrence of gestational diabetes.
(C) If a pregnant woman eats twin bananas, the baby in the womb will become twins
(D) Avoid eating sticky foods to have smooth labor
(E) Eat raw eggs when you’re pregnant so you’ll have an easier time during delivery
(1) Consumption of raw eggs can cause Salmonella infection. Doing this may expose the pregnant woman and the baby to health problems.
(F) Pregnant women are not allowed to drink soft drinks because the child will become stubborn.
(1) The attitude of a child still depends on the child-rearing process done by the family.
(G) A pregnant woman’s food cravings will affect the physical appearance of the baby.
(H) If a person eats from the same plate as a pregnant person, he/she will become sleepy
(I) Don’t take a bath for a week after you give birth
(1) It is a must to always observe proper hygiene.
What are the roles and responsibilities of maternal health nurse?
(1) Care provider
(2) Educators
(3) Advocate
(4) Manager
(5) Collaborator
(6) Leader
(7) Researcher
This is based on the measure of national income per person or GNI per capita.
World Bank Income Classification
The World Bank Income Classification, which is based on the measure of national income per person or GNI per capita is calculated using what?
Atlas Method (This is used to classify countries for analytical purposes and to determine borrowing eligibility.)
This is characterized as the gross national income (converted to US dollars), divided by the midyear population.
GNI per capita
Under maternal mortality key facts, every day in 2020 how many women were calculated to have died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth?
800 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth
Under maternal mortality key facts, what happened during 2000 to 2020 in relation to the maternal mortality ratio?
Maternal mortality ratio (MMR, number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births) dropped by about 34% worldwide
Under maternal mortality key facts, how many maternal deaths occur in low and lower middle income countries in 2020?
Under maternal mortality key facts, how many maternal deaths occurred almost every two minutes?
A maternal death occurred almost every 2 minutes in 2020 (287,000).
(Therefore, skilled care before, during and after childbirth can save the lives of women and newborns)
Why do women die based on the statistics published by WHO, 2022?
(1) Severe bleeding (mostly bleeding after childbirth)
(2) Infections (usually after childbirth)
(3) High blood pressure during pregnancy
(4) Complications from delivery
(5) Unsafe abortion
What are the factors preventing women from seeking care during pregnancy and childbirth based on the data of WHO, 2022?
(A) Health System Failures
(1) Poor quality of care
(2) Disrespect
(3) Mistreatment and abuse
(B) Insufficient numbers of and inadequately trained health care workers
(C) Shortage of essential medical supplies
(D) Poor accountability of health systems
(E) Harmful gender norms or Inequality
(F) External factors contributing to instability and health system fragility
(1) Climate crises
(2) Humanitarian crises (e.g. war)
Based on the factors preventing women from seeking care during pregnancy and childbirth based on the data of WHO, 2022, why is there harmful gender norms and inequality?
Low prioritization of women and girls including right to sake, quality and affordable sexual reproductive health services.
Based on Newborn Facts drawn from the data of WHO, March 2024, globally how many children have died in the first 20 days of life in 2022?
2.3 million children died (Although the world has made substantial progress in child survival since 1990)
Based on Newborn Facts drawn from the data of WHO, March 2024, the first month of life is the most vulnerable period for child survival with _______?
With 2.3 million newborns dying in 2022
Based on Newborn Facts drawn from the data of WHO, March 2024, how many newborns died in 2022?
In 2022, nearly half (47%) of all under 5-deaths occurred in the newborn period (the first 28 days of life), an increase from 1990 (40%)
Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest neonatal mortality rate in the world (27 deaths per 1000 live births) with 43% of global newborn deaths, followed by central and southern Asia (21 deaths per 1000 live births)
What are the leading causes of neonatal deaths?
(1) Premature birth
(2) Birth complications (birth asphyxia/trauma)
(3) Neonatal infections
(4) Congenital anomalies
(Children who die within the first 28 days of birth suffer from conditions and diseases associated with lack of quality care at birth or skilled care and treatment immediately after birth and in the first days of life.)
What happens to women who receive midwife-led continuity of care (MLCC) provided by professional midwives, educated and regulated to international standards?
Are 16% less likely to lose their babies and 24% less likely to experience a preterm birth.
According to them, “Every infant and child has the right to good nutrition.”
“Convention on the Rights of the Child”.
This is characterized to be associated with 45% of child deaths.
Globally in 2022, ____________ were estimated to be stunted (too short for age), ______________ were estimated to be wasted (too thin for height), and ___________ were overweight or obese
(1) 149 million children under 5
(2) 45 million were estimated
(3) 37 million
Based on the data of Infant and Young Child Feeding key factors drawn from the data of WHO, 2023, how many newborns or infants are exclusively breastfed?
About 44% of infants 0–6 months old are exclusively breastfed.
Based on the data of Infant and Young Child Feeding key factors drawn from the data of WHO, 2023, how many children receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods?
In many countries less than a fourth of infants 6–23 months of age meet the criteria of dietary diversity and feeding frequency that are appropriate for their age.
This is known to improve IQ, school attendance, and is associated with higher income in adult life. Improving child development and reducing health costs through this results in economic gains for individual families as well as at the national level.
Over ___________could be saved every year among children under 5 years, if all children 0–23 months were optimally breastfed.
820 000 children’s lives
What are the priority global strategies to decrease newborn deaths?
(1) High coverage of quality antenatal care
(2) Skilled Care at birth
(3) Postnatal care of mother and baby
(4) Care of small and sick newborns