Mod 4 Retake Flashcards
Why do we check for excessive bleeding during the primary assessment?
If bleeding is left untreated it has the potential to lead to rapid patient deterioration, shock, and death.
What is our main concern when caring for patients?
Scene safety. Before entering any scene you must ensure the scene is safe and identify any potential hazards that could cause harm to yourself
How to open an airway in an unresponsive trauma patient?
Insert an oropharyngeal airway if no gag reflex, no NPA. Suction secretions if necessary. If breathing is inadequate provide PPV.
What is the body’s compensatory response to blood loss?
The blood vessels constrict and cardiac output increases.
What is a 3 sided taped occlusive dressing used for?
It is for an open chest wound. During inhalation the dressing is sucked up against the wound, preventing air from entering. The side that is not taped allows for air that has built up in the thoracic cavity to escape during exhalation.
What is a 4 sided taped occlusive dressing used for?
It is for an open chest wound. On inhalation the dressing is sucked up against the wound , preventing air from entering. Occasionally the EMT can lift a corner during expiration to relieve any pressure.
What is decompensated shock?
It is an advanced stage of shock in which the body’s compensatory mechanisms are no longer able to maintain a blood pressure and perfusion of the vital organs.
What is hypo-perfusion?
Inadequate tissue perfusion. Also known as shock.
What is a flail chest?
It is a life threatening closed chest injury that occurs when two or more adjacent ribs are broken in two or more places. PPV with supplemental oxygen is the ideal treatment.
What is conduction?
Conduction is the process of which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through a substance.
What is a multiple casualty incident?
It is any event that places excessive demands on personnel and equipment.
What is an aortic dissection?
It occurs when there is a tear in the inner lining of the aorta and blood enters the opening and causes separation of the layers of the aortic wall.
What is posturing?
It is involuntary flexion or extension in the arms or legs that indicate a severe brain injury.
What is convection?
This causes cold air molecules that in immediate contact with the skin to be warmed
What is the peripheral nervous system?
Consists of the nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord.