Different Types Of Shock +more Flashcards
What are the causes of shock?
Pump failure, vessel failure, and volume loss.
What are the signs and symptoms of compensated shock?
Altered LOC, feeling of impending doom, thirsty,nausea and vomiting, regular blood pressure, rapid weak pulse, normal pupils, cool calm and clammy skin
What kind of treatment would you give for compensated shock?
Administer oxygen, monitor ABC’s, consider ALS, conserve body heat.
What are the signs of decompensated shock?
Diminishing LOC or even unresponsive, BP decreasing,cyanosis, dilated pupils, shallow respirations, weak peripheral pulses, shunting .
What causes decompensated shock?
Pump failure, vessel failure, and volume loss.
What kind of treatment would you give for decompensated shock?
Administer oxygen, consider ALS, conserve body heat.
What is happening in the body during aerobic metabolism?
Your cells are converting proteins,fats, and carbohydrates into energy with the help of oxygen. Example: running a marathon
What is happening in the body during anaerobic metabolism?
Cells are breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to produce energy without the help of oxygen. Example: running a 100 meter sprint.
What is the golden period?
The duration of time from injury to definitive care for trauma patients.
What is the platinum ten minutes?
Max time for a trauma patient from on scene to driving.
What causes neurogenic shock?
Spinal cord injury
What is neurogenic shock?
The sympathetic nerve fibers that control the vessel tone are damaged and as a result this causes massive vasodilation. Vasodilation will cause many things including blood to pool in peripheral vessels, that causes a decrease in stroke volume, cardiac output, and systolic blood pressure.
What treatments or interventions can be done for neurogenic shock?
Spinal immobilization and management of the airway, ventilation, and administering oxygen, also consider calling ALS
What is hemorrhagic shock?
It is shock that is caused from blood loss either internal or external.
What are the signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic shock?
Diminishing LOC or unresponsiveness, low blood pressure, shunting, rapid weak pulses, shallow respirations, feeling of impending doom!