mix Flashcards
massive PE on ECG
raised ICP what findings
hypertension with wide pulse pressure
investigation for mycoplasma pneumonia
what is cervical excitation seen in
what drugs are contraindicated in patients with renal artery stenosis
ace inhibitors
respiratory alkalosis
long term prophylaxis cluster headache
halo sign mammogram
breast cyst
vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus and absent corneal reflex
vestibular schwannoma
what nerves are affected in vestibular schwannoma
anterior cerebral artery stroke
leg weakness but not face weakness or speech impairment
first line for spasticity MS
what diabetes medication is associated with bladder cancer
first line treatment for primary dysmenorrhoea
- mefanamic acid
management of inguinal hernia in infants
urgent surgery
raised ICP can cause a third nerve palsy due to
what is a contraindication to circumcision
line treatment for ankylosing spondylitis
TNF-alpha blocker e.g. infliximab and etanercept
what is released into the blood stream when there is damage to the liver
what is seen in CXR of patients with aortic dissection
widened mediastinum
bite and blister cells are seen in
G6PD deficiency
what is most important cause of ventricular tachycardia
frist line for infertility in PCOS
management of acute upper urinary tract obstruction
what is given to suppress nausea and vomiting in intracranial tumours
domains used in scoring system for pancreatitis
P - PaO2 <8kPa
A - Age >55-years-old
N - Neutrophilia: WCC >15x10(9)/L
C - Calcium <2 mmol/L
R - Renal function: Urea >16 mmol/L
E - Enzymes: LDH >600iu/L; AST >200iu/L
A - Albumin <32g/L (serum)
S - Sugar: blood glucose >10 mmol/L
vision worse going downstairs what nerve
trochlear nerve
think 4th nerve palsy
what type of rash can be caused by herpes simplex virus
erythema multiform
presentation of acute intermittent porphyria
abdominal, neurological and psychiatric symptoms
- abdominal pain
- motor neuropathy
- psychiatric
- hypertension (common)
diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria
urine turns deep red on staining
raised urinary porphobilinogen
management of acute intermittent porphyria
avoid triggers
acute attacks
- IV haematin
- IV glucose
lung cancer obstructive or restrictive
loss of left heart border on CXR is caused by
left lingual consolidation (no left middle lobe)
what should be checked before starting terbinafine
then every 4-6 weeks after that
what is rash called in Lyme disease
erythema migrans
scalp psoriasis what is 1st line management
topical corticosteroids
when do you refer a child for not smiling
10 weeks
is bells palsy upper or lower motor neuron
lower motor neuron
- so therefore cannot wrinkle their forehead properly (if UMN you can)
what deficiency is nephrotic syndrome associate with
antithrombin III
what is mesenteric adenitits presentation
presents same as appendicitis but has a recent viral infection
needs no treatment
what is alprostadil and example of
prostaglandin E
keeps PDA open
what causes tonsillar carcinoma
HPV - 16 and 18
someone taking haloperidol gets a tremor what is given to treat symptoms
what is a common complication of giardiasis treatment
lactulose intolerance for up to 6 weeks
medication to reduce disease progression in polycystic kidney disease
poor response to fluid challenge
acute tubular necrosis
hernia through hasselback triangle
direct inguinal hernia
ongoing vomiting then ripping chest pain, crackling sounds on auscultation is suggestive of
Boerhaave syndrome
red currant jelly stool in child
management of intussuseption
rectal air insufflation
coffee bean sign on Xray
gold investigation for thromboembolic stroke
diffusion weighted MRI
parietal lobe damage what finding
contralateral visual field
middle cerebral artery controls
speech and language
anterior cerebral artery controls
foot and lower leg weakness
not speech disturbance
what is a contraindication for thrombolysis
BP > 180/110
INR >1.7
what is malignant hypertermia
what causes it
complication of anaesthetic administration
caused by increase calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
hyperpyrexia and muscle rigidity
dnaltroene (reduced calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum)
if 6 weeks until surgery how do you treat iron deficiency
oral iron (not IV)
CXR in child showing hyperinflation and fluid in horizontal fissure
transient tachypnoea of newborn
inheritance of haemophilia A
X linked
investigation for vesicoureteral reflux
micturating cystourethrogram
what drug interacts with clarithromycin
acute onset, pain, small, fixed oval pupil, ciliary flush
anterior uveitis
symptoms of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
- epistaxis
- telangiectases (lips, hands, oral cavity)
- visceral lesion
- family history
only need 2 of above for diagnosis
unrecordable blood glucose, confusion and abdominal pain
hyperthyroidism with firm nodules what is most likely underlying cause
toxic multinodular goitre
auer rods and phi bodies are seen in