MidtermPrep Flashcards
the 9 haz classes
Every good fire fighter owns that red colored motorcycle
explosives hases flammable liquids flammable solids oxidizers and organic peroxides toxic and infectious substances radioctive mats corrosive misc haz mats
whats in the msds
Product identification hazardous ingrediants toxilogical properties reactivity data fire and explosion data physical data first aid measures preperation information preventitive measures
Factors that effect streams?
fog streams
velocity gravity pattern air friction wind
stream is effective until it loses forward velocity, Breakover point, stream falls into showers of spray
solid stream effected by
air friction
with stream angles as elevation increases, the reach increases until max is reached at _____ to ______ degrees
max useable ______ of a fire stream is attained when the nozzle is at a _________ angle
30 to 34 degree
vertical reach
75 degree angle
multiple alarm events, whos in charge of what?
1 alarm
1st arriving officer Fire commander
2 alarm
1st arriving officer staging officer
1st arriving dc safety officer
2nd arriving dc IC
Overall responsibility, authority for management of 2nd or multiple alarm event
responsible for supplying resources to FC
review eval attack plan, change as necessary ongoing review determine priorities suggest direction, tactical priorities review org struct establish liason with other agencies
overall responsibility to manage resources at emerg event. developing initial strategy, determining tactical priorities, assigning sectors
strategy and priorities develop and implement plan of action inform ic of changes assign resources provide tactical objectives control staging provide for life safety request resources as needed
safety officer
does not respond to NoThing showing
advise fire command of safety concerns and welfare of crews
becomes Emerg safety officer once RIC is assigned
sector officer
manage assigned tactical activities
coordinate with FC or other sectors
ensure safety of ff
implement plan
public info officer
coord info between command and media
coordinate public safety announcements
planning officer
eval current strategy
forcast possible outcomes
eval future requirements
maintain incident records
logistics officer
provide and manage any supplies or equipment
fuel and repairs for equipment
secure any needed facilities
provide logisitcal needs as required
finance officer
document financial costs
documenting cost recovery
documenting for compensation or claims for injury
analyzing and managing legal risk
what happens
Mayday x 3
all other radio traffic on channel -MUST- cease
an alert goes out to the fire chief 4 deputies and PCs, the PIO, and the chaplain
reasons to call mayday
compromised position
find a downed ff or member of crew goes down
caught in flash/back or explosion
you or member of crew low air alarm and cant find exit or window in 30 seconds
tangled or pinned and self rescue doesnt work in 60 seconds
you or member of crew fallen through floor or roof
prime exit blocked unable to find second in 60 seconds
lost or separated from crew and cant find exit
disorientated and cant find exit 60 seconds
entrapment with low air alarm activating
phonetic alphabet
how to say
over out negative how do you read break affirmative correction roger say again
SCBD levels
when to change
3600psi or lower change
300-400psi difference find problem, tag and send
1200 or 1/4 low alarm
high reg lowers to 85-110 psi
low reg lowers .8-1.5
approx 3 questions
which ladders used in which trucks
window setups? venting hose stream entry/egress/rescue roof access
3 m - attic ladder
4.3m - roof ladder
7.3m - extension ladder
ladder 3 m - attack ladder 4.3 m - extension ladder (fresno) 5 m - roof ladder 7.3 m - extension ladder 10.6 m - extension ladder
4m combination folding ladder
ladder carries
shoulder carry
underarm or hip carry
flat shoulder carry
ladder rasies
beam raise
extension raise
flat ladder raise
windward, tip even with top of window,
hose stream
over window, windward, tip on wall above window
small window, ladder tip even or just below window sill, directly in middle of the window
large window, 2-3rungs inside window
roof access
3-5 rungs above
types of ropes?
making ties?
apartment walk up drop bag
20 m 10 mm Nylon double braided
guideline(lifeline) coils
30 m 6 mm Nylon/fibreglass kernmantle
Heavy utility rope
45 m 16 mm Nylon double braided
Rescue app ropes 1,4,9,14,20
2 bags
main and belay
60 m 13 mm ropes life safety
tech rescue 3
6 bags
2 main, 2 belay, and 2 haul bags
60 m 13 mm ropes life safety
2 bags
100 m 13 mm life safety ropes
ID - first two digits - rope diameter
next four digits - month / year
last two - sequenced # for that year
6mm. 9.7kN
8mm. 14
9mm. 16
11. 1. 27
13mm. 46kN
hitches - config that requires an object within to maintain integrity
knots - A robe intertwined within itself to form a predetermined config
bends - a tie used to join two pieces of rope or webbing together
round turn, loop, bight
Different types of kits on pump…
sprinkler/hydrant kits?
Hi Vol info?
how long?
7.5 m pony
15 m sections
125 mm
20 pump
15 tanker
9 ladder
4 quint
Litres of each rig?
mule - 250 Ladder - 1134 ATP - 1442 Pump - 1817 Quint - 1818 Tanker - 4500 Super - 13500 litres
diff groups of forcible entry tools?
pushing pulling
spreading - prying
striking battering
powered by
hand pneamatic hydraulic electrical gas
size up forcible entry?
Items RIC should have?
wildland ff - 4-5 questions
Anchor points
4 weather factors
Fuel described what levels
aspect of slope
diff positions on pump?
driver. ||. captain
small gate. big gate
big gate
1 Dismount safe, ppe, radio
2. remove hydrant gate
3. wrap hydrant 125mm hose
4. stand on hose signal driver or officer
5. once stopped or safe open steamer cap
6. inspect barrel connect gate
7. drain valve open
8. signal driver or officer rdy to turn on
9. turn on when ordered close drain valve
10 tools kinks return reassign
small gate