Micro facts from non Micro chapters/ hard to remember Flashcards
Strep Pyogenes - virulence factors
- Streptococcal chemokine protease - degrades IL-8 from neutrophils
- C5a peptidase - (-) C5a anaphylatoxin and (-) neutrophil chemotaxis
- M protein - binds serum factor H, destroying C3 convertase and (-) C3 opsonization
S. aureus Protein A function
binds Fc portion of IgG - to avoid opsonization
Pseudomonas stops complement how?
(-) C3a, C5a
How is pilli a virulence factor of Neisseria gon?
pilli are anti-phagocytic in this case ( as well as used for adherence)
List organisms that evade immune system by antigenic variation and how?
Diff in antigenic drift vs shift
Many viruses will mutate –> antigenic drift –> epidemics
ressortment of segmented virus genome –> antigenic shift –> pandemics
Mycobacterium TB - how do they survive IC?
sulfatides inhibit phagosome-lysosome fusion,
Sulfatides - cause prod H2SO4 when they hydrolyze, live w/in cell in their own soup of sulfuric acid, (-) lysosomal fusion
Listeria - how do they survive IC?
escape from phagosome into cytoplasm before lysosomal fusion
Obligate IC microbes?
Viruses, Chlamydia, Rickettsia, Coxiella
Syncytial viruses - how do they survive IC? ex/
paramyxo, herpes virus, HIV
Avoid humoral immunity by moving cell to cell using fusion of cell mem (move from infected cell and fuse to non infected cell - avoid time spent EC)
Herpes virus, adeno virus, rubeola - how do they survive IC?
dec expression of MHC on infected cells, (-) Tc
Key IgA protease producers
enter via mucosal surfaces
H. influ
S. pneumo
N. gon/menin
Which microbes have type III secretion systems? what is it?
A toxin injection device - family Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Chlamydia
Which bact has Invasins, fxn?
Ex/ yersinia pseudotuberculosis
Invasins - surface prot that promote binding and penetration of non-phagocytic cells.
Fxn of siderophores?
many bact produce these to allow them to chelate iron for energy
Collagenase - ex/ of bact, use
Breaks peptide bonds in collagen - Clostridium perfringens
Hyaluronidase - ex of bact, fxn?
Breaks down hyaluronic acid - S. pyogenes, C perfringens
Lecithinase - bact? fxn?
disrupts cell mem lecithin, leading to myconecrosis
ex. Clostridium perfringens
Streptokinase - bact? fxn?
dissolves fibrin clot - S. pyogenes
Streptodornase - bact? fxn?
breaks down DNA rel by dead cells and dec viscosity of pus - allowing for much more rapid spread thru tissues
- Streptococcus
bact particles that (+) neutrophils
What is active component of LPS (endotoxin)? why can it not be converted into a toxoid?
Lipid A.
Endotoxins are heat stabile, can’t be conv to toxoid
Endotoxins are from which bact
MoA of Endotoxin?
Bind to CD14 on mac and dendritic cells –> (+) overproduction of cytokines
In the case of Post strep GN - what type of HS? antibodies vs what?
Immune complexes of Ab vs S. pyogenes serotypes M12 and M14, circulate w/ antigen and block small diam blood vessels
HS-IV - why do IC organisms cause this? ex/
IC organisms (-) cell mediated immunity
ex. TB, leprosy, Chlamydia PID
What is released on death of G+ bact? fxn?
peptidoglycan teichoic acid fragments, chemotactic for neutrophils
Why does Neisseria menin lead to such a rapid onset of endotoxin shock? sx?
Neisseria has an overproduction of outer membrane fragments –>petechial hemorrhage and ecchymoses of palate and skin from time of onset of malaise and fever.
Anaerobes grown in what media?
Early complement def
Increased risk of severe, recurrent pyogenic sinus and respiratory tract infections. Increased risk of
Cornyebacterium grown in
Tellurite agar - dark grey/black colonies
Terminal compliment deficience lead to inc susceptibility to ?
________ of P aeruginosa generates ROS to kill competing pathogens.
Interferons used to treat which microbial infection
HBV, HCV, condyloma acuminatum (HPV 6 11)
Use of this drug is Associated with invasive CMV infection.
(-) IMD DH
ASO titer or anti-DNase B antibodies indicate
recent ________ infection.
S. pyogenes
CXR may showwidened mediastinum. - what pathogen?
Pulmonary anthrax can cause mediastinitis
Fidaxomicin is a drug used to treat
C. diff (along with metro, vanco)
Treatment of Nocardia vs Actinomyces
SNAP: Sulfonamides—Nocardia; Actinomyces—Penicillin
What causes
- cervical lymphadenitis in
children - hand infection in aquarium
- M scrofulaceum
- M marinum
Mycobacterium Sulfatides (surface glycolipids) inhibit \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_.
Sulfatides (surface glycolipids) inhibit
phagolysosomal fusion.
Reservoir of M. leprae in US
Clofazamine is used to treat what type of Mycobacterium?
Lepromatous form of M. leprae
Which Neisseria is associated with Fitz Hughes Curtis and which with Waterhouse Freidrichsen?
N gonn - Fitz Hughes Curtis - Perihepatitis -infection and inflammation of liver capsule and “violin string” adhesions of peritoneum to liver
N. menin - Waterhouse-Friderichsen
syndrome (adrenal insufficiency, fever, DIC,
rose spots on abdomen
Salmonella typhi - typhoid fever
C. jejuni predisposes one to ?
Guillain-Barré syndrome and reactive arthritis.
H. pylori predisposes one to what diseases?
peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma, and MALT lymphoma.
calf myalgia, photophobia, and red eyes (no exudate)
Leptospira- hawaiian surfers
Why do Beta lactams not work on Chlamydia?
The chlamydial cell wall lacks classic
peptidoglycan (due to reduced muramic acid),
rendering β-lactam antibiotics ineffective.
How to diff between Anaplasma and Ehrlichiosis?
Ehrlichia, Monocytes with
morulae (mulberry-like inclusions) in
Anaplasmosis - Granulocytes with
morulae in cytoplasm.
Causes of cold agglutinins
Cold agglutinin disease - autoimmune hemolytic
anemia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, infectious mononucleosis, CLL
Candida leads to endocarditis in this patient pop?
IV drug users
Aflatoxins produce by aspergillus leads to inc risk of what cancer?
soap bubble lesions in the brain
Cryptococcus encephalitis
Disc-shaped yeast seen on
methenamine silver stain of lung tissue or with fluorescent antibody.
flask shaped ulcers in colon
Entamoeba histolytica
2 diseases that lead to ⊝ heterophile antibody test MONO - ?
and Toxoplasma in immunocompetent host
Unilateral periorbital swelling vs bilat
T. cruzi
bilat - Trichinella
spiking fevers, hepatosplenomegaly,
Visceral leishmaniasis
Assoc with cholangiocarcinoma
Clonorchis sinensis
Herpes virus acquire envelopes from ?
Herpesviruses acquire envelopes from
nuclear membrane. - all other viruses from plasma membrane
high fevers for several days that can cause seizures,
followed by diffuse macular rash (starts on
trunk then spreads to extremities)
HHV 6 and 7 - Roseola infantum
fever first, rash later
Councilman bodies (eosinophilic apoptotic globules) on liver biopsy.
Hepatitis A (Picorna), Yellow fever (flavivirus)
Leads to villous atrophy –> dec Na absorption and loss of K+
Rota virus (Reo - ds DNA linear, 10-12 segments)
cytoplasmic inclusions of Rabies virus (negri bodies) found where?
found in Purkinje cells of cerebellum and
in hippocampal neurons.
Which Hepatitis is associated with
aplastic anemia
vs autoimmune hemolytic anemia
HepB aplastic
What glomerulonephritis is assoc with Hepatitis
HBV - Membranous
HCV - Membranoproliferative
What vasculitis is assoc w. Hep B vs C
Hep B - PAN
HCV - leukocytoclastic vasculitis
Derm sx of HCV?
PCT, lichen planus
Organisms typically not covered by 1st–4th
generation cephalosporins
are LAME:
Listeria, Atypicals (Chlamydia, Mycoplasma),
MRSA, and Enterococci.
Supplement K+ and Mg2+ because of altered
renal tubule permeability. - Fungal Rx
Amphotericin B