Micro Ch 21 Flashcards
S. aureus: Folliculitis
- Signs&Symptoms
- Treatment
- Furnicule- red, swollen, pus formation
- Carbuncle- draining, blood entry
- can be surgically removed
- antibiotic if in blood
S. aureus: SSSS
- Vulnerable Population
- Treatment
- Signs&Symptoms
- Mechanism of Action
- very young or very elderly
- isolate patients
- antibiotics (arythro or pen-v)
- skin blisters
- particularly bad in genitilia
- clear fluid
- skin peeling
- danger for secondary infection
- powerful exotoxin (exfolative)
- breaks ester bond in skin causing peeling
S. aureus: Impetigo
- Signs&Symptoms
- Vulnerable Population
- oozing of plasma
- yellow crusts
- local inflammation
- pyoderma
2. - Newborns
S. aureus: TSS
- Risk Factors
- Signs&Symptoms
- Mechanism of Action
- prolonged tampon use
- post-surgury
- birth
- high fever
- severe headaches
- body aches
- confusion
- delirium
- nausea
- vomiting
- sun bum rash
- shock
- death (<3%)
- Super antigen
- TSS exotoxin I and II
What does confusion and delirium indicate in TSS?
CNS is effected
Why are tampons ideal for TSS?
- nutrient rich
- material depletes Mg++ in vag and therefore moisture
- abrasion of epithelium
What are the recommendations for tampon use to prevent TSS?
- hand washing before insertion
- be aware of absorption and avoid over use
- change tampon every 6-8 hr and avoid overnight use
- discontinue use or antibiotic regimin
S. pyogenes: Impetego
1. Vulnerable Population
- school aged children
S. pyogenes: Necrotizing Fasciitis
- Mechanism of Action
- Effects
- Exotoxin A
- Kyluronidase
- Collaginase
- destroys fascia (threads of connective tissue)
- organ failure
- mortality (50%)
S. pyogenes: Erysipelales
- Signs&Symptoms
- Risks
- Treatment
- raised margins of wound (goes into deep tissue)
- can become septicaemic
- betalactaine antibiotics
P. aeruginosa: Dermatitis
- Signs&Symptoms
- Risk Factors
- Vulnerable Population
- Risks
- Entry Point
- rash (lasts for up to 2 weeks)
- pool water
- hot tubs
- natural H2O
- kids
- otitis externa (swimmer’s ear)
- ear drum damage
- hair follicles
P. aeruginosa: Otitis Externa
- Signs& Symptoms
- Risk Factors
- pus
- pain
- natural H2O (areas with little movement)
P. aeruginosa: Burn Patients
- Signs&Symptoms
- Risks
- Risk Factors
- blue-green pus
- increased morbidity
3 . - filtered air
- increased morbidity
Why is P. aeruginosa so dangerous for people with CF?
- hides from phagocytes
- hind in flower vases and mop buckets
- Risk Factors
- Signs&Symptoms
- Three Levels
- Mechanism of Action
- Entry Point
- Treatment
- hormone increase
- sebum production increase
- i. Comedonal- mild
ii. Inflammitory- intermediate
iii. Cystic- severe - metabolizes with exoenzyme lipase causing blackened end product full of fatty acid and glycerol
- attaches to base of hair follicle (white-head)
- normal- benzol peroxide an d erythromycin
- cystic- isoterin
Viral: Warts: HPV
- Number of Strains
- Prevention
- Transmission
- Virion Pathway
- Treatment
- 50
- Vaccine (helps with potential for cervical, throat, and mouth cancer)
- formites
- shower floor
- sexually
- interpersonal
- travel through roots
- burnt to root with liquid N2
- burnt with electrical current
- salicylic acid (24%), repeated use, done at home
- burnt with laser
What is the downside of the HHSV vaccine?
only targets 4 strains
- Manifestation
- Detrimental Effects
- Cold Sores/Fever Blisters in oral/respiratory
2. latent, recurs with stress and hormones
- Manifestation
- Detrimental Effects
- Treatment
- Genital Herpes housed in Sacral Region of Spine
- Encepholitic
- Acylovir
While HHSV-1 is usually localized to the mouth area, and HHSV-2 the genitilia, how can they reverse positions?
oral sex
- Manifestation
- Entry Point
- Treatment
- Prevention
- Incubation Period
- travels from blood to skin causing chicken pox or shingles which manifest in a series of crops with a pustule which is very infective
- respiratory
- acylovir (shingles)
- vircella zoster
- 14-21 days
- Prevention
- Detrimental Effects
- used to be vaccine, eradicated now
2. death or scarring
- Prevention
- Signs&Symptoms
- Diagnostics
- Incubation Period
- Risks
- MMR vaccine
- red measles
- fever
- runny nose
- pink eye
- Koplik’s Spots- swollen tongue with white spots
- 3 days
- middl ear inx
- pneumonia
- encephalitis
- progressive SSPE (nerve degeneration and death)
- Prevention
- Diagnostics
- Signs&Symptoms
- Risks
- MMR vaccine
- no Koplik’s
- pink measles
- transfer from mom to baby
- mental defects
- cataracts
- deafness
Conjunctivitis: Pseudomonas
- Transmission
- Signs&Symptoms
- contact lenses
- red
- swelling
- discharge
- sensitivity
- bloodshot
- increased tears
- Disease
- Signs&Symptoms
- Risks
- untreated chlamydia in eye
- redness
- inturned eyelid
- trichasis on cornea
- leading cause of blindness in the world