Metabolic System Flashcards
Metabolic System
-physical and chemical process transforming food into energy and elements for cellular rebuilding
Phases of Metabolism
- anabolic
- catabolic
Metabolic system helps with maintaining
- fluid and electrolyte balance
- (and homeostasis)
- -osmotic pressure
- -acid-base balance
- -Anion-cation balance
Metabolic Disorders
- any problem in body that causes loss of metabolic control of the body’s steady state
- most are inherited (autosomal recessive)
Ex. Metabolic Disorders
- Paget’s Disease
- Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Obesity
Paget’s Disease
- bone cells increase in number, become larger and more active
- Osteoblast defect
- Bone turnover incr up to 40x and new bone is abnormal in shape/structure/weaker
Paget’s Disease S/Sx
- headache
- deep boring constant pain
- CN VIII can be involved
- hearing loss
Paget’s Disease Tx
- PT (incr mm strength, pn control, low/no impact WB)
- pharmacological (bisphosphonates)
- Pain management (analgesics)
- surgery
- Phenylketonuria
- genetic disease
- phenylalanine builds up in circulation–>brain damage
genetic component of PKU
- caused by mutations in the gene coding for phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme
- phenylalanine builds up in blood
Newborn infants routinely screened for ______
- tested by blood tests
-mousy odor
Metabolic Syndrome Diagnosis
3 of 5 of below:
- central obesity
- High Triglycerides
- low HDL
- Insulin resistance
Metabolic Syndrome Management
- decr sodium intake
- diet
- exercise
- control HTN
- weight loss
Waist-to-Hip Ratio
-waist circumference index to determine risk for metabolic syndrome
Male: >102 cm (ratio >0.8 = central obesity)
-Female: >88 cm (ratio >1.0 = central obesity)
____ causes increase risk for DM 2, Stroke, CAD
Metabolic Syndrome
- weight greater than 20% of ideal weight for body structure and height
- BMI >30
Obesity Pathogenesis
-neuroendocrine dysfunction cauesd by impairment of CNS function (genetic mutations/deletions) that disrupts normal food intake and body-weight control
Ideal BMI
Overweight BMI
Obesity BMI
Moderate Obesity BMI
Morbid Obesity BMI
Super Obesity BMI
2nd Most common preventable cause of death in the US
-inactivity + eating the wrong foods
smoking #1
Obese individuals have fewer :
- ATPase pumps
- use less energy & expend fewer callories
Theories of Obesity Causes
- fewer ATPase pumps
- Adipose cell theory (higher # of fat cells)
- some have more lipoprotein, lipase (assists fat depositions into fat cells
- Microbial Theory
- Viral Infection theory
- Hormonal Dysfunctions
- environmental
Microbial Theory
Flora in GI tract causing more things to be digested and utilized differently
Viral Infection Theory
virus linked to obesity
Hormonal Dysfunction
-HPA (hypothalamus pituitary axis) causing abnormal cortisol secretion causing abnormal metab of sugar
Obesity Clinical Manifestations
- excess body fat
- atherosclerosis
- cardiomyopathy
- increased susceptibility to infection
- fatigue
- irritability
- menstrual disorders/infertility
- psychological disturbances
- irritability
- loneliness
- depression
- binge eating
- tension
Risk Factors Associated with Increase Morbidity/Mortality in Obese Persons
- Coronary Artery Disease
- DM 2
- Sleep Apnea
- Osteoarthritis
- Gallstones
- Stress Incontinence
- Cigarette Smoking
- Age >45 (M); >55 (FM)
- postmenopausal women
- LDL >160 mg/dL
Obesity Assessment
- Physical exam
- Skin fold measurements
Surgical Intervention for Obesity
- vertical banded gastroplasty
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- Vagal nerve block
Vagal Nerve Block
- indicated for BMI 40+ with HTN, high cholesterol etc.
- reduces hunger and incr feelings of satiety
Potential Hazards of Exercise for the Obese Patient
- precipitation of angina or MI
- excessive rise in BP
- Aggravation of degenerative arthritis
- Ligamentous injuries
- Excessive Sweating
- Skin disorders (chafing)
- dehydration/decr blood volume
- heat stroke/exhaustion
Pathology Continuum
Metabolic Syndrome–>Obesity–>DM