memory - working memory model Flashcards
intro - AO1
- baddeley and hitch (1974)
- proposed model of how STM works
- suggests STM has several stores
- connected but work independently
- attentional process
- decides what/when things need to be done
- delegates tasks to slave systems accordingly
- can code any type of information
- takes over most demanding tasks
- can become overloaded with new tasks that require concentration
- due to limited capacity
phonological loop - AO1
- information from CE passes into PL
- baddley divided PL into 2 stores
1. articulatory loop - like an inner voice - silently rehearses words
seen/heard - to keep them in memory (maintenance rehearsal)
2. phonological store - like an inner ear - stores word we hear to keep them in memory
- limited capacity
- codes acoustically
visuospatial sketchpad - AO1
- responsible for setting up mental images
- use when planning spatial task
- e.g. giving directions
- temporarily stores visual and spatial information
Logie 1995
divided PL into two sections
1. inner scribe
- records arrangement of objects in visual field
2. visual cache
- stores visual data
codes visually
limited capacity
episodic buffer - AO1
- later store
- added by baddeley in 2000
- collects and combines info from CE, PL, VSS
- to record event
- used to transfer info from STM to LTM
- used to retrieve info from LTM
- limited capacity (4 chunks)
- can code any type of info
research to support - AO3
shallice and warrington 1970
patient KF
- shallice and warrington
- patient KF
- suffered with amnesia
E - STM recall was better when digits were read himself compared to when digits were read aloud
E - suggests there are different stores of STM
- one to process visual info
- one to process auditory info
L - PL damaged
- VSS intact
research to support - AO3
shallice and warrington 1970
patient KF
P - RTS can be criticised
- low population validity
- case study
E - KF = amnesia
- unusual illness
- difficult to generalise to wider population
E - memories may work differently
L - limits RTS that KF provides for working memory model
research to support - AO3
dual task performance
P - research to support
- dual task performance
- baddeley 1975
E - found that there was more difficulty performing 2 visual tasks simultaneously (mentally imagining letter F and moving it around the screen and using a pointer to follow an image on screen)
- compared to when performing 2 visual tasks separately and visual task/verbal task e.g. saying word ‘the’ repeatedly
E - suggests there are separate slave systems
- when performing 2 visual simultaneously competing for limited capacity of VSS
- when performing visual/verbal task delegated to separate slave systems
- no competition for capacity
L - supports slave systems have limited capacity
- increases credibility of WMM
- performance is not reduced
weakness - AO3
much of research done on PL and VSS
P - despite empirical research
- much done on PL and VSS
E - lack of clarity on role of CE
- WMM suggets CE = attentional process delegates tasks
E - other psychologists suggest CE may have several components
L - casts doubt on WMM