memory - types of long term memory Flashcards
procedural memory - AO1
- knowing ‘how’ to do things
- e.g. motor skills (bike riding)/muscle memory
- non-declarative
- does not involve conscious recall
- not time stamped
- area of brain responsible = cerebellum and motor cortex
semantic memory - AO1
- responsible for storing knowledge about the world
- such as meaning of words e.g. love
- general knowledge e.g. London is capital of england
- declarative
- involve conscious recall
- not time stamped
- area responsible = temporal lobe
episodic memory - AO1
- responsible for storing information about events experienced at a specific time
- e.g. first day of school
- declarative
- involve conscious recall
- time stamped
- area responsible = hippocampus
episodic memory
semantic memory
procedural memory
episodic memory
brain region
semantic memory
brain region
temporal lobe
procedural memory
brain region
cerebellum/motor cortex
strength - AO3
neuroimaging evidence to support
P - neuroimaging evidence to support
- types of LTM
E - various memory tasks
- scanned using PET scanner
E - found that episodic memory = associated with hippocampus
- procedural memory = cerebellum and motor cortex
L - supports types of LTM
- 3 different types of LTM
- different stores
- indicating they are separate
strength - AO3
scientific methods
P - strength
- uses scientific methods
E - objective and empirical techniques e.g. brain scans
E - identifies which brain area active
- e.g. procedural task
- cerebellum and motor cortex active
L - increases overall internal validity
- raising scientific status of psychology
real life evidence to support - AO3
Clive wearing
P - real life evidence to support
- Clive wearing
E - episodic memory was damaged
- could not remember some past life events e.g. musical education
E - procedural memory was still working
- could still play piano
L - supports types of LTM
- different types of LTM damaged
- supports they are separate
- Clive wearing had amnesia
- caused by virus which affected hippocampus
- supports episodic memory in hippocampus
real life evidence to support - AO3
Clive wearing
P - low population validity
E - Clive wearing = one case study
E - difficult to generalise to wider population
- memories may operate differently
L - limits clive as RTS