Memory & Learning Flashcards
Dentate Gyrus
Center of declarative memory
Procedural Memory
Learned skills like riding bike/playing instrument, etc. Encoded via cerebellar and striatal structures
Notable Aspect of Priming
Emotional Learning
Form of conditioning based from amygdala, like conditioned taste aversion
Distributed Processing
Memory first comes in sensory cortices, then is parsed into separate features and sent to separate but paralellel processing centers
NTs and Consolidation
Adrenergic and cholinergic synapses involved with. BetaARs necessary, as well as cholinergic synapses. BetaAdrenergic antagonists and atropine can interfere w/ consolidation
Stress and Consolidation
ACTH and cortisol and such appear to increase, but extreme stress erases everything
Working Memory Location/NTs
Frontal lobe (makes sense bc executive functions) and DA
Theta rhythms
Information shuttling b/w hippocampus and frontal lobes during sleep to consolidate declarative memory
Dissociative Amnesia
Repression of memories
ABeta Induction of Memory Loss Mech
Binds to PrP, which then binds to coR mGluR5. This activates calcineurin, phosphatase that causes endocytosis of AMPA and decreases activity of NMDA