CNS Infections Flashcards
4 Mechs of Spread to CNS
Direct extension (skin/sinuses/bone, like after trauma)
Axonal Transport
4 Kinds of Infections/Based on Inflammation (what diseases lead to and defining immune cells)
Acute/pyogenic (PMNs, pyogenic bacteria)
Subacute (lcytes, treated bacterial infections like syph)
Chronic (lcytes, viruses and fungus and shit)
Granulomatous (lcytes and giant cells and such. TB, leprosy, others)
3 Kinds of Meningitis
Bacterial (septic, PMNs, purulent)
Fungal (chronic inflammation, cryptococcus)
Virus (aseptic)
Neonatal Acute Bacterial Meningitis
Often vaginal delivery, E. coli and StrepBeta
Treatment of Brain Abscess (3)
Culture for Antibodies
Administer Antibodies (broad spectrum)
Acute Viral Meningitis
Usually self limiting and often viral cultures are negative, so called “aseptic”
3 Kinds of Chronic Bacterial Meningitis
Lyme disease
Pott’s Disease
Epidural TB infection, extends to vertebral bone
Tabes Dorsalis
Degeneration of posterior columns from tertiary syphilis, loss of light touch and position sense
8 Kinds of Viral Meningoencephalitis
Arthropod borne, like equines and WNE Polio Rabies HIV-1 Herpes simplex I and II Varicella zoster Cytomegalovirus Progressive multifocal leukoencephalitis
Type I often encephalitis in children/young adults that necroses and hemorrhages frontal and temporal lobes so can be devastating
II often in adults, check mother and if positive do C section
Cowdry Type A Inclusions
Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion seen w/ both types of HSV
Spreads hemotagenously and infects LMNs, preferably AchRs. Get permanent loss of anterior horn cells
Difference b/w Negri bodies and Cowdry Type A inclusions
Negri seen in cytoplasm
Sign of HIV-1 Encephalitis (end stage AIDS)
Multinucleated monocytic cells