Aphasias Flashcards
Acquired dysfunction of language from injury in brain resulting in disordered use of rule-governed, symbolic relations
WLG Tests by Brain Region
Letter WLG tests related to L dorsolateral frontal lobe, category WLG related to L temporal lobe
Anomic/Amnesic Aphasia
Poor naming/word-finding difficulty, often part of global degenerative process like AD
Motor Symptom w/ Broca’s
Right sided weakness
3 Paraphasic Errors
Phonemic (literal) - substitute one phoneme for another within single word (silling for spilling)
Semantic (verbal) - substitute one word for another (flew for soared) but not always related semantically
Neologistic (jargon/gibberish) - substitution of word sounds phonetically and semantically related to target word
Conduction Aphasia (manifestation, other symptom, cause)
Impaired repetition w/ relatively spared fluency and comprehension. Maybe some phonemic paraphasic errors. Often from damage to arcuate fasciculus
3 Transcortical Aphasias
Good repetition but impaired:
Comprehension (transcortical sensory)
Fluency (transcortical motor)
Both (mixed transcortical aphasia)
Pure Alexia (manifestation and location)
Can write but can’t read: temporoparietaloccipital junction
3 Kinds of Dyspraxia
Ideomotor apraxia: cannot translate an idea into movement. Can identify object and formulate plan, but not voluntarily carry it out
Ideational Apraxia: difficulty identifying concept/purpose behind objects and is unable to formulate or organize or remember plan of action for it
Constructional Apraxia: inability to draw or construct simple configurations, such as intersecting pentagons
2 Hemineglect Test Results/areas
Cancellation but normal line bisection: dorsolateral frontal (about)
Line Bisection: occipital