Basic Cellular Rxns to CNS Injury - Glial cells and shit Flashcards
Background on slide but most important part, where 99% of all synapses are
Nissl Bodies
RER that make proteins to be sent out (like neuropeptides)
Axonal Reaction (Central Chromatolysis)
Following injury - more ribosomes for internal production, not Nissl bodies bc don’t want external. Nuc falls to edge and loses color
PNS vs. CNS Axonal Regeneration
Can vs. can’t. Schwann cells aid
Eosinophilic Nerve Cell Change
From destructive injury/necrosis
Simple (chronic) Atrophy
Shrinks and works at reduced capacity. Remove insult and can recover almost 100%
Main Diff of Human Brains (from others)
Astrocytes have shitload more processes
Reactive (Gemistocytic) Astrocytes
Get hypertrophic when damage done to CNS
Two Ways Astrocytes Prevent Cell Death on Edge of Ischemia
Release GFs that tell cells to live and eat toxins coming in from necrotic area
4 Beneficial Aspects of Reactive Astrocytes
Restore ionic homeostasis
Remove glutamate
Release GFs
Restore BBB
3 Potential Negative Effects of Reactive Astrocytes
May interfere w/ neurite outgrowth, block remyelination, or contribute to seizure focus
Alzheimer Type II Astrocyte
NOT ASSOCIATED W/ AD. Large vacuolated astrocyte from metabolic insult to NS (not destructive) like from liver disease. Don’t work so then effects can also affect neurons
Gitter Cells
CNS macs, activate and signal for blood monocytes to join (BBB gets leakier)
Choroid Plexus Transformation
Ependymal cilia change to microvilli, look like kidney epithelial cells