Medical Abbreviations Flashcards

AMB	ambulatory
BRP	bathroom priviledges
CBR	complete bed rest
OOB	out of bed
up ad lib	up as desired
abd	abdomen
BP	blood pressure
bx	biopsy
C	celsius
c/o	complains of
CTA	clear to auscultation
dx	diagnosis
F	fahrenheit
FUO	fever of unknown origin
GI	gastrointesinal
GU	genitourinary
H/A	headache
h/o	history of
HPI	history of present illness
imp	impressions
lt	left
MAE	moves all extremities
NAD	no apparent distress
NKA	no known allergies
N/V	nausea and vomiting
neg	negative
P	pulse
PE	physical exam
PMH	past medical history
R	respirations
R/O	rule out
ROS	review of symptoms
rt	right
SOB	short of breath
Sx	symptoms
T	temperature
ASCVD	asteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASHD	asteriosclerotic heart disease
BPH	binign prostatic hypertrophy
CA	cancer
CAD	coronary artery disease
CHF	congested heart failure
COPD	chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CVA	cerebrovascular accident
DM	diabetes mellitus
HTN	hypertension
MI	myocardial infarction
PE	pulmonary emboli
PVD	peripheral vascular disease
STD	sexually transmitted disease
URI	upper respirator infection
ABG	arterial blood gases
BE	barium enema
CBC	complete blood count
CO2	carbon dioxide
C&S	culture and sensitivity
CXR	chest x ray
ECG (EKG)	cardiogram
lytes	elecrolytes
RBC	red blood cells
UA	uninalysis
UGI	upper GI
WBC	white blood cells
ad lib	as desired
AMA	against medical advise
BM	bowel movement
BSD	bedside drainage
CABG	coronary artery bipass graft
CPR	cardio pulmoary resuscitation
dc (disc)	discontinue
DNR (no code)	do not resuscitate
Dsg	dressing
FOB	foot of bed
Fx	fracture
GHWT	good handwashing technique
HOB	head of bed
hs	history
I&O	intake and output
IV	intravenous
KVO	keep vein open
NG	nasogastric
noc	night
NPO	nothing by mouth
NS, NIS, N/S)	normal saline
OT	occupational therapy
postop	postoperative
preop	preoperative
prep	preperation
PRN, p.r.n.	as needed
PT	physical therapy
pt	patient
q	every
RX	treatment
SOB	side of bed
TF	tube feeding
TPR	temp, pulse, resp
TURP	transurethral resection of prostate
Tx	treatment
VS	vital signs
WA	while awake
x	times


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