Antepartum Period/Assessment 1 Flashcards
Any pregnancy regardless of outcome
Number of BIRTHs carried/after 20 weeks, NOT the number of fetuses
Labor that occurs after 20 weeks but before completion of 37 weeks
38-42 weeks
Birth that occurs before the end of 20 weeks
Detailed Systems/ G, Para=4 items=?
TPAL Para Term births Preterm births Abortions Living children
Nagele’s Rule
1st day of last LMP
subtract 3 months
add 7 days
Last normal menstrual period
Gravida, Term, preterm, abortions, living children
First Trimester
0-13 wks
Second Trimester
14-26 wks
Third Trimester
27-40 wks
3 signs of Pregnancy
Presumptive (subjective), Probable (objective), Positive (diagnostic)
Quickening and Montgomery’s glands are what kind of signs of pregnancy
Montgomery’s glands
Breast changes, darken areolae, small glands in the areolae area
Hegar’s Sign
Probable sign, softening and compressibility of lower uterus
Chadwick’s sign
Probable sign, deepen violet bluish color of cervix and vaginal mucosa
Goodell’s sign
Probable sign, softening of cervical tip
Probable sign, rebound of unengaged fetus
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Probable sign, false contractions, painless irregular usually relieved by walking, does not cause cervical dilatation
Positive pregnancy test
Probable sign
Fetal outline felt by examiner
Probable sign
Positive Signs (3)
Fetal heart sounds, visualization of fetus via ultrasound, fetal movement palpated by examiner
What is it?
How many days?
Time from fertilization of ovum to the EDD
280 days
Schedule for antepartum health care visits
First 28-32 weeks
32-36 weeks
36-40 weeks
First 28-32 weeks: q4 weeks
32-36 weeks: q2 weeks
36-40 weeks: q 1week
A women who is pregnant for the first time