Diagnostic Testing/ First Trimester: 00-13 weeks Flashcards
CBC with differential, Hgb and Hct
Purpose: (2)
Complete Blood Count
Purpose: Detects infection and anemia
Blood Typing
Determine: (1)
Purpose: (1)
Determine: Client's blood group Rh status Purpose/Identify: Risk for Maternal-fetal blood incompatibility
TORCH(S) Screen
Purpose: If a woman becomes infected with certain germs during her pregnancy, the baby may also become infected while still in the womb. The baby is more sensitive to harm from infection during the first 3 to 4 months of the pregnancy.
These infections may lead to birth defects, growth delay, and brain and nervous system problems in the baby.
TORCH stands for
Toxoplasmosis: Parasite
Rubella: Virus, check immunization protocol
Herpes simplex (HSV), and HIV
but it can also include other newborn infections.
HSV: Herpes Simplex 2
Determine: Virus
Purpose: Tx and type of delivery
Group B Strep (STI)
1) What is
2) How to dx
3) What is the danger to the mother and fetus?
4) How to treat?
5) Current recommendations are to screen all women at _____wks?
1) Bacteria normal vaginal and intestine flora
2) Culture of vaginal and/or anorectum NOT cervix
3) Mother: UTI, preterm labor, chorioamnionitis
Fetus: Neonatal meningitis, sepsis, sepsis shock
4) If you’re pregnant and develop complications due to group B strep, you’ll be given oral antibiotics, usually penicillin or cephalexin, which are safe to take during pregnancy.
5) Screen at 35-37 weeks
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
1) Purpose:
2) When is this test done?
3) What is the advantages of this procedure? (2)
4) Sampling can be done either (2)
1) Genetic abnormalities
2) 10-12 weeks
3) Early diagnosis and short waiting time for results
4) Transabdominally or transcervically
(London 289)
Rh typing
1) Erythroblastosis fetalis:
2) Why does it happen
1) Erythroblastosis fetalis- Newborn Hemolytic Disease (HDN) affects fetus or newborn ABO incompatibility
2) Occurs when mother and baby have different blood types, mothers antibodies attack baby’s RBC’s
Rubella titer: If client is susceptibility (7) (TORCH) 1) Susceptibility 2) Immunize when? 3) Route? 4) Inquire about? 5) (3) things to teach client
1) If titer is negative it indicates susceptibility to rubella virus
2) Client receives immunization postpartum
3) Inject SubQ
4) Inquire about sensitive to eggs
5a) Client must be on effective birth control at the time of immunization
5b) Must not become pregnant 1-3 months after immunization
5c) Avoid contact with anyone immunocompromised
T or F Rubella vaccine is not given during pregnancy because the live virus may cross the placenta and infect the fetus
Hgb & Hct increase or decrease during gestation ?
Hgb & Hct levels decline as a result of increased plasma volume
Hep B surface antigens
1) Why test?
2) Specifically indicated for:
1) Prevalence in general population
2) Healthcare workers, tattoos, h/o blood transfusions, STI, dialysis or renal transplant
Urinalysis & Urine Culture
1) Testing for what?
2) How often is this test done?
1) Sugars, WBC’s, protein, ketones (Saunders 319)
2) At every visit
No cure, usually is dormant, DANGER: If immunocompromised can be passed to baby via breastfeeding but usually does not make baby sick. If mother has active infection this can be passed to baby.
Syphilis (STI)
1) Caused by?
2) Transmission?
3) T or F Transmission can occur by crossing the placenta at anytime during pregnancy?
4) What medication is used to tx Syphilis even if client is pregnant?
1) Spirochete
2) Kissing, biting, intercourse
3) True
4) Penicillin type antibiotics
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) Nursing Interventions (5)
1) Explain procedure: aspirate a small sample of chorionic villus tissue at 10-13 weeks
2) Informed consent
3) Pt needs full bladder
4) Obtain VS and fetal heart rate for baseline and monitor closely during procedure
5) Rh- women may be given RhoGAM
Can Hep B vaccine be administered during pregnancy ?
Yes it is not contraindicated
Saunders 319
1) Ultrasound uses _____?
2) Two types
Can mother with Cytomegavirus breastfeed?
Yes, virus will pass to baby usually does not make baby sick unless immunocompromised
Can Syphillis cross the placenta?
Can Chorionic Villus Sampling be used to determine spina bifida or anencephaly (baby born without part of brain or skull)
Does bladder need to full for CVS?
CVS: Complications (4)
1) Spontaneous abortion (higher risk with CVS than with amniocentesis)
2) Risk for fetal limb loss
3) Miscarriage
4) Chorioamnionitis and rupture of membranes
What is it?
Chorioamnionitis is caused by a bacterial infection that usually starts in the mother’s urogenital tract. Specifically, the infection can start in the vagina, anus, or rectum and move up into the uterus where the fetus is located.
How to dx?
Chorioamnionitis is most often diagnosed by physical exam and the findings listed above. Other clues can be found by taking a blood sample from the mother and checking for bacteria. In addition, the doctor might take samples of the amniotic fluid to look for bacteria. The doctor might also use ultrasound to check on the health of the fetus.
How to Tx?
If your doctor diagnoses chorioamnionitis, he or she may treat you with antibiotics to help to treat the infection. However, often the treatment is to deliver the fetus. In addition, if the newborn has an infection, he or she will be given antibiotics, as well.
Signs and Symptoms
Although chorioamnionitis does not always cause symptoms, some women with the infection might have the following:
High temperature and fever
Rapid heartbeat (The fetus might also have a rapid heartbeat.)
A uterus that is tender to the touch
A discharge from the vagina that has an unusual smell
1) Ultrasound uses _____?
2) Two types
1) Sound waves to produce 3D image
2) Transvaginal and Abdominal
Transvaginal Ultrasound
Purpose: (4)
Nurses Role: (3)
1) Used primarily during the first trimester to evaluate Pelvic anatomy Assess developing fetus, Number and Size Locate Placental anomalies Establish gestational age dx intrauterine pregnancy 2) Inquire about latex allergy Informed consent Educate about procedure
Abdominal Ultrasound
1) Fetal viability Amniotic fluid volume Placenta location and maturity Assess fetal well being
Contracted by:
1) Toxoplamosis
2) Rubella
3) Cytomegalovirus
4) Herpes Simplex (HSV)
1) Toxoplamosis: Cat feces and eating raw meat
2) Rubella:
3) Cytomegalovirus: Droplet
4) Herpes Simplex (HSV): Direct contact
(ATI 83)
Toxoplasmosis medication tx?
1) Sulfonamides or combo of pyrimethamine and sulfadizine (potentially harmful to the fetus, but parasitic tx is essential
(ATI 82)