Male Reproductive Disorders Flashcards
Penile Disorders/ Hypospadias
Opening of urethra is on the underside of the penis intend of the tip, surgery can correct. In adulthood untreated can cause difficulty achieving an erection
Testicular Disorders: Infection/Epididymitis
Infection via STI including chlamydia and gonorrhea, or men over 40 bacterial UTI. If left untreated scar tissue leads to block leading to fertility issues
Testicular Disorders: Torsion
Testicles rotates, twisting spermatic cord that brings BLOOD to scrotum, painful most often occurs ages 12-16, but can occur at any age and even before birth. Blood flow cut off for too long can lead to death of testicle and inability to father children
Testicular Disorders: Hydrocele
Fluid filled sac surrounding testicles that causes swelling in scrotum, common in newborns and can disappear w/out TX, can occur in older boys and adult men (>40) due to scrotum injury. Swelling can be less in the morning and larger later in the day
Testicular Disorders: Torsion/Treatment
General anesthesia, short stay, small incision in scrotum, untwist spermatic cord, stitch one or both testicles to inside of scrotum to prevent rotation. Success rate 95% if TX occurs within 6 hours but declines 20% after 24 hrs
Testicular Disorder: Hydrocele/Risk factors…things that can occur due to this disorder
Scrotal injury, infection including STIs, usually doesn’t affect fertility..but might be associated with underlying testicular conditions such as infect, tumor, inguinal hernia
Testicular Disorders: Hydrocele/TX
Newborn usually disappears within 1st year, adult male goes away with 6 months, surgery repair, scrotal support strap, ice packs
Testicular Disorders: Cryptochordism/Undescended Testicles
How old when descended?
What often occurs if testicles do not descend?
9 months old testicles descend, undescended testicles often is followed by cancer even if surgery is done for descending
Testicular Disorders: Cryptochordism/TX
Surgery called orchiopexy
Hormone injections B-HCG or testosterone
Testicular Disorders: Cryptochordism/Undescended Testicles/ RISK FACTORS…what can happen?
Damage to testicles from surgery can lead to infertility
Prostate Disorders: Bengin Prostatic Hypertrophy
Enlarged prostate (gland) helps make semen, it surrounds urethra. Symptoms often start after 50. BPH is not cancer.
Prostate Disorders: Bengin Prostatic Hypertrophy
Frequent urgent need to urinate especially at night
trouble starting stream, or weak, slow, stops
Urge to go
Small amounts of blood in urine
Prostate Disorders: Bengin Prostatic Hypertrophy
BPH/ dx
Digital rectal exam blood and imaging test urine flow study exam with cystoscope lower back pain pain with ejaculation
Prostate Disorders: Bengin Prostatic Hypertrophy
Chronic UTI
Bladder or kidney damage
leads to scarring and infertility
Prostate Disorders: Prostate Cancer/S & S
same as BPH
Prostate Disorders: Prostate Cancer/dx/TX
dx digital rectal exam feeling for lumps
blood test PSA prostate specific antigen
Ultrasound, MRI, biopsy
Prostate specific antigen: Screening: blood test
Male Sexual Disorders: Erectile dysfunction, ED
Trouble getting or keeping an erection, can a sign of heath problems, e.g. blood vessel clogged or nerve damage due to diabetes
Male Sexual Disorders: Erectile dysfunction, ED/TX
Non-Surgical Surgical Viagra and other meds kegel exercises Penile implants Penis Pump Testosterone Therapy
Male Sexual Disorders: Hypogonadism
Primary: Ovaries or testes do not fxn properly, produce little or no hormones
Women: Turner syndrome: TX Hormone based meds,
Men: Klinefelter syndrome: Pituitary hormone to produce sperm
Male Sexual Disorders: Andropause
Male reproductive changes, testicular tissue mass decreases and level of testosterone stays the same or decreases slightly. ED, HTN, diabetes UTI
Epididymitis swelling of tube that connects the testicles with the vas deferens
The tube is called the epididymis
Epididymitis drug that can cause it
Amiodarone- prevents abnormal heart rhythms
Vas Deferens: Fxn
Tube from epididymis that transfers mature sperm to the urethra
Sperm are produced where?
Sperm mature and are stored where?
Travel to urethra via?
Semen is produced where?
Produced in testis
Mature in epididymitis
Travel to urethra via vas deferens
Semen is made in the prostrate gland
What does ti cause?
Widening of veins along cord that holds up men’s testicles
Common cause of low sperm count