Media 3 Flashcards
شَھیدٌ (شُھداءُ)
witness; martyr
شَاھِدٌ (شُھودٌ / شواھِدُ)
witness; notary public
شَاھدُ عِیانٍ (شُھودُ عِیانٍ)
مَشھَدٌ (مَشاھِدُ)
view, scene; assembly, meeting
صَرُحَ – یَصْرُحُ
to be pure, unadulterated or clear; to clarify or explain
صَرَّحَ – یُصَرِّحُ
to state or declare; to explain or clarify
صارَحَ – یُصارِحُ
to declare or speak openly; to be clear or explicit
أَصرَحَ – یُصرِحُ
to clarify, explain or make clear
تَصارَحَ – یَتصارَحُ
to become clear, evident, manifest
اِنصَرَحَ – یَنصَرِحُ
to become evident, manifest or clear
صَریحٌ (صُرحاءُ)
pure, clear; frank, outspoken, open, sincere
clarity; sincerity, openness
تَصریحٌ (تَصریحاتٌ)
statement, declaration; permission
تَصریحٌ صَحَفِيٌّ
press release
تَصریحٌ أَمنِيٌّ
security clearance
صریحٌ مِن جانِبٍ واحدٍ
unilateral declaration
رَّ – یَصِرُّ
to chirp, creak or screech; to chatter; to bind
رَّ – یُصِرُّ
to insist, resolve, determine or decide; to persist
chirping, screeching
صَرّارٌ / صَرّارُ اللَّیلِ
a cricket
persistence, perseverance
ظَنَّ – یَظُنُّ
to believe, think, consider or deem; to assume
تَظَنَّنَ – یَتَظنّنُ
to surmise or form conjectures
نٌّ (ظُنونٌ)
opinion, idea, assumption, belief
نُ الظَّنِّ
benefit of the doubt
ءُ الظَّنِّ
mistrust, distrust
إنَّ بَعضَ الظَّنِ إثمٌ
in some cases suspicion is a sin
نَّةٌ (ظِنَنٌ)
suspicious, untrustworthy, unreliable
distrustful, suspicious
بَرَ – یَعبُرُ
to cross or pass; to swim; to ferry
عَبَّرَ – یُعَبّرُ
to state, declare or express clearly; to interpret (a dream)
اِعتَبَرَ – یُعتَبِرُ
to consider, deem or regard; to take into account; to learn a lesson; to
hold in esteem
اِسْتَعبرَ – یَسْتعبِرُ
to weep
over (prep), beyond (prep), across (prep); crossing, transit, passage
crossing, transit
fragrance, scent, perfume (also a girl’s name)
عِبْرَةٌ (عِبرٌ)
warning, advice, lesson; example; rule
عِبارةٌ (عِباراتٌ)
explanation, interpretation; word, clause, phrase, expression
بَرٌ (مَعابرُ)
a passage or crossing
یرٌ (تَعبیراتٌ)
declaration, expression, utterance
عْبیرٍ آخرَ
in other words
بیرٌ (تعابیرُ)
linguistic expression, phrase
بارٌ (اِعتِباراتٌ)
consideration, regard, deference, esteem, respect
expressive; significant
عَرَّبَ – یُعَرِبُّ
to Arabize; to express or state clearly; to translate into Arabic
أَعرَبَ – یُعرِبُ
to express or state clearly; to Arabize; to declare; to decline (a verb)
تَعَرَّبَ – یَتَعرَّبُ
to assimilate oneself to the Arabs; to become an Arab
اِستَعرَبَ – یَستَعرِبُ
to pretend to be an Arab; to become an Arab
declension; inflection (grammar); declaration, utterance, expression
عَرَبٌ (أَعرابٌ)
Arabs, Bedouins
an Arab; Arabian
عَرَبَةٌ (عَرَباتٌ)
carriage, vehicle, cart; a swift river
عَرَبیَّةٌ (عَرَبیّاتٌ)
carriage, vehicle, coach
godfather; sponsor
godmother; sponsor
translating into Arabic; Arabization, incorporation (of loanwords) into Arabic
عَلِقَ – یَعْلَقُ
to hang or be suspended; to stick, cling or adhere
عَلَّقَ – یُعَلّقُ
to comment, remark or state; to hang; to fasten; to leave undecided
أَعلَقَ – یُعلِقُ
to hang or suspend; to attach or fasten
تَعَلَّقَ – یَتَعلّقُ
to hang or be suspended; to adhere; to depend; to refer
فیما یَتعلَّقُ بِ
with regard to, pertaining to
عَلاقَةٌ (عَلاقاتٌ)
relation; affiliation, connection, bond; affection
العَلاقاتُ العَامَّةُ
public relations
عَلاقةٌ مُتبادَلَةٌ
عَلاقاتٌ ثُنائِیَّةٌ
bilateral relations
عَلاقاتٌ ثُلاثِیَّةٌ
trilateral relations
عَلاقاتٌ مُتَعَدِّدةُ الأَطْرافِ
multi-lateral relations
الْعلاقاتُ الدُّوَلِیَّةُ
international relations
الْعلاقاتُ الدُّبلوماسِیّةُ
diplomatic relations
تَطبیعُ العَلاقاتِ
the normalisation of relations
عَلاقاتٌ وَثیقةٌ
close relations
تَعلیقٌ (تَعلیقاتٌ)
commentary; comment, remark; hanging, suspended
بِدونِ تَعلیقٍ
no comment
تَعلیقاتٌ غَیْرُ مُسْتَساغَةٍ
unsavoury remarks
تَعلیقاً على
commenting on
مُعَلّقٌ (مُعَلّقونَ)
news, radio or press commentator
suspended, hanging; in suspense, undecided
بَرْلَمانٌ مُعَلَّقٌ
hung parliament
أَغرَضَ – یُغرضُ
to attain (goal); to take sides
تَغَرَّضَ – یَتَغَرَّضُ
to take sides or have a bias
غَرَضٌ (أَغراضٌ)
target, goal, objective; interest (personal); bias, prejudice; things
prejudice, bias
مُغرِضٌ (مُغرِضونَ)
partial, biased; guided by personal interests
فَتَحَ – یَفتَحُ
to open; to turn on; to build or dig
فَتّحَ – یُفَتّحُ
to open
فاتَحَ – یُفاتِحُ
to address first; to disclose; to confront
تَفَتّحَ – یَتَفتّحُ
to open or unfold; to be responsive
اِنفَتَحَ – یَنفَتِحُ
to open, open up or unfold
اِفتَتَحَ – یَفتَتِحُ
to open or inaugurate; to introduce or preface; to conquer or capture
اِستَفتَحَ – یَستَفتِحُ
to begin, start or commence; to implore God
فَتَحٌ (فُتوحٌ / فتوحاتٌ)
opening, introduction, commencement; conquest, victory
the (a) vowel in Arabic
فُتْحَةٌ (فُتحاتٌ / فُتَحٌ)
opening, aperture
مِفتاحٌ (مَفَاتیحُ)
opening, introduction, inauguration
editorial; introductory, preliminary
opening, start, beginning
light (colour); beginner; victor, conqueror
فاتِحَةٌ (فواتِحُ)
start, opening, beginning
the first sura of the Quran
opened; open
قَرَحَ – یَقرَحُ
to wound; to ulcerate or fester
قرَّحَ – یُقرِّحُ
to wound
اِقتَرَحَ – یَقْترِحُ
to suggest or propose; to invent or improvise
قَرحٌ (قُروحٌ)
wound, sore, ulcer
قُرحَةٌ (قُرحاتٌ)
ulcer, sore, abscess
اِقتراحٌ (اِقتراحاتٌ)
suggestion, proposal; invention
مُقترَحٌ (مُقترَحاتٌ)
proposal, suggestion, proposition
كَشَفَ – یَكْشِفُ
to expose, reveal, disclose or uncover; to remove
كاشَفَ – یُكاشِفُ
to reveal, disclose, manifest, demonstrate or show
تَكشَّفَ – یَتكشَّفُ
to be uncovered, exposed or revealed; to be brought to light
اِنكَشَفَ – یَنكَشِفُ
to be uncovered, disclosed or revealed
اِكتَشَفَ – یَكتَشِفُ
to discover or detect; to uncover
اِستَكشَفَ – یَستَكشِفُ
to explore, investigate or inquire; to search or seek out
كَشفٌ (كُشوفٌ)
uncovering, discovery; investigation, examination (medical); statement
عَدَمُ كَشفِ الھُّویَّةِ
كَشَّافٌ (كَشَّافَةٌ)
boy scout; explorer; inventor
اِكتِشافٌ (اِكتِشافاتٌ)
discovery, disclosure, uncovering
revealing, uncovering; exploration
revealed, uncovered, exposed, naked
discoverer, explorer
كَلَّمَ – یُكَلّمُ
to speak, talk or address
كالَمَ – یُكالِمُ
to speak, talk or converse
تَكلّمَ – یَتَكلّمُ
to speak, talk, express or voice
كَلْمٌ (كُلومٌ)
wound, cut, slash
كَلِمَةٌ (كَلِماتٌ)
word, speech, utterance, remark; address; maxim, saying
sentence or clause (grammar); talking, speech; language
كَلامٌ فارِغٌ
كَلیمٌ (كُلماءُ)
spokesperson, speaker; person addressed
كَلیمُ للهِ
epithet given to Moses because he spoke with God
كَلیمٌ (كَلْمى)
wounded, injured; sore
مُكالَمَةٌ (مُكالَماتٌ)
talk, conversation, speech, discussion
speaking, talk, conversation
first person (grammar); speaker, spokesman; outspoken
لَخَّصَ – یُلَخّصُ
to extract; to summarise, outline or sketch
تَلَخّصَ – یَتَلَخّصُ
to be summarised, summed up or condensed
abridgement, summary, résumé, abstract, synopsis
مُلَخَّصٌ (مُلَخَّصاتٌ)
summarised, abridged, extract
لَقِيَ – یَلقى
to encounter or meet; to experience; to endure
لاقى – یُلاقي
to meet or encounter; to experience or undergo
أَلقى – یُلقي
to throw, cast, drop, throw away or discard
تَلَقّى – یَتَلقّى
to receive, take or accept; to learn or be informed
تَلاقى – یَتَلاقى
to meet or come together
اِلتَقى – یَلتَقي
to meet, come together or encounter
اِستَلْقى – یَستَلقي
to lie or throw oneself down
أَلقى خِطاباً
to give a speech
أَلقى الضَّوْءَ عَلى
to throw light on
(prep) opposite, in front of
مِن تِلْقاءِ نَفسِھِ
of one’s own accord
automatic, spontaneous
ىً (ملاقٍ)
meeting place; junction, crossing
ءٌ (لِقاءاتٌ)
encounter, meeting
throwing, casting, flinging; delivering a speech
اِلْتِقاءٌ (مع)
meeting (with); reunion
مُلْتَقىً (مُلْتَقیَاتٌ)
meeting place; rendezvous; junction
مَحَ – یَلمَحُ
to glance, see, sight or notice; to flash or sparkle
لَمَّحَ – یُلَمّحُ
to insinuate, intimate, hint or allude
لامَحَ – یُلامِحُ
to cast a casual or furtive glance
أَلْمحَ – یُلمِحُ
to glance casually
quick look, glance; moment
لَمْحَةٌ (لَمْحاتٌ)
glance; moment, instant
features, traits
تَلْمیحٌ (تَلمیحاتٌ / تلامیحُ)
allusion, intimation, insinuation, hint; refutation
نَقَشَ – یَنقُشُ
to engrave, dapple or paint; to sculpt or chisel
قَّشَ – یُنَقّشُ
to engrave or sculpt; to paint
قَشَ – یُناقِشُ
to discuss, argue, dispute or debate; to criticise; to examine
شَ – یَتَناقشُ
to carry on a dispute, to debate
شٌ (نُقوشٌ)
painting, drawing, engraving; inscription
sculptor, engraver
ناقَشَةٌ (مُناقَشَاتٌ)
discussion, negotiation, argument
نِقاشٌ (نِقاشاتٌ)
discussion, debate
اقِشٌ (مُناقِشونَ)
disputant, person in dispute
نَقَضَ – یَنقُضُ
to destroy, demolish or violate; to invalidate
ناقَضَ – یُناقِضُ
to contradict; to be opposite
تَناقَضَ – یَتَناقَضُ
to contradict each other
اِنتَقَضَ – یَنتَقِضُ
to be destroyed or demolished; to revolt; to attack
destruction, demolition; breach, violation
opposite, contrary; antithesis
على النَّقیضِ (مِن ذلِك)
on the contrary
contradiction, inconsistency
collapse, breakdown
مُتناقِضٌ (مُتناقِضاتٌ)
contradictions, oppositions, contrasts
نَقَلَ – یَنْقُلُ
to communicate or convey; to remove; to transport or deliver
نَقَّلَ – یُنَقّلُ
to move or displace; to advance
ناقَلَ – یُناقِلُ
to exchange; to report or inform
تَنَقّلَ – یَتَنقَّلُ
to be carried or removed; to move about, migrate or wander
تَناقلَ – یَتَناقلُ
to report or relate; to carry or transport
اِنتَقلَ – یَنتَقِلُ
to be carried, removed or transported
اِنتقل إلى رحمةِ لله
he died
transmission; transfer; carrying, carriage, removal, transport
نَقلُ المَعْلوماتِ
information transfer
نَقلُ التّكنولوجیا
technology transfer
النَّقلُ الْعامُّ / وَسائِلُ النَّقلِ الْعامِّ
public transport
نَقلاً عن
according to
transportation, moving, removal
mobile, itinerant, migrant, roaming
transport services, transportation
تَنَقُّلٌ / اِنتِقالٌ
change of residence; roaming, wandering; transmission
مُتَنَقّل / نَقّالٌ
portable, mobile
ھَمَّ – یَھِمُّ
to disquiet or worry; to grieve; to be important
أَھمَّ – یُھِمُّ
to grieve, distress, concern, worry or trouble; to be of interest or importance
اِھتمَّ – یَھتَمُّ
to be concerned, distressed or worried; to attach importance; to pay
ھَمٌّ (ھُمومٌ)
worry, anxiety, concern, solitude
ھِمَّةٌ (ھِمَمٌ)
ambition, resolution, intention, design
importance, significance, consequence; interest
مَھَمَّةٌ (مَھامُّ)
mission, task, duty, function
اِھتِمامٌ (اِھتِماماتٌ)
interest, concern, attention; an endeavour
important, significant, serious, interesting
concerned, worried, stressed, distressed
important, significant, momentous; interesting
مُھِمّةٌ (مُھِمّاتٌ)
important things; requirements, supplies, provisions
مُھْتَمٌ (بِ)
interested (in), concerned, anxious, mindful
folly; light-headedness, rashness
أَھوَجُ (ھُوجٌ)
reckless, impatient, rash; violent, frantic
raging (of discussion)
ھَوجاءُ (ھوجٌ)
hurricane, tornado, cyclone
وَزَعَ – یَزَعُ
to curb or restrain
وَزّعَ – یُوَزّعُ
to distribute, divide or deliver
تَوزَّعَ – یَتَوزَّعُ
to be distributed or divided
distribution, division, allotment
conscience; restraint, control; obstacle, impediment
distributor; distributing
مُوزِّعُ البَریدِ
distributed, scattered, dispersed
وَضَحَ – یَضِحُ
to be clear, plain, patent or evident; to appear or come to light
أَوْضَحَ – یوضِحُ
to clarify, explain or illustrate
تَوَضَّحَ – یَتَوَضَّحُ
to be clear, plain, patent or evident; to appear or come to light
اِتَّضَحَ – یَتَّضِحُ
to be clear, plain, patent or evident; to appear or follow clearly
اِستَوضَحَ – یَستَوضِحُ
to ask for explanation or clarification
clarity, distinctness
clarification, explanation, elucidation
إیضاحٌ (إیضاحاتٌ)
explanation, clarification
clear, plain, lucid, distinct
مِن الواضِحِ أنَّ . . .
it is clear that . . .
ذَفَ – یَحذِفُ
to delete, omit or suppress; to shorten, curtail or clip; to deduct or
حَذَّفَ – یُحَذِّفُ
to give something shape; to trim or clip
omission, suppression; ellipsis (grammar); shortening; cancelling
رَقَبَ – یَرقُبُ
to observe, watch, supervise or control
راقَبَ – یُراقِبُ
to watch, observe or control; to detect; to tap
تَرَقَّبَ – یَتَرَقّبُ
to expect, anticipate or await; to look for
اِرتَقَبَ – یَرتَقِبُ
to expect or anticipate
مُراقِبٌ (مُراقِبونَ)
observer; censor
رَقَبةٌ (رِقابٌ / رَقَباتٌ)
رَقیبٌ (رُقباءُ)
watchful, vigilant; guardian, keeper
censorship (of press); supervision, control
رَقابةٌ اِنتِخابیَّةٌ
election monitoring
surveillance, observation, supervision, control
بُرجُ الْمُراقَبَةِ
control tower
نِظامُ المُرَاقَبَةِ
surveillance system
مُراقِبٌ (مُراقِبونَ)
observer, supervisor, inspector, controller
فَریقُ المُراقَبَةِ
surveillance team
سَتَرَ – یَستُرُ
to cover, veil, hide or conceal
سَتَّرَ – یُسَتّرُ
to cover, veil, hide or conceal
تَسَتَّرَ – یَتستَّرُ
to cover up (for someone); to be covered or veiled
اِستَتَرَ – یَستَتِرُ
to be veiled, hidden or concealed
سِترٌ (سُتورٌ / أَستارٌ)
veil, screen, curtain, drape, covering
سِتارٌ (أَستارٌ)
screen, veil, curtain, covering
قِصّةٌ لِلتّسَتُّرِ على
cover story
سِتارٌ عَمیقٌ
deep cover
سِتارٌ دُخانِيٌّ
smoke screen
the Coverer (one of Allah’s names)
سِتارةٌ (سَتائِرُ)
veil, screen, curtain, drape, covering
hidden, invisible, masked
عَتَمَ – یَعتِمُ
to darken; to hesitate (with negative)
عَتّمَ – یُعَتّمُ
to darken or obscure
أَعتَمَ – یُعتِمُ
to hesitate or waver
ما عَتِمِ أَنْ . . .
no sooner . . . ; before long . . .
dark, gloom, darkness
darkening, clouding, obscurity
تیمُ الْكامِلُ
complete darkness (no news coverage)
كَظَمَ – یَكظِمُ
to suppress; to keep silent
one who suppresses his anger; to be filled with anger
كَمَّ – یَكُمُّ
to cover, cover up, conceal or hide; to muzzle
كَمَّمَ – یُكَمّمُ
to muzzle or muffle; to provide with sleeves
كِمامَةٌ (كِمامَاتٌ / كَمائِمُ)
muzzle; mask
تَكمیمُ الإعلامِ
muzzling the media
لَغَزَ – یَلغُزُ
to speak in riddles, to equivocate
لاغزَ – یُلاغِزُ
to speak in riddles, to equivocate
أَلْغزَ – یُلغِزُ
to speak in riddles, to equivocate
لُغزٌ (أَلغازٌ)
riddle, enigma, puzzle
لُغزُ الْكلِماتِ المُتقاطِعَةِ
crossword puzzle
وَضَعَ – یَضَعُ
to put down, place or lay; to impose; to set up; to bear (child)
تَواضَعَ – یَتَواضَعُ
to behave humbly or modestly
اِتَّضَعَ – یَتّضعُ
to humble oneself
وَضعٌ (أَوضاعٌ)
circumstances; principles; recording, fixing
مَوْضِعٌ (مَواضِعُ)
place, spot, site, locality, position, situation
humility, modesty; lowliness
مَوْضوعٌ (مَواضیعُ)
subject, theme, topic; question, issue; matter
مَوْضوعُ جَدَلٍ
controversial matter, point of contention
غَیرُ مَوضوعِيٍّ