maternal-newborn nursing 2 Flashcards
is complex and has both physiological and psychological components
intrapartum pain
cause visceral hypoxic pain
uterine contractions
this anesthetic agent is usually administered when the client is in active labor
epidural regional anesthesia
what is the baseline FHR
110 to 160bpm over 10 minutes
is a greater than 160bpm over a 10 minute period
fetal tachycardia
is an FHR of less than 110bpm for 10 minutes
fetal bradycardia
the term used to describe the normal small fluctuations in heartbeat rate observed over 1 min
FHR variability
is from the onset of regular uterine contractions to the full effacement and dilation of the cervix.
first stage of labor
what are the two phases of the first stage of labor
latent and active
up to 3cm dilation, extend from the onset of labor, with regular, painful contractions, that causes effacement cervical change and little increase in descent
latent phase
4 to 10cm dilation, there is more rapid dilation of the cervix and increased rate of descent of the presenting part
active phase
from 10 cm dilation and effacement to the birth of the infant, up to two hours for a primipara, often much less time for multipara
second stage of labor
from the birth of the infant to the expulsion of the placenta, lasting up to 60 minutes
third stage of labor
is the immediate recovery and stabilization time, from the delivery of the placenta to atleast 2 to 4 hours after the birth
fourth stage of labor
these are the various positions the fetus assumes in a cephalic presentation and it moves through the confines of the pelvis and birth canal
cardinal movements
the fetus moves downward into the pelvic passageway
engagement and descent
the head flexes downward, chin to chest
the head rotates 45 degrees
internal rotation
the head passes under the symphysis pubis and reaches the perineum
the head rotates back to its origional position, followed by shoulder rotation
external rotation
the shoulders pass under the pubic arch and perineum, the body is delivered
prolonged abnormal labor related to maternal factors or fetal factors
is a surgical incision made into the perineum to enlarge the vaginal outlet