health and wellness Flashcards
a state of interconnected parts that include physical, mental, social, and spiritual health
has historically been the most prevalent in our health care system and remain the mot common. encourages health care providers to focus on disease prevention among high risk groups
biomedical approach
includes health teaching and awareness campaigns that help to change individual health behaviours and lifestyles
behavioural approach
became popular in the 1980s when a new concept of health emerged that accounted for the structural influences on health behaviours
socioenvironmental approach
the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. involves helping people optimize their sense of well-being and health potential
health promotion
highlights the significance of health promotion activities that extend beyond the individual level to address the context and the resources needed to promote the health of community members
Ottawa charter for health promotion
what are the 5 main strategies for health promotion of the Ottawa charter?
building healthy public policy
creating supportive environments
strengthening community action
developing personal skills
reorienting health services
involves helping ppl reduce their risks for disease, detect disease early, or maintain optimal functioning while living with disease
disease prevention
what are the levels of prevention?
activities that promote health and reduce risks for disease and injury
primary prevention
early detection of disease or steps taken to recover from disease and injury
secondary prevention
maintaining an optimal level of health while living with disease and injury
tertiary prevention
improve community conditions by addressing the social determinants of health
up stream thinking
addressed individual lifestyle and behavioral factors that influence health
midstream thinking
primary care
downstream thinking
impt but controversial evidence informed, client centered approach to health promotion that is based on user input and demand
harm reduction
education is never neutral, and injury participatory community education, community members must be involved in naming their own problems and proposing their own solutions
Palo freires theory of community empowerment
developed a transtheoretical model of behaviour change
DiClemente and prochazka model of planned behaviour change
what ate the stages of behaviour change?
human health is a social matter, not just an individual one. proposes that self efficacy beliefs operate together with goals, outcome expectations, and perceived environmental facilitators and impediments in regulating human motivation, behaviour, and well being
Alfred Banderas social cognitive theory