Male Gen. & Rep. function Flashcards
Produces male germ cells and secretes the male sex hormone
Transports and stores sperm, and in assists in their maturation
Ductile system
Prepares sperm for ejaculation
Accessory glands
What temperate does sperm production require,
2-3 Degrees C below body temperature
What is essential to the development of primary and secondary male sex characteristics, induces differentiation, and spermatogenesis?
What plays an essential role in testicular function?
Hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
What is the production of testosterone regulated by?
The inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient to permit satisfactory intercourse
Erectile dysfunction
Localized progressive fibrosis of unknown origin that effect the tunica albuginea
Peyronie disease
What are the symptoms of Peyronie disease?
Painful erection
Bent erection
Hard mass at the sit of fibrosis
What age in men does peyronie disease usually occur?
Middle aged to elderly men
This is characterized by an inflammatory process thy results in dense fibrous plaque formation which prevents lengthening of involved area
Peyronie disease
What is the treatment for Peyronie Disease?
Oral agents with antioxidants properties such as Vit. E, Colchicine, corticosterioids and sometimes surgery
What are most cases of Epididymis in men under 35 caused by?
Chlamydia trachomatis or neisseris gonorrhoeae
What are most cases of Epididymis in men over 35 caused by?
Urinary tract pathogens such as E. Coli or pseudomonas
What is the function of the epididymis?
Transports and stores sperm
What are the symptoms of Epididymitis?
Unilateral pain & swelling
Erythema & edema of overlying scrotal skin
Tenderness over the groin and lower abdomen
Lower UTI symptoms
When is there discharge with Epididymitis?
When it is caused by an STD
What is important for diagnosing Epididymis?
Urinalysis and urine culture
What is the treatment for Epididymis?
Bed rest Scrotal elevation & support Analgesics NSAIDS Antibiotics
What are the risk factors for Epididymitis?
Sexual activity Heavy physical exertion Bicycle or motor riding Urinary tract surgery Prostate obstruction in older men
This is the first cancer linked to occupation (chimney sweeps)
Scrotal cancer
What is scrotal cancer linked to?
Poor hygiene
Chronic inflammation
What age does scrotal cancer usually occur?
In men over 60 often preceded by 20 to 39 years of chronic irritation
What may appear in the early stages of scrotal cancer?
Small tumor or warlike growth that eventually ulcerates
What is the treatment for scrotal cancer?
Wide local excision of the tumor with inguinal and femoral dissection
Inflammatory disorder of the prostate gland
What is Acute Bacterial Prostatitis caused by?
Ascending urethral infecting or reflux of infected urine into prostatic ducts (E. coli)
What are the symptoms if Acute bacterial prostatitis?
Fever, chills, malaise, arthralgia, frequent and urgent urination Dysuria Urethral discharge Urine may be cloudy and malodorous
What are the risk factors for acute bacterial prostatitis?
Recent catheterization
Urethral strictures
What does prostate massage produce in acute bacterial prostatitis?
A thick discharge with WBC’s that grows large numbers of pathogens on culture
What is the treatment for acute bacterial prostatitis?
Antibiotic therapy continued for at least 4 weeks
Which Prostatitis is difficult to treat?
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
What are the symptoms of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis?
Frequent and urgent urinations
Perineal discomfort
Low back pain
What is the treatment for Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis?
Long term therapy with an appropriate oral antimicrobial
More than 50% of men older than 60 have this
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
What is the treatment for Benign prostatic hyperplasia?
5a-reductase inhibitors or
a-adrenergic blocking drugs
Or a combination of both
What causes Benign Prostatic hyperplasia?
An imbalance between cell proliferation and cell death - decreased cell death leads to accumulation if senescent cells.
What are the symptoms of Benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Large, discrete lesions in the periurethral region of the prostate (the lesions compress the urethra and produce symptoms of dysuria, & difficulty urinating)
How is Benign prostatic hyperplasia diagnosed?
Digital rectal exam
Serum creatinine
Prostate-specific antigen
Urinalysis to detect Hematuria
What is the disease of aging?
Cancer of the prostate
Symptoms of prostate cancer
Urgency Frequency Nocturia Hesitancy Dysuria Hematuria Blood in the ejaculation Prostate can be nodular or fixed
What needs to be taught to eat to help prevent prostate cancer?
Vitamin E & D Selenium Lycopene Soy Green tea
What has studies shown that increased risk for prostate cancer?
High dietary fats
What are the diagnosis for prostate cancer?
DRE, PSA testing, and transrectal ultrasonography
What is the treatment for cancer of the prostate?
Hormonal manipulations
One or both of the testicles fail to moved down into a scrotal sac
What is Cryptorchidism directly related to?
Low Birth weight and small for gestational age
What needs to be taught about neoplasms of the penis (penile cancer?
To seek medical attention early on because its HIGHLY curable in early stages
Men should shield gentian area when tanning
What are most penile cancers origin?
Squamous epithelial cells
How is penile cancer diagnosed?
Physical exam
CT scan
What are the early signs of penile cancer?
Small lump or unclear in the glans or inner surface of prepuce
What are the risk factors of penile cancer?
Poor general hygiene HPV Ultrasound violet radiation exposure Older age Immunodeficiency states
What is the treatment for penile cancer?
Fluorouracil cream application
Laser treatments
Surgery for invasive carcinoma
What is chronic bacterial prostatitis caused by?
E. coli
This is an age related nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate gland, common in the US and Europe
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
When does spontaneous decent occur in Cryptorchidism?
In the first 3 months, rarely after the first
What procedure is done to locate a non palpable testes?
When must surgery take place with Cryptorchidism to maximize potential fertility?
Within the first year of age
What needs to be taught with boys who have Cryptorchidism?
They need a regular physical examination
Once they hit puberty, self testicular examination need to be taught