Liver and Pancreas Exam 4 Flashcards
inflammation of liver
- liver failure due to scar tissue
- end-stage of chronic liver disease
- heme converted into bilirubin
- bilirubin excreted into urine and stool (gives color)
gallstone in gallbladder or bilirary tree
inflammation of gallbladder
Hepatic encephalopathy
- CNS disorder due to liver disease
- toxins build in blood and travel to brain
passage of smelly and greasy looking stool that floats in water
fat accumulation in liver leading to inflammation
high level of bilirubin causes skins and eyes to appear yellow
swelling of liver
liver function test
tests enzymes, albumin level, and clotting time
what enzymes will leak into blood if hepatocytes are damaged?
- ) asparate aminotransferase
- ) alanine aminotrasnferase
- ) alkaline phosphate
characteristics of hepatisis A
- fecal-oral transmission
- no treatment (acute and self-limiting)
- acute
- vaccine present
characteristics of hepatisis B
-transmitted via blood, body fluids, or shared needles
-acute or chronic, but chronic rare)
0vaccine available
characteristics of hepatitis C
- spread via blood to blood
- 80% will become chronic (can lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis)
- no vaccine
Characterisitcs of Hepatitis D
- needs hepatitis b for replication
- vaccine for HBV, so liklihood of getting HDV is rare
Hepatitis E
- fecal oral transmission
- mild and self-limiting
fatty liver disease
- fat accumulation in hepatocytes secondary to injury
- liver looks yellow
- impairs liver function, but reversible
- can lead to steatohepatitis
what are the most common causes of fatty liver disease
obesity and alcohol
bilirubin metabolism
hemoglobin to heme to bilirubin to being excreted out body
types of gallstones
- cholesterol
- pigmented: bilirubin
risk factors for gallstones
- age
- women
- obesity
- family history
complications of gallstones
- Cholecystitis
- perforation
- infection
- gallbladder cancer
- pancreatitis
cause of jaundice
- build up of bilirubin
- inflamed liver or obstructed bile duct
primary liver cancer
cancer originated in the liver
-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCV)
metastatic liver caner
cancer originated in another place and spread to the liver
-majority of liver cancers are metastatic
function of pancreas
- Endocrine: islets of Langerhans cells produce insulin and glucagon
- Exocrine: secrete digestive enzymes into pancreatic duct
- inflammation of pancreas
- associated with alcohol or gallstones
symptoms of pancreatitis
- upper abdominal pain
- anorexia
- malabsorption
- hemorrhagic pancreatitis
Acute Pancreatitis
- reversible
- rapid onset of symptoms
causes of acute pancreatitis
- chronic alcohol use
- gallstones
Chronic Pancreatitis
- irreversible
- caused by repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis (alcohol or gallstones)
what conditions cause chronic injury to pancrease?
- ) cystic fibrosis
- ) acute pancreatitis
- ) repeated gallstones
- ) obstruction of pancreatic duct by disease
what occurs in chronic pancreatitis
-fibrosis (scar tissue) of pancreas
symptoms of chronic pancreatitis
- malabsorption
- steatorrhea
- hemorrhage
complications of chronic pancreatitis?
pancreatic cancer
- tumors in islet cells or pancreatic duct (more common)
- mostly occurring in the head of the pancreas
prognosis of pancreatic cancer
- poor prognosis
- deadly because there is no screening test for it
risk factors for pancreatic cancer
- black
- age
- overweight/obesity
- smoking
- pancreatitis
- family history
- heavy alcohol consumption
Alcoholic Liver Disease
a group of structural and functional changes in the liver resulting from excessive alcohol consumption
stages of progression in alcoholic liver disease
- ) alcoholic fatty liver
- ) alcoholic hepatitis
- ) alcoholic cirrhosis
function of liver
- ) excrete bile into gallbladder
- ) hepatic portal system: drains blood from GI organs
- ) hepatocytes make albumin to maintain osmotic pressure
liver sinusoids
special capillaries in the liver that are leaky
kupffer cells
macrophages that stay permeant in the liver