Lectures Flashcards
neural tube
rolled up sheet of cells that will form the brain and spinal cord, begins developing 3 weeks after conception
what are the 7 stages of brain development?
- cell birth (neurogenesis; gliogenesis)
- cell migration
- cell differentiation
- cell maturation (dendrite and axon growth)
- synaptogenesis (formation of synapses)
- cell death and synaptic pruning
- myelogenesis (formation of myelin)
neural stem cells
grow out of the neural tube, have capacity for self-renewal, produce progenitor cells that produce neuroblasts and glioblasts
subventricular zone (in adult)
lined with neural stem cells
radial glial cells
extend from the subventricular zone to cortical surface, neurons migrate by traveling along “roads” of these cells
Babinsky reflex
if bottom of the foot is stroked, big toe moves upwards toward top surface of foot while other toes fan out, absence of this reflex demonstrates spinal cord damage or still developing (young baby)
what are the 5 phases of synapse formation?
1/2: take place in embryonic life and generated independently of experience
3: rapid growth
4: plateau and rapid elimination through puberty
5: plateau in middle age, then steady decline with age
experience expectant
development depends on the presence of sensory experiences, phases 3 and 4
experience dependent
generation of synapses that are unique to the individual, phases 3-5
what are Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
- sensorimotor (object permanence)
- preoperational (can represent things with words and drawings)
- concrete operations (can understand conservation, perform math)
- formal operations (abstract reasoning)
nonmatching-to-sample task
assesses temporal lobe function, children can solve around 18 months of age
concurrent discrimination task
assesses basal ganglia function, children can solve around 12 months of age
brain development is regulated by:
anticipatory programs (genetic programme yielding a common template) and adaptive processes (experience dependent changes in genetic program or developmental processes)
double dissociation
two areas of the cortex are functionally dissociated by two behavioural tests, each test is affected by a lesion in one zone but not in the other
surgical procedure that severs the corpus callosum so seizures do not spread to homologous regions, two hemispheres can no longer communicate (split brains)
The Wada Test
sodium amobarbital injected to produce a period of anesthesia in one hemisphere in order to unequivocally localize speech before elective surgery (conduct CLVIII and RCFT to determine where language is localized)
preferred cognitive mode
preference of one thought process over another
cognitive set
tendency to approach a problem with a bias, can affect tests of lateralization
group sound waves specific to each vowel, modify emitted sound, act as a bandpass filter for sounds produced by vocal cords
what are 4 core language skills?
categorization, labeling categories, sequencing behaviour, mimicry
designates certain qualities to specific concepts, makes it easier to perceive info and retrieve it later when needed
labeling categories
attaches words to different concepts, categorization system can stimulate word forms about that concept, words can also cause the brain to evoke concepts
sequencing behaviour
LH helps order vocal movements used in speech, can also sequence face, body, and arm/hand movements used to produce nonverbal language
fosters language development, infants prefer to listen to speech, can make sounds used in all languages, mirror neurons in the frontal cortex help children mimic sounds they hear
Pooh-Pooh theory
Animal Vocalization theory (continuity theory): language evolved from noises associated with strong emotion
Bow-Wow Theory
Animal Vocalization theory (continuity theory): language evolved from noises made to imitate natural sounds
Yo-He-Ho Theory
Animal Vocalization theory (continuity theory): language evolved from noises made to resonate with natural sounds
Sing-Song Theory
Animal Vocalization theory (continuity theory): language evolved from noises made while playing or dancing
Cocktail party effect
we can “hear” speech better in a noisy environment if we see the speaker’s lips
McGurk Effect
when we see and hear conflicting syllables, we hear the syllable that we heard
Dual Language pathway
Dorsal language pathway (phonemes), Ventral language pathway (semantics)
Broca’s area contains:
a region for phonological processing and a region for semantic processing
incoordination of mouth
fluent aphasia
impairment in input or reception of language (Wernicke’s aphasia/sensory aphasia, transcortical aphasia/isolation syndrome, conduction aphasia, anomic aphasia/amnesic aphasia)
transcortical aphasia/isolation syndrome
can repeat and understand words, and name objects, cannot speak spontaneously, cannot comprehend words even though they can repeat them
conduction aphasia
can speak, name objects, and understand speech but cannot repeat words
anomic aphasia/amnesic aphasia
can comprehend speech, produce meaningful speech, and can repeat speech, great difficulty naming objects
nonfluent aphasias
Broca’s aphasia/expressive aphasia, transcortical motor aphasia, global aphasias
Transcortical motor aphasia
good repetition, poor spontaneous production
global aphasias
laboured speech, poor comprehension
pure aphasias
alexia, agraphia, word deafness (cannot hear or repeat words)
apraxia of speech
damage to the insula
deficits in sentence comprehension
damage to the superior temporal gyrus
repetion of speech
damage to the arcuate fasciculus
working memory and articulation impairment
Broca’s area damage
lack of speech comprehension and other core difficulties with language (fluent aphasia)
damage to the medial temporal lobe and underlying white matter, damage to temporal cortex contributes to deficits in holding sentences in memory until can be repeated
basal ganglia
important for speech articulation
influences language by activating the cortex, damage is associated with variety of speech and language disturbances
what do aphasia test batteries examine?
auditory and visual comprehension, oral and written expression, conversational speech