Lecture Outline #20: Special Senses: Ear Flashcards
a series of mechanical transducers
external ear
auricle/pinna - collects sound and directs in into canal
auditory canal (skin/cartilage) and external acoustic meatus (opening in bone) - skin is innervated by mainly X - little VII & V3, contains ceruminous glands, sebaceous glands, and hairs. Also contains tympanic membrane [epithelium 2 layers and separates external and middle ear (lateral side innervated by X, VII, V3 and medial by IX)] and external auditory canal (cartilage & meatus)
middle ear boundaries
lateral - tympanic membrane collects sound waves
medial - bony wall separating mid from inner ear
superior - petrous portion of temporal bone
posterior - pneumatized (mastoid antrum)
anterior - opening of the Eustachian tube
auditory ossicles
malleus, incus, stapes
carry vibrations from ear drum to oval window
suspended/connected by ligaments/muscle
- tensor tympani m. attaches to malleus, chorda tympani n. (V3)
- stapedius m. attaches to stapes (VII)
tympanic reflex
tensor tympani places tension across eardrum
stapedius m. locks down ossicular chain
= dampens vibrations from LOUD noises
ear pressure
wants equal pressure in external & middle ear = pops
Eustachian tube
connects middle ear to pharynx
tube is supported by m.s & cartilage
equalizes pressure across tympanic membrane
inflammation/damage of Eustachian tube
if inflamed, will swell shut and infectious bacteria will be trapped in middle ear, fluid build up = pain
threatens ear drum & hearing/balance
otitis media
insertion of a tube that perforates the ear drum to release fluid/pressure from the middle ear
M: infection of mastoid air cells = mastoid bone of temporal bone
OM: infection of middle ear
L: infection of inner ear
inner ear labyrinths & lymphs
osseous labyrinths - bony canals in petrous portion
membranous labyrinth - hollow tubes and chambers within osseous.
endolymph - within mem. lab. fills each tube/chamber, bathes stereocilia, high in potassium, produced by stria vascularis
perilymph - fills in space between oss. & mem. labyrinths, ~CSF, doesn’t mix with endolymph
hair cells
functional unit of hearing & equilibrium
located throughout mem lab., bathed in endolymph
vibration/movement of this = VIII signal
is VIII source
semicircular canals
three - filled with endolymph
each canal has an no innervated, osseous swelling @ base = ampulla
each ampulla has crista - hair cells align in a ridge
crista is embedded in cupula - gel-like structure (when moving, fluid pushed on cupula and bends crista, sending electrochemical signal to brain that movement is happening.
utricle & saccule
each has a macula - swellings of osseous mem., have hair cells covered in gel. Gel is covered w/ CaCO3 crystals called otoliths.
u - linear accel or deaccel, otoliths slide forward/backward, bending stereocilia
s - gravity, up & down, otoliths push down or rise on macula, bending stereocilia
- receptor overload/miscommunication
- steady movement induces endo to flow
- flow can be interrupted by abrupt stop/change
- dizziness & nausea - mismatch of audio/visual info (seasickness)
- vestibular apparatus senses movement
- visual system says stationary
- vestibular nuclei in BS is confused
- dizziness & nausea
vertigo & vestibular nystagmus
steady movement induces endo to flow
- if continues - endolymph stabilizes/stops and eyes adjust to tracking of moving objects
- if sudden stop - endolymph is re-accelerated, eyes will race in direction of spin = nystagmus, continues until endo settles
vibration of air molecules
high pitched tones - high frequency vibration = short wave-lengths = travel short distances
low pitched tones - low frequency vibrations = long wave-lengths = travel long distances
Air (thru external acoustic meatus) - solid (ossicles) - liquid (endolymph)
ability - size of pinna, tympanum, ossicles, cochlear
20-20000 Hz
cochlea - membranes and duct
cochlea - region of inner ear responsible for hearing
cochlear duct - coiled tube, part of mem. labyrinth with endolymphatic deep
basal membrane - floor of cochlear duct
tectorial membrane - stimulate hair cells/organ of corti when vibrations come through
cochlear - ducts
vestibular duct - oval window to helicotrema
tympanic duct - helicotrema to round window
both filled w/ perilymph
helicotrema - tip of cochlea
organ of corti
hair cells - disturbed along basal membrane
tips in contact with tectorial membrane
adjacent with mem. labyrinth in cochlea
sound transduction
auricle/pinna - external acoustic meatus - tympanic membrane - malleus - incus - stapes - oval window - vestibular/tympanic ducts - cochlear duct - basilar membrane & stereocilia
place theory
each wavelength has a sweet spot along basal membrane
high pitch - base of BM by windows
low pitch - tip of BM, by helicotrema
constant ringing/buzzing
damage to hair cells @ high frequencies