Lecture 9.3 Flashcards
Vessels of lower limb
The ______ _____artery is the artery to the lower limb
external iliac
The femoral artery gives off what branch to the posterior thigh?
Profunda femoris
What path transfers the femoral artery to the flexor compartment of the leg?
adductor hiatus
After the Anterior tibial artery goes under the ____ retinaculum it becomes the…
Dorsalis pedis
the rich anastomosis associated with the knee joint is called the ________
genicular anastomosis
genicular branches sup/inf.. branch from it
The popliteal artery divides in the…
anterior and posterior tibial artery
anterior tibial artery runs on the _______ _______with the deep ___nerve
Interosseus membrane
with deep fibular nerve
Which artery supplies the lateral compartment?
fibular artery
The femoral canal (in the sheath) is medial to the vein) is ‘spare’ used for ..
the vein to expand in to
A femoral hernia
abnormal protrusion of abdominal contents through the femoral ring (inguinal lig.) and into the femoral canal
Will present with a lump in their groin
A femoral hernia is more common in?
females - pelvis is wider
The profunda femoris goes deep to the hamstrings but remains in the anterior compartment overlying which muscle?
adductor magnus - sends series of perforating arteries through the holes in adductor magnus to the hamstrings
What is the relationship of the popliteal fossa neurovascular bundle?
Tibial nerve - superficial
vein - intermediate
popliteal artery - deep
Extensor retinaculum - what is the nmemonic?
Timothy has a nasty,dirty toe
T - tibialis anterior H - E. Hallicus longus A - anterior tibial Artery N - deep fibular Nerve D - E.Digitorum longus T- fibularis Tertius
anterior tibial Artery becomes the …. in the foot
Dorsalis petus artery
Nmemonic of the flexor retinaculum?
Tom, Dick and Very Naught Harry
T - Tib. posterior D - F. Digitorum longus A - post. Tibial artery V - post. tibial veins N - Tibial nerve H - F. Hallicus longus
Below the knee veins are ..
above the ___it is the same as the arteries
paired vena comentantes
above the knee it is the same as the arteries
There are a series of communicating veins that pierce the ____ ____ and communicate between the deep and superficial systems
There are a series of communicating veins that pierce the deep fascia and communicate between the deep and superficial systems
The _____ side of the dorsal venous arch drains to the Great saphenous vein
The _____ side of the dorsal venous arch drains to the small saphenous vein
The great saphenous vein deviates ______at the knee but then returns and travels through the saphenous opening in the ____ ___
The great saphenous vein deviates posteriorly at the knee but then returns and travels through the saphenous opening in the fascia lata
The short saphenous pierces the ___ ___in the popliteal fossa and joins the _____vein there
The short saphenous pierces the deep fascia in the popliteal fossa and joins the popliteal vein there
deep lymphatics follow the ___
superficial follow the ___
deep lymphatics follow the arteries
superficial follow the veins
superifical lymphatics, following the short saphenous vein will drain in to the ______ ____
superifical lymphatics, following the great saphenous vein will drain in to the ______ ____
small SV -popliteal nodes
Great SV - inguinal nodes
The deep lymph nodes are in the _____ _____
femoral canal