Lecture 4.2 Flashcards
The radiocarpal and intercarpal joints are ______
The radiocarpal (wrist) joint is between distal ___ and scaphoid, ____and triquetrum
The radiocarpal (wrist) joint is between distal radius and scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum
where are the intercarpal and midcarpal joints located?

A ________joint (like the radiocarpal oint) has a concave/convex surface
condyloid joint
Identify the ligaments of the wrist

true or false
There are ligaemnts that stop excessive ulnar deviation from the promial row of the carpal bones
true or false
At the radicarpal joint Radial deviation is greater than ulnar deviation
other way around
Why can the hand be adducted to a greater degree than abducted?
The radial styloid process extends further distally
The capsule of the wrist joint is reinforced by:
Palmar radiocarpal
palmar ulnocarpal
dorsal radiocarpal ligaments
Where is the saddle joint?
Between metacarpal 1 and the trapezium
What joint is betwen the proximal falanges and metacarpals?
Which ligaments reinformce this joint?
pamlar ligament
medial/lateral colateral ligaements
The ____ ______ ________ ligaments help stablise the skeletal framework of the hand, by linking the heads of the metacarpal bones together
deep transverse metacarpal ligaments

The synovial sheaths (fibrous didgital sheaths) in the hand are continuous from the flexor retinaculum to the distal phalange
there is an absense of sheaths where lumbrical muscles attach

True or False
The annular fibres in the hand are circular
cruciform also criss-cross
true or flase
in carpal tunnel syndrom, it is the vascular supply of the median nerve that is first affected
leads to “pins and needle”
further contraint leads to loss of senesation
Ulnar nerve damage at the distal end causes what?
intrinsic muscle wasting, in the ring and little fingers
knuckle joints hyperextended (paralysed lumbricles)
interphalageal joints are flex paralysed interosssei)
Wrist drop is from radial nerve compression near the ______ (bone)