Lecture 10.3 Flashcards
C1 has an _____ tubercle in apes and monkeys
Is there a nuchal ligament in apes?
In apes and humans the transverse process is ____ oriented
Apes have a much more stable _____ region of spine
Apes have a ___scarum, ___coccyx
Apes have a long scarum, short coccyx
Primates with tails have ____ sacrum and ___caudal region
Primates with tails have short sacrum and long caudal region
The lumbosacral angle is ____ in humans than monkeys
The lumbosacral angle is bigger in humans than monkeys
The wider lumbo sacral angle in humans helps keep the ____ on the midline, and makes a ______pelvic inlet for childbirth
The wider lumbo sacral angle in humans helps keep the weight on the midline, and makes a bigger pelvic inlet for childbirth
Erector spinae muslces in apes have indistinct bellies whihc allows..
a good amoutn of flexion and extension
Most of the changes in limbs are in the __limb
lower limb
The intermebral index is
the relative proportion of upper limb to lower limb
equally = 100 quadrupeds
Brachiation = greater than 100
the scapula is ___ paced in monkeys
- dorsally in humans/apes
The glenoid cavity in humans and apes is..
wide, round and quite flat - greater freedom of movement
Compared to monkey, deltoid tuberosity ower down on humeral shalf in apes and humans
Compared to monkey, deltoid tuberosity ower down on humeral shalf in apes and humans
In humans, The supraspinous fossa is quite ___ when compared to the infraspinous fossa
In humans, The supraspinous fossa is quite small when compared to the infraspinous fossa (larger supraspinous in the apes - more abduction)
In apes, trapezuis and serratus anterior musces create _____ degree of cranial rotation
In apes, trapezuis and serratus anterior musces create greater degree of cranial
In apes, long head of triceps has ____ insertion on scaupla
In apes, long head of triceps has wider insertion on scaupla
The Dorsoepitrochlearis (sits close to triceps muscle) is not present in ____
The olecranon fossa is not as deep in _____
the deep olecaranon fossa of the apes allows it to lock in more (particularly needed when in extension)
The distal projection of the dorsal margin of radius is present in ____ (_____ walking) - humans have lost it to some extent, though still present
The distal projection of the dorsal margin of radius is present in apes (knuckle walking) - hmans have lost it to some extent, though still present
FDS and FDP are more developed in ___
which muscles are notably more developed in the human hand?
Glut medius and minimus change from ______ to abductors in the human pelvis (
Glut medius and minimus change from extensors to abductors in the human pelvis
There is a larger sciatic notch in ___
The head and neck of the femur are smaller in ___
The femoral condyles are much shorter in the ______