lecture 6: CNS brain Flashcards
how much does the brain weigh
what does the brain do in general
cotnrols activities of the body
=receives info about bodys inner workings and about the outside world via to SC and PNS
what is gyri
the outward folds
what is sulci
the inwards folds
what is a fissure
deep sulcus
what do gyri and sulci do
increase the surface area of the brain
important for when brain grows
true or false: the gyri and sulci are different on everyone
false, they are the same
be able to locate sulci and gyri
what are the two gyri lpateral to the central sulcus
precentral and postcentral gyrus
where is the precentral gyrus lucated
immediately anterior to central sulcus
what cortex is the precentral gyrus reposbile for
motor cortex
what are the tracts that leave the precentral gyrus called
pyrimidal tracts (go to pyramids in medulla oblongata)
and or corticospinal tracts (leaving cortex and going to spinal cord)
where is the post central gyrus
immediately posterior to the central sulcus
what cortex is the post central responsinle for
sensory cortex
what are the tracts that come to the post central gyrus
spinothalic and spinocerebellar tracts
if signal reaches cortex that means we can conciously/unconciously perceive it
what are the 4 major fissures
longitudinal cerebral fissure
• transverse fissure
• lateral sulci/fissure
• central sulcus
in what plane is the longitudinal cerebral fissure
mid sag. plane
what does the longitudinal cerebral fissure seperate
seperates partially the 2 cerebral hemispheres
the longitudinal cerebral fissure is a shallow or deep sulcus
what is the longitudinal cerebral fissure occupied by
falx cerebri
is the transverse fissure anterior or posterior
where does the tramversr fissure lie?
between the occpital lobe and cerebebellum
what lies in the longitudinal cerebral fissure
dural membrane, falx cerebri
what is the dural extension that seperates the 2 cerebellar hemisphere called
falx cerebelli
what does the central sulcus seprate
pre and post central gyrus
seperates fromtal from parietal lobes
where is the lateral sulcus/fissure located
between temporal and frontal love
what is formed in embryo in terms of brain dev.
a neural tube is formed from which 3 cavities or
sections will develop
what are the 3 cavities/sections that are devlopped from the neural tube
Prosencephalon (telencephalon, diencephalon)
- Mesencephalon
- Rhombencephalon (metencephalon, myelencephalon)
the Prosencephalon (forebrain) further divides into what
(telencephalon, diencephalon)
the telecephalon becomes what in the mature brain
the diencephalon becoemes what in mature brain
thalamus, hypothalamus, epothalamus
the • Mesencephalon becames what in mature brain
what does the • Rhombencephalon further divide into
(metencephalon, myelencephalon)
what does the (metencephalon, become in a mature brain
pons and cerebellum
what does themyelencephalon further divide into
medulla oblongata
what does the inner neural tube become in a mature brain
ventricles (always connected)
the cerebrum is part of what
prosencephalaon (telencephalon)
the cerebrum is divided in what plane and into what
sagittal plane into two halves
=right and left cerebral hemispheres
each hemsphere controls activities of the opposite or same side
true or false: since Each hemisphere controls activities of the opposite side of the body, they are not connected
false, they are conneced to allow information to crossover
true or false: Hemispheres are mirror images (completely the same)
false but there are functional distinctions between them
where is dev and use of language located in most people
left hemisphere
what areas are located in the right hemisphere
areas that govern 3d visualization and artisitic creations
each hemis has how many lobes
what ar the 4 lobes of the hemis
what is the 5th lobe that lies deep to cortex and medial to temporal lobe called
where is the insula located
5th lobe lies deep to the cortex and medial to the temporal
be able to locate lobes
cerebrum is made up of what matter
grey and white
what is grey matter
ceebral cortex (concious mind) unmyelinated (body and dendrites)
what is white matter
the myelinated parts (axons)
be able to identiy white, grey mattera
the internal white matter containes myelinated fibers extending in 3 major directions, what are they
commisural tracts
assocaition tracts
projection tracts
explain comissural tracts
connect/link the 2 hemispheres
ex: posterior/anterior comissure, corpus collosum
explain association tracts
assocaites 2 different region in the same hemispheres
ex: corona radiata
explain projection tracts
connects upper and lower parts of brain
one area of brain to a seperate region
ex: peduncle
what is basal ganglia
several masses of grey ara (2 areas)
what are the 3 main strcutres of the basal ganglia
caudate nucleus
lentiform nucleous
what is the lentiform nucelous further divided itnto
globus pallidus, putamen
where is the caudaute nucleus located
next to lateral ventricle
what is another na,e for amygdala
amygdaloid body/nucleus
internal capsule is made from grey or white matter
white matter
true or false: lateral ventricle and caudate nucleus have same shaope
be abke ti label.locate basal ganglia
what does basal ganglia do
Relay station for motor impulses
• Control large unconscious (autonomic) movements of skeletal
• Control initiation, termination and intensity
what does disorders of the basal ganglia bring about
involuntary contractions of the sksetal muscles
what are 2 examples of disorders of basal ganglia
msucle spasticity
parkinsons disease
what is common in muscle spas and parkinsons disease
there is a disruption of the msucle movement integrity
what three structures make up the diecnephalon
epithalamus, thalamus and hypothalamus
explain diencephalon
what are the two most pominant structures of the diecnephalon
thalamus and hypothalamus
what are the two endocrine glands of the diencephalon
pineal and pituitary gland
be able to locate the diecneoalpon
what matter is the thalamus made from
two masses of gray matter
what are the two masses of gray matter connected by
intermediate mass (interthalamic adhesion)
what surrounds the third ventricle
the thalamus
what is the priciple relay station for sensory (afferent impulses) travelling to the cerebral cortex
the thalamus is the priciple relay station for what
sensory (affecrent) impulses travelling to cerebral cortex
what is considered the “gateway to cortex”
true or false: thalamus relays only for sensory
false also for involuntnary motor impoulses travelling outwards
the thalmus is invovled with early or late conciois recognition
early concious recognition of senstaions related to survival (P, T, touch and pressire)
true or false; in the thalamus alone you can easily locaet pain
false, you can feel it but cannot locatze it until the thalmus sends the impulse to the corresponding part in the ceberal cortex
what gland fomrs part of the roof of the 3rd ventricle
pineal gland
what hormone does the pineal gland secrete
at least 1, melatonin, but dunction is in doubt
what are some other hormones that the pineal gland may secret
FSH and LH from ant pittuairy glands and regulate body ryhtym
be able to lcate pineal l=bland
the hypothalamus lies above or below the thalamus
where is the hypothalamus housed
partially housed in the sella turcica (well protected)
what does the hypothalmus control
many involuntary vody activties, most which have a direct effect of homeostatis (major regulator)
controls center of the ANS (digestion, respirtation, HR)
what are the 6 main functions of the hypothalmus
1) control the ANS
2) production of hromones (oxytoncin ,ADH)
3) reg of emotional and behvaiortal patterns
4) reg of eating and drinking
5) control of blood./body temp
6) reg of awakening and sleep patterns (sets daily schedule)
what are 2 projections from the hypothalamus
mamillary bodies
pituitary gland
where do the mamillary bodies lie and what are they associeted with
lie at the base of the brain and hypotthalamus (2 round masses)
associated with smell
true or false: the pituitary gland extends frm the mamillary bodies
explain the order of these strucuttues (tuber cinerum, mamillary bodies, stalk, and pituitary gland)
mam body
tuber cinerum
pituitary stalk
be able to locate the hypothalamus
what is another name for midbrain
where is the midbrain located
b/w diencephalon and pons
what are the structures found in the midbrain
cerebral peduncles copora quadrigemina (inerior and superior colliculi)
the cerebral peduncles are white or gray mayter
where do the cerebral peducnles connect
connect cerebrum to lower body.spinnal
the superior colliculi are responsible for…
the inferior colliculi are responsible for…
be able to locate midbrain
what is another name for hindbrain
the rhobecephalon is divided in what 2 parts
1) metencphealon (pons and cerebellum)
2) myencephalon (medulla oblongata)
what is the upper part of the hindbrain
what is the lower part of the hind brain
what is the metencephalon made up of
pons and cerebellum (part of 4th)
what is the myelencephalon made of
meddula oblongata
the pons is made up of white or gray matter
consists of white matter on the outside and scattered masses of gray matter (nuclei) on the inside
what are the pons repsonible for
breathing rhytm
what connection does the pons
connection b/w spinal cord and brain as well as parts of the brain with eachother
what nerves are associated with the pons
cranial nerves
be able to locate the pons.
the cerebellum is anterior or posterior to the pons
true or false: the cerebellum has 2 hemisphere
what are the 3 components of th cerebellum
vermis (connects)
cerebellar cortex
arbor vitae
what is the vermis
connection of the 2 hemispheres of cerebellum
does the vermis go all the way through
no because it is interupted by the 4th ventricles
what do the inferior cerebellar peduncles connect
connect cerebellum to medulla oblongate
what do the middle cerebellar peduncles conncet
connect cerebellum to the pons
what do the superior cerebellar peduncles conncet
cerebellum to the midbrain
be able to locate the cerebellum
what is considered the automatic pilot for motor responses
what is the main region for posture and balance
explain the function of the cerebellum
it is the main region for posture and balance
fine tuning of movements through constant feedback ,rtesolves differences b/w intended movement and actial movement
what do the cerebllar peduncles carry sensory ingo
carries sensory info from organs in muscles joints and the inner ear
what are the 3 functions of the cereballar peduncles
carry sensory info from sensory organs in muscles joints and the inner ear
enable brain to determine status of voluntary motor activites, equilibrum and balance
coordinate and provide presicion to skeletal contraction initiuated by cerebrum
is the medullar oblongata anterior, posterior inferior or superior to pons
when does the medllua oblongata become the spinal cord
when it exits the foramen magnum
what is the outside and insie of the medulla oblogate made of
outside: white matter
inside: gray matter
what does the white matter in the medulla oblongata consist of
ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) nerve dibers extending btween brain and spinal cord
where are the pyramids found
on the medulla oblongata
true or false; the pyramids never connect
false, they connect at the decussion of the pyramids which allows signals to cross over
what are some places in the brain that allow signals to cross over
intermediate mass
anterior and posterior commisure
medulla onlongata
the pyramids are ascending or decsening tracts
desciening (motor)
what does the gray matter of the medulla oblongata consist of
reflext centers play a role in the visceral reflexes, conciousness and arousal
what nerves are assocaited with medualla oblongata
cranial nerves 8,9,10,11,12
what are the 3 main reflex centers in the medulla and pons
1) cardiac center
2) vasomotor center
3) respiratory center
what does the cardac setner reflex do
heart rate regulation (rate and force)
what does the vasomootr reflex center do
regulates blood pressure by varying the fiamter of blood vessels
what does the respiratory reflex center control
it is the medullary rhythmicity area
controls dept and rhytm of breathing
what are the 3 protercotrs of the brain
CSF and meninges
where does the CSF go to
subarachnoid space in the brain and spinal cord
what are the 3 meninges
pia mater
arachnoid layer
dura mater
explain the pia mater
gentle mother
innermost layer, soft thin goes through every crevice of the brain
explain the arachnoid meninges
smiliar to spider web
middle layet
(CSF in arachnoid)
explain the dura mater meninges
though mother
outermost and cant stretch
the falx cerebri, cerebelli and tentorium cerebelli are all extensions of what meninge
dura mater
true or false: meninges of the brain are continous with those of the spinal cord
where are the vessels of the brain located i n
subarachnoid space
where does the falx cerebri extend into
the long. cerebral fissure
where is the falx cerebelli
in between cerebella hemisphere
can onlyo go as far as the vermis
where is the tentorium cerebelli
divides the cerebrum from cerebellum
into the tranvsere fissure
the BLANK extends into the long. cerebral fissure
falx cerebri
the BLANK extends in to the transverse fissure
tentorium cerebelli
where is cerebral spinal fluid produced
within ventricles
what are the ventricles are where are they located
two lateral ventricles (one in each hemi) third ventricle (center of diencephalon) 4th ventricle (in between cerebellum and medulla oblongata)
how does CSF leak
the interventricular foramen
cerebral aqeuduct
foramen of lushka
foramen of magendie
what does the cerebral aqeuduct connect
3rd to 4th
what does the intterventricular foreament connect
lateral to 3rd
the foramen of lushka brings CSF where
to the brain
the foramen of magendie brings CSF tto where
spinal cord
what is CSF formed by
by filttration of blood plasma thorough the dense networks of capillaries called the chroid plexus
what filters the blood plasma
choric plexus
true or false; chroid plexus is just capilarries in the centtricles
capilaries walls of the CP and supporting neuroglia form what
blood brain barrier