lecture 4: muscles of scalp and face Flashcards
what is scalp an acronym for
skin connective tissue apeunosris loose areolar tissue pericranium
what does skin contain
sweat and sebaceous glands, abundant arterial supply, good venous and lymphatic drainange
the connective tissue is what lyer
highley vascularized subcutaneous layer than is well supplied ith nerves
what is apeunorosis
strong tendinous sheet (broad, flat tendon)
what is the loose areolar tissue and wht does it allow
it is sponge like and allows movement of skin, connective tissue and aponeurosis
the pericranium forms the…
external periosteum of calvaria
what do the msucles of facial expression provide us with
the ability to express a wide variety of emotions
where do the msucles of facial exrpsesion lie
within the layers of superficial fascia
where do the msucles of facial expression usually originate and insert
or: in fascia or bones of the skull
ins: into the skin
what are the most important muslces of the facial expression
ones surrounding the orifices of the head(like the eyes, nose and mouth)
-sphinctrs and dialators
glosso means
labi means
genio means
mylo means
occuli means
oris means
sterno means
stylo maeans
styloid proces of temporal bone
hyo means
hyoid bone
omo means
what is another nakme for occipitofrontalis
what two muscles make up the occipitofrontalis
what is the action of the frontalis muscle
draws scalp anterior, raises eyebrwos, wrinkles forehead skin horizontally
what is the action of the occpitalis
draws scapl posteriorly
true or false: the occpitalis and frontalis are not attached
false, attached via apeunorosis
what is the n=informal name for the orbiculariis oris
kissing muscle
what is the action of the orbicularis oris
closes and protrudes lips, compresses lips against teeth and shapes lips during speech
which is more lateral the zygomaticus major or minor
what is the function of zygomaticus major (lateral)
draws angle of mouth superiorly and laterally as in smiling or laughing
what is the function of zygomaticus minor (medial)
elevatets upper lip, exposing maxillary teeth
true or falseL the levator anguli oris is deep to zygomaticus muscles
what ist he action of levator anguli oris
pulls the angle of the mouth upwards
what is the action of levator labii superioris
elevates upper lip
what is the action of depssor labii inferiorid
depresses lower lip
what is the action of the depressor anguli oris
draws angle of mouth laterally and inferiorly as in opening mouth
what msucle is deep to risorius
what is the action of the buccinator
presses cheeks against teeth and lips (whistiling, blowing, sucking), draws corner of mouth laterally and assissts in mastication by keeping food between teeth ( and not betwen teeth and cheeks)
what is the action of mentalis
elevates and protrudes lower lip and pulls the skin of the chin up (pouting)
what is the action of risorius
draws angle of mouth laterally, as in tenseness
whta is the action of platysma
draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly and psoteriorly (pouting), depresses mandible
what nerve innervates the muscles of fascial expression
cranial nerve 7
what is the action of the orbittcularis oculi
closes the eye
whata re the 2 divisions of the orbicularis oculi
orbital and palpebrae
what is the function of the currugator
draws eyebrow inferiorly and wirnkles skin of forehead vertically as in frowning
what is the action of the procerus
Wrinkles the skin between the eyebrows
the msucles that move the mandibule are corntrolled what what nerve
cranial neve 5
what are the 4 muscles taht move the madnible
medial and latteral pterygoid
what is the action of the masseter
Elevate mandible, as in closing mouth, and
retracts mandible
what is the action of the temporalis
Elevates and retracts mandible
what is the action of the medaial pterygoid
Elevates and protracts mandible and moves
mandible form side to side
what is the function of the lateral pterygoid
Protracts mandible, depresses mandible as in
opening mouth, and moves mandible from side to side
the muscels of the tongue are innervatied by waht
cranial nerve 12 (hypoglossal)
what are the 4 muscles of the tongue
• Styloglossus
• Palatoglossus
• Hyoglossus
what is the action of the genioglossus
Depresses tongue and thrusts it anteriorly
what is the action of the styloglossus
Elevates tongue and draws it posteriorly
what is the action of the palatoglossus
Elevates posterior portion of tongue and draws soft
palate down on tongue
what is the action of the hyoglossu
Depresses tongue and draws down its sides
what are the 4 muscles of the floor of the oral cavity
Digastric (CN V, VII)
• Stylohyoid (CN VII)
• Mylohyoid (CN V)
• Geniohyoid (CN XII)
the disagtric is innervated by…
the stylohyoid is innenrvated by/.//
the mylohyoid is innervated by…
what is the geniohyoid innnervaited by
what is the action of the digastric
Elevates hyoid bone and depresses mandible, as in
opening the mouth
what is the actionn of the stylohyoid
Elevates hyoid bone and draws it posteriorly
what is the action of the mylohyoid
Elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth and depresses
what is the action of the geniohyoid
Elevates hyoid bone, draws hyoid bone and tongue
anteriorly and depresses mandible
which is the deepest: digatstric stylohyoid mylohyoid geniohyoid
what is the action of the sternocledimastoid muscle if it is acting billartery
Acting bilaterally: flex the cervical portion of vertebral column,
extend head, and elevates sternum during forced inspiration
what is the action of the SCM is acting unialterally
• Acting unilaterally: laterally flex to the same side and rotate head to side opposite
contracting muscle
what is another name for the extrinsic muscles of the larynx
what are the 4 extrinsic muscles of the larynx
Omohyoid (C1-C3)
• Sternohyoid (C1-C3)
• Sternothyroid (C1-C3)
• Thyrohyoid (CN XII, C1)
what is the omohyoid innervated by
what is the sternohyoid innervated by
what is the sternothyroid innervated by
what is the thyrohyoid innervated by
what is the action of the omohyoid and sternohyoid
Depresses hyoid bone
what si the action of the sternothyeoid
Depresses thyroid cartilage of larynx
what is the function of the the thyrohyoid
Elevates thyroid cartilage and depresses hyoid bone
what does general anesthesia result in
total relaxion of the genioglossus
what does anansteria to
causes tognue to fall postteriorly, obstruction airway to lungs
how is anestheis
avoided by manual jaw thrust or endotrachial intubation