Lecture 6: Canine Stifle Flashcards
identify bones 1-5
- Femur
1’. extensor fossa
1’’. lateral femoral condyle - Patella
- Fabella (sesamoid bones in gastrocnemius)
3’ popliteal sesamoid bone - Tibia
4’. Tibial tuberosity
4’’. Tibial crest - Fibula
What bones are small independent bones in a tendon/muscle where it passes over an angular structure. They act like pulleys providing a smooth surface for tendons to slide over
Sesamoid bones
identify 1-3
1 lateral fabella
2. Popliteal sesamoid
3. Medial fabella
Identify 1-8
- Patella
- Lateral collateral ligament
- Cranial cruciate ligament
- Lateral meniscus
- Femur
- Caudal cruciate ligament
- Medial meniscus
- Medial collateral ligament
Is the fibula medial or lateral
Identify 1-13
- Quadriceps tendon
- Patella
- Cranial cruciate ligament
- Patellar ligament
- Tibial tuberosity
- Tibial crest
- Tibia
- Femur
- Lateral fabella
- Lateral collateral ligament
- Lateral meniscus
- Fibular head
- Fibula
Identify the following circled structures labeled 1-2
- Distal femur growth plate
- Proximal tibial growth plate
When does the proximal tibia growth plate close
6-12 months
When does distal femur growth plate close
6-11 months
Case example: 7mo, MI Australian Cattle dog running outside and come in house non-weight bearing lame in RHL. Painful with flexion and extension and palpation of RH stifle. The following X-ray was taken, what is the problem. Treatment?
Tibial tuberosity avulsion
Tx: pins
What are the major muscles surrounding the stifle
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, cranial tibial, long digital extensor, fascia lata, sartoius, vastus medialis
What muscles surround the lateral aspect of the stifle
Biceps femoris and fascia lata
Where does biceps femoris originate and insert
Origin: ischiatic tuberosity
Inserts: calcaneus
What is the function of bicep femoris
Extend hip, flexion and extension of stifle
what muscle is in red and what muscle is indicated by blue arrows
Red: bicep femoris
Blue arrows: fascia lata
What muscles surround the medial aspect of the stifle
Sartorius and vastus medialis
Where does sartorius originate
Ventral wing of ilium
What is the function of the medial muscles of the stifle- sartorius and vastus medialis
Flex the stifle and hip
What muscles surround the stifle cranially
What are the four quadriceps
Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius
Why muscle keeps the patella and patellar ligament in alignment
Rectus femoris
Where does the rectus femoris insert and how
Inserts on patella via patella tendon
what muscle is indicated
What muscles surround the lateral and medial distal stifle
Long digital extensor, gastrocnemius, and popliteus
Where does the long digital extensor originate and insert
Originates from the extensor fossa of the LATERAL condyle of the femur
Inserts: distal phalanx of digits 2-5
What muscle helps to rotate the stifle
what muscles are indicated by 1-3
- Long digital extensor
- Gastrocnemius
- Popliteus
What is indicated by the red arrow
Extensor fossa for the long digital extensor tendon
Normal radiograph
Case: 8mo, NM, Labrador with progressive, worsening lameness on LHL. Very stiff to get up after rest, becomes sore with activity, no known trauma. Painful on manipulation of stifle joint. The following X-ray was taken what is the problem
Osteochondrosis dissecans of the lateral femoral condyle (lateral because on side with fibula)
What dogs usually develop OCD
Rapidly growing large to giant breed dogs usually at 4-8 months, genetic
Osteochondrosis dissecans of the femur affects what structures
Medial and lateral femoral condyles
what are the major ligaments supporting the stifle
Cranial cruciate ligaments, medial collateral ligament, patellar tendon, lateral collateral ligament
Case example: 4yr, NM Bulldog with acute lameness in LHL after playing at dog park. Patient is non-weight bearing to toe-touching lame. What are our differential diagnosis? What more should we do on our physical exam? Other diagnostics?
Cruciate tests, X-rays
PE tests: cranial drawer test
Where does the cranial cruciate ligament originate and insert
Originates: caudomedial part of the lateral condyle of the femur
Inserts: cranial intercondylar area of the tibia
What is the course of the cranial cruciate ligament
Cranially, medially, and distally across the joint
Where does the caudal cruciate ligament originate and insert
Originates: medial aspect of the intercondylar fossa of the femur
Inserts: medial edge of the popliteal notch of the tibia
What does the cranial cruciate ligament prevent
- Cranial tibial translation relative to femur
- Hyperextension of the stifle joint
- Internal rotation of stifle joint
What does the caudal cruciate ligament prevent
Caudal tibial translation relative to the femur
What are the 4 landmarks for cranial drawer rest
Patella, lateral fabella, tibial tuberosity, and Fibular head
What are the repair mechanisms for a CCL tear
- Extra-capsular repair
- Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO)
- Tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA)
Case example: 3yr, MN, Newfoundland with progressive lameness on RHL. Patient had a CCL repair sx on RHL 5 months ago. Normal healing post-op. Painful on stifle manipulation with click noted. Weight bearing lameness in RH leg. Differentials?
Meniscus tear
50% of CCL tears will also have what
Meniscus tears
Which meniscus is more commonly torn and why
Medial because more attached to CCL, tibia, MCL
identify the different types of tears 1-4
- Longitudinal tear
- Bucket-handle tear
- Transverse tear
- Folded caudal pole
Case example: 4yr, FS Chihuahua presents with intermittent bilateral HL lameness. No known trauma, occasionally holds leg up, owner can sometimes hear a pop when she walks. What is a potential differential
Patellar luxation
What is a patellar luxation
When the patella slides out from between the trochlear ridges and is then bone on bone
Identify 1-3 and the problem
- Femur
- Patella
- Tibia
Problem: medial patella luxation
What are two repair mechanisms for the medial patella luxation
- Trochleoplasty- make trochlear ridge groove deeper so patella stays
- Tibial tuberosity transposition- cut patella ligament and then move over and pin into tibia
What is the name of the combined muscle group of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris
Case example: 9yr, FS, mixed breed presenting with lethargy, not eating well for 3 days, owner also noted mass around her neck and one at left rear leg- masses found are lymph nodes. What does patient have
Generalized lymphadenopathy
Where is the popliteal lymph node located
Caudal to stifle joint
How to perform arthrocentesis of stifle joint
Insert needle lateral to patellar ligament, 1/2 way between patella and tibial tuberosity, needle needs to be angled caudomedially
What nerve do you test with patellar reflex
What nerve controls majority of the leg
Where does the sciatic nerve run
Down caudal aspect of leg to hamstring behind stifle where it then gives off tibial and Fibular (peroneal) branches
For IM injections in the leg where do you want and do not want to poke
Avoid hamstrings because sciatic, isolate and poke either quad or epaxials
What two muscles does the sciatic deep and in between to
Vastus lateralis and semimembranosus